Goooooood Morning Tamriel!
It is Turdas the 18th of Sun's Height, and another sticky predawn here on warm sands. The blessed moons will be gibbous on Loredas and full on Sundas, but the moons are nearly full now. Best to keep those silver weapons close and well honed. Anyway, the blessed moons have set, and it is once again time for Ah'vrie to tend the inn for our most honored guests. Excuse please while the fires are stoked, and fresh water is put to the boil...
Our brew of the day is from India, and the biscuits are peanut butter chocolate chip. Checking the hot sheets we have 38 new mostly jiggles and patches, but let's see what catches the eye over a fresh cuppa or two.
rhonjhonson released Animation Loop magic SE ... ods/124564
The old cat has been trying to follow this one's thinking, but he's given up yes he has. This must be for screen archers to be able to capture pics of magic in use. Several of the last few mods by this author seem to have absolutely no purpose... Unless the purpose is to set up screen shots. Not for old cats.
HFs - Tankard ... ods/124567
Not impressed, the handle looks really uncomfortable, it at 64 meg you can keep it. Pass
In comparison Arcs Tankard Redux looks much better, uses a third of the vram in 4k ... ods/112567
BTW- this looks just as good in 2K and uses 1/10th the Vram of Hfs... just saying
TheOneTrueFuzzBeed is still haphazardly scattering first era stone ruins all over the map where they seem to serve no purpose. two dungeons and another giant camp today ... ameId=1704
Your game your way
HerAmbientCross released Supernatural Reflexes Alteration Spell ... ods/124577
"This mod allows you to cast an Master-level alteration spell to aid you in battle. Bending Aetherius to your will enables you to suspend time for a moment and move faster than any human or Daedra. Dodge any attack and strategize your next move while moving at supernatural speeds."
Seems a bit OP to Ah'vrie, but at least it's a master level spell. Similar to the shout.
And finally we'll end with something subtle, that Ah'vrie might want to see in game
Wearable Lanterns - Kettmah's Lighting ... ods/124507
""Wearable Lanterns - Kettmah's Lighting" is a mod which change the wearable lantern light color. It works on the Special and the Anniversary Edition of Skyrim."
It gives the light source a slightly warmer color temperature, just a subtle shift away from the blue, towards the red. Nothing drastic, just a little warmer color. This one gets a cookie
And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettl;es scrubbed, and the floors are swept. Have a seat and the wenches will serve you. We-B-Open!
Coffee with an old Khajiit
- Avrie
- Joined: Thu Nov 03, 2022 11:37 pm
- Avrie
- Joined: Thu Nov 03, 2022 11:37 pm
Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit
Goooooood Morning Tamriel!
Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Fredas the 19th of Sun's height, and thank the divines the weekend is nigh. It is a sticky predawn here on warm sands, and Ah'vrie woke to the smell of moisture in the air. The monsoons will be coming soon. Anyway, it is time once again to tend the inn for our most honored guests. Excuse please while the fires are stoked, and fresh water is put to the boil...
Our brew of the day is classic Ristretto, and the biscuits are Tate's ginger zingers. Checking the hot sheets we have 37 new with plenty of jiggles, patches, pointy sticks, and goofs. Let's see what catches the eye of an old cat over a fresh cuppa or two.
lobaa released Toying With The Dead - minor Quest Expansion as a first mod. Welcome ... ods/124659
"Adds an optional objective to a miscellaneous quest and turns it into a side quest."
Adds the option to report on the missing women to the Jarl before returning the journals to Vekel for a reward. Why not? interesting first mod. Thanks
ArcanumWarlock released three first SSE mods today. Welcome ... ameId=1704
All are enhancements and patches for the Stave church mod. Worth a look if you use the mod. Thanks
Garmagic released Serana Dialogue Expansion. ... ods/121920
AI Voiced, the author tried to expand on her personality based on the available lore. They are familiar with the similar mods available, but were unhappy with the direction they took her personality. This is their take her. Worth a read and a listen. Thanks.
St1ck2k22 released Sorcerer - Scroll Enchanters for Court Wizards ... ods/124693
"Distributes scroll enchanters from the mod Sorcerer to court wizards locations, with patches for popular location overhauls." Why not? Thanks
bientje released EncWarlockTemplateBoss - Fixed Perks ... ods/124649
"High level Warlocks are supposed to have the Impact and DestructionDualCasting perk. This mod fixes it." Seems there's an interesting template bug in the vanilla game that keeps warlock bosses from spawning with dual casting destruction, and Impact. But they are in the individual NPC records. This is not 'yet' covered by USSEP. LOL over a decade later and we're still discovering new vanilla bugs LOL. Thanks have a cookie
XphanOz released Warmaiden's Logpile Fix - Base Object Swapper ... ods/124650
"A small fix to make the Log-pile outside of Warmaiden's lay on top of the ground instead of being halfway submerged in it. Also rotates the pile slightly to align it to the wall." The old cat never noticed this before, but will now have to look. Thanks. Have a cookie
Tem's Houses - Ysolda ... ods/124668
"First mod in my Revised Edition series, where I return and re-do my older interior mods."
Hats off to any author that looks back on their early work and says I can do that better... and then actually goes back and does it better. Worth another look, and a cookie. Thanks
And finally Simple Lighting Overhaul by dBottle ... ods/124634
"Rebuilt vanilla lighting. For simplicity and performance."
"Rebuilt vanilla lighting. changed ambient lighting/directional lighting, fixed the ugly interior fog from vanilla. changed image spaces"
This is an interesting re-working of the vanilla lighting templates intended for use with either an ENB or Community shaders. Color the old cat impressed, it makes a big difference and could be used standalone without using lighting overhauls. All of the pics are interiors, and no dungeons or caves were mentioned, but it's a hell of a start and much better than vanilla. We'll give this one 2 cookies and hope they finish what they started. The old cat could see this as a foundation to be built on. Thanks
And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed. and the floors are swept. Have a seat by the fires and warm your bones. We-B-Open!
Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Fredas the 19th of Sun's height, and thank the divines the weekend is nigh. It is a sticky predawn here on warm sands, and Ah'vrie woke to the smell of moisture in the air. The monsoons will be coming soon. Anyway, it is time once again to tend the inn for our most honored guests. Excuse please while the fires are stoked, and fresh water is put to the boil...
Our brew of the day is classic Ristretto, and the biscuits are Tate's ginger zingers. Checking the hot sheets we have 37 new with plenty of jiggles, patches, pointy sticks, and goofs. Let's see what catches the eye of an old cat over a fresh cuppa or two.
lobaa released Toying With The Dead - minor Quest Expansion as a first mod. Welcome ... ods/124659
"Adds an optional objective to a miscellaneous quest and turns it into a side quest."
Adds the option to report on the missing women to the Jarl before returning the journals to Vekel for a reward. Why not? interesting first mod. Thanks
ArcanumWarlock released three first SSE mods today. Welcome ... ameId=1704
All are enhancements and patches for the Stave church mod. Worth a look if you use the mod. Thanks
Garmagic released Serana Dialogue Expansion. ... ods/121920
AI Voiced, the author tried to expand on her personality based on the available lore. They are familiar with the similar mods available, but were unhappy with the direction they took her personality. This is their take her. Worth a read and a listen. Thanks.
St1ck2k22 released Sorcerer - Scroll Enchanters for Court Wizards ... ods/124693
"Distributes scroll enchanters from the mod Sorcerer to court wizards locations, with patches for popular location overhauls." Why not? Thanks
bientje released EncWarlockTemplateBoss - Fixed Perks ... ods/124649
"High level Warlocks are supposed to have the Impact and DestructionDualCasting perk. This mod fixes it." Seems there's an interesting template bug in the vanilla game that keeps warlock bosses from spawning with dual casting destruction, and Impact. But they are in the individual NPC records. This is not 'yet' covered by USSEP. LOL over a decade later and we're still discovering new vanilla bugs LOL. Thanks have a cookie
XphanOz released Warmaiden's Logpile Fix - Base Object Swapper ... ods/124650
"A small fix to make the Log-pile outside of Warmaiden's lay on top of the ground instead of being halfway submerged in it. Also rotates the pile slightly to align it to the wall." The old cat never noticed this before, but will now have to look. Thanks. Have a cookie
Tem's Houses - Ysolda ... ods/124668
"First mod in my Revised Edition series, where I return and re-do my older interior mods."
Hats off to any author that looks back on their early work and says I can do that better... and then actually goes back and does it better. Worth another look, and a cookie. Thanks
And finally Simple Lighting Overhaul by dBottle ... ods/124634
"Rebuilt vanilla lighting. For simplicity and performance."
"Rebuilt vanilla lighting. changed ambient lighting/directional lighting, fixed the ugly interior fog from vanilla. changed image spaces"
This is an interesting re-working of the vanilla lighting templates intended for use with either an ENB or Community shaders. Color the old cat impressed, it makes a big difference and could be used standalone without using lighting overhauls. All of the pics are interiors, and no dungeons or caves were mentioned, but it's a hell of a start and much better than vanilla. We'll give this one 2 cookies and hope they finish what they started. The old cat could see this as a foundation to be built on. Thanks
And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed. and the floors are swept. Have a seat by the fires and warm your bones. We-B-Open!
- Avrie
- Joined: Thu Nov 03, 2022 11:37 pm
Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit
Gooooooood Morning Tamriel!
Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Loredas the 20th of Sun's Height and wage slaves rejoice the weekend has arrived. It's a quiet predawn here on warm sands. The blessed moons will be gibbous tonight and full tomorrow so hopefully you took an old cat's advice and honed those silver weapons, but the moons have set and we're safe for now. It's time once again for this one to tend the inn for our most honored guests. Excuse please while the ash pits are emptied and the fires are rebuilt. You'll want to cover your tankards for a bit, this tends to get a bit dusty... There' much better no? Ah'vrie always likes to begin the weekend with happy fires. Now to compost the ash, tend the garden, and scrub the kettles. Exciting no?
Our brew of the day is From Cadiz Spain, and the biscuits will be Sweet Loren's lemon cookies in a little while. The oven is still preheating. Checking the hot sheets we have 34 new mods today from names old and new. Let's see what catches the eye over a fresh cuppa or two... yeah, definitely two
MeBob6565 released Tower of Whiterun ... ods/124695
Useless and silly to an old cat, but your game your way. Moving right along...
It would seem the theme of the day is wood
qIpdIb released Timber Hearthfire Homes ... ods/124741
"What, are you afraid of dragons? What kind of pathetic Viking has plaster walls in their longhouse? TIMBER OR SOVNGARDE" LOL, Okay we like this author, and the timber walls look good as well. Have a cookie.
gremiashiy released A short renovation of Whiterun. Natural oak textures ... ods/124736
"The mod replaces all textures of rustic elements in Whiterun with natural oak textures. Only the gate stakes are unaffected. As a side effect, all Hearthfire player homes are now wooden. Parallax maps are included in the main mod, if you are using parallax meshes they will work."
fricticekrag released Vanilla Worldspace Water Seam Fix ... ods/124755
"Fixes water seams all across Skyrim's vanilla worldspaces, DLC included" A nice little fix for those not using a water overhaul. Thanks We've been seeing several of these small vanilla fixes lately. Nice to see vanilla getting some love.
We'll finish up with ETERNAL - An Appearance Overhaul For Women by BloomAndGloom ... ods/122450
"This mod changes the appearance of all named women in the game, and some none generic ones too. 295 NPCs in total. No requirements."
A bit too young, and maybe a little too cookie cutter to an old cat's eye as well, but at least it's not another super model overhaul. We love choice. Have a cookie
And that will do for today. The ale was delivered on time, and the new batch of mead is ready so Ah'vrie hopes you are all very thirsty. We're serving medallions of marinated venison on a bed of roast diced potatoes with caramelized onions, served with a poached egg on top for the early meal. Grilled wolf chops with a tangy jazbay reduction, twice baked garlic potatoes, and carrots sauteed in herb butter for the late meal. As always we'll have a healthy stew simmering all day for those with a heartier appetite.
The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept and mopped. Have a seat and the wenches will serve you. We-B-Open!
Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Loredas the 20th of Sun's Height and wage slaves rejoice the weekend has arrived. It's a quiet predawn here on warm sands. The blessed moons will be gibbous tonight and full tomorrow so hopefully you took an old cat's advice and honed those silver weapons, but the moons have set and we're safe for now. It's time once again for this one to tend the inn for our most honored guests. Excuse please while the ash pits are emptied and the fires are rebuilt. You'll want to cover your tankards for a bit, this tends to get a bit dusty... There' much better no? Ah'vrie always likes to begin the weekend with happy fires. Now to compost the ash, tend the garden, and scrub the kettles. Exciting no?
Our brew of the day is From Cadiz Spain, and the biscuits will be Sweet Loren's lemon cookies in a little while. The oven is still preheating. Checking the hot sheets we have 34 new mods today from names old and new. Let's see what catches the eye over a fresh cuppa or two... yeah, definitely two

MeBob6565 released Tower of Whiterun ... ods/124695
Useless and silly to an old cat, but your game your way. Moving right along...
It would seem the theme of the day is wood
qIpdIb released Timber Hearthfire Homes ... ods/124741
"What, are you afraid of dragons? What kind of pathetic Viking has plaster walls in their longhouse? TIMBER OR SOVNGARDE" LOL, Okay we like this author, and the timber walls look good as well. Have a cookie.
gremiashiy released A short renovation of Whiterun. Natural oak textures ... ods/124736
"The mod replaces all textures of rustic elements in Whiterun with natural oak textures. Only the gate stakes are unaffected. As a side effect, all Hearthfire player homes are now wooden. Parallax maps are included in the main mod, if you are using parallax meshes they will work."
fricticekrag released Vanilla Worldspace Water Seam Fix ... ods/124755
"Fixes water seams all across Skyrim's vanilla worldspaces, DLC included" A nice little fix for those not using a water overhaul. Thanks We've been seeing several of these small vanilla fixes lately. Nice to see vanilla getting some love.
We'll finish up with ETERNAL - An Appearance Overhaul For Women by BloomAndGloom ... ods/122450
"This mod changes the appearance of all named women in the game, and some none generic ones too. 295 NPCs in total. No requirements."
A bit too young, and maybe a little too cookie cutter to an old cat's eye as well, but at least it's not another super model overhaul. We love choice. Have a cookie
And that will do for today. The ale was delivered on time, and the new batch of mead is ready so Ah'vrie hopes you are all very thirsty. We're serving medallions of marinated venison on a bed of roast diced potatoes with caramelized onions, served with a poached egg on top for the early meal. Grilled wolf chops with a tangy jazbay reduction, twice baked garlic potatoes, and carrots sauteed in herb butter for the late meal. As always we'll have a healthy stew simmering all day for those with a heartier appetite.
The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept and mopped. Have a seat and the wenches will serve you. We-B-Open!
- Avrie
- Joined: Thu Nov 03, 2022 11:37 pm
Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit
Goooooood Morning Tamriel!
Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Sundas the 21st of Sun's Height and the blessed moons are full tonight. Enter the inn smelling of wet dog and you'll be tasting this ones silver mace not his mead. But for now the moons have set and it is once again time to tend the inn for our most honored guests. Excuse please while the fires are stoked and fresh water is put to the boil.
Our brew of the day is from India, and there are still plenty of lemon biscuits from yesterday. Checking the hot sheets we have 48 new with all the usual jiggles, dangles, patches and goofs. Let's see what catches the eye over a fresh cuppa or two...
Desvanillier released Troll - Upscaled Textures as a first mod. Welcome ... ods/124779
"Trolls with better resolution and considerable reduction in artifacts caused by BC3 compress" Not much information, but they look well done. Thanks, have a cookie
Orshalim released No Volcanic Grass as a second mod. ... ods/124801
"Removes the grass in volcanic areas." And not even a decent picture... Pass
ImperialAgent1992 released Necromancer Archer Starter Kit ... ods/124829
It's you basic restart cheat mod, has several requirements as some of the added gear is from mods. Thanks
Maleficus32 released Turn in Contraband ... ods/124767
"If you find skooma or moon sugar during your travels and are morally averse to using it, selling it, or leaving it behind, you may now turn these illegal items in to your local guard for a small reward. Esl-flagged." Nice, this should have been a vanilla mechanic. Have a cookie.
anbeegod released Follower Dialogue Expansion - Ysolda ... ods/124787
"Makes Ysolda a full-fledged follower with 172 immersive and lore-friendly voiced lines. Includes quest and location awareness."
This takes some liberty with her and her parents back story. You'll want to read the mod page. Not for old cats, but worth a look. Thanks
hanshotfirst01 returned with 3 new mods today ... ameId=1704
Replacer mods for pitchforks, keys, and satchels. All three are worth a look. It's obvious to the old cat that this one has never hand forged the handle socket for a tool, but we can forgive that. Nice, we love choice, thanks.
gutmaw released More Silver and Dwemer Kitchenware - Base Object Swapper ... ods/124592
"Adds several pieces of new Silver and Dwemer style kitchenware and misc items...cups, forks, tankards, flagons, vases, etc and distributes them into the world using Base Object Swapper. Also adds a Legacy of the Dragonborn patch that fills up the cabinets in the Safehouse dining room." Because if there's one thing LOTD needs it's more stuff for the Museum LOL Looks snazzy
Foamimi released MOXIE - Masculine Skinblend (NSFW) ... ods/124803
"A masculine skinblend designed to be used with SOS Full, HIMBO, and/or TNG."
This one's worth a serious look. 2k and 4k with hairless, less muscular, and sweaty options, and patches for several popular followers including Bjorn and Kaidan 2. This one gets a cookie as well.
And finally, we'll finish up with a new take on Parallax Riften from TBA while keeping the vanilla look as much as possible. This one gets the top slot. Vanilla plus is not always easy.
TheBlenderAnimator released Better Riften (With Parallax Support) ... ods/124762
"A re-fresh of Riften in UHD (with up to 8K textures) with a vanilla style. Updating the walls, ground and some of the wood in Riften."
The old cat likes every texture and that's not normal. This one is worth a look and a cookie or two. TBA does good work.
And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles are scrubbed, and the floors are swept. Have a seat by the fires and warm your bones. We-B-Open!
Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Sundas the 21st of Sun's Height and the blessed moons are full tonight. Enter the inn smelling of wet dog and you'll be tasting this ones silver mace not his mead. But for now the moons have set and it is once again time to tend the inn for our most honored guests. Excuse please while the fires are stoked and fresh water is put to the boil.
Our brew of the day is from India, and there are still plenty of lemon biscuits from yesterday. Checking the hot sheets we have 48 new with all the usual jiggles, dangles, patches and goofs. Let's see what catches the eye over a fresh cuppa or two...
Desvanillier released Troll - Upscaled Textures as a first mod. Welcome ... ods/124779
"Trolls with better resolution and considerable reduction in artifacts caused by BC3 compress" Not much information, but they look well done. Thanks, have a cookie
Orshalim released No Volcanic Grass as a second mod. ... ods/124801
"Removes the grass in volcanic areas." And not even a decent picture... Pass
ImperialAgent1992 released Necromancer Archer Starter Kit ... ods/124829
It's you basic restart cheat mod, has several requirements as some of the added gear is from mods. Thanks
Maleficus32 released Turn in Contraband ... ods/124767
"If you find skooma or moon sugar during your travels and are morally averse to using it, selling it, or leaving it behind, you may now turn these illegal items in to your local guard for a small reward. Esl-flagged." Nice, this should have been a vanilla mechanic. Have a cookie.
anbeegod released Follower Dialogue Expansion - Ysolda ... ods/124787
"Makes Ysolda a full-fledged follower with 172 immersive and lore-friendly voiced lines. Includes quest and location awareness."
This takes some liberty with her and her parents back story. You'll want to read the mod page. Not for old cats, but worth a look. Thanks
hanshotfirst01 returned with 3 new mods today ... ameId=1704
Replacer mods for pitchforks, keys, and satchels. All three are worth a look. It's obvious to the old cat that this one has never hand forged the handle socket for a tool, but we can forgive that. Nice, we love choice, thanks.
gutmaw released More Silver and Dwemer Kitchenware - Base Object Swapper ... ods/124592
"Adds several pieces of new Silver and Dwemer style kitchenware and misc items...cups, forks, tankards, flagons, vases, etc and distributes them into the world using Base Object Swapper. Also adds a Legacy of the Dragonborn patch that fills up the cabinets in the Safehouse dining room." Because if there's one thing LOTD needs it's more stuff for the Museum LOL Looks snazzy

Foamimi released MOXIE - Masculine Skinblend (NSFW) ... ods/124803
"A masculine skinblend designed to be used with SOS Full, HIMBO, and/or TNG."
This one's worth a serious look. 2k and 4k with hairless, less muscular, and sweaty options, and patches for several popular followers including Bjorn and Kaidan 2. This one gets a cookie as well.
And finally, we'll finish up with a new take on Parallax Riften from TBA while keeping the vanilla look as much as possible. This one gets the top slot. Vanilla plus is not always easy.
TheBlenderAnimator released Better Riften (With Parallax Support) ... ods/124762
"A re-fresh of Riften in UHD (with up to 8K textures) with a vanilla style. Updating the walls, ground and some of the wood in Riften."
The old cat likes every texture and that's not normal. This one is worth a look and a cookie or two. TBA does good work.
And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles are scrubbed, and the floors are swept. Have a seat by the fires and warm your bones. We-B-Open!
- Avrie
- Joined: Thu Nov 03, 2022 11:37 pm
Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit
Gooooooood Morning Tamriel!
Ah'vrie wishes you well. it is Morndas the 22nd of Sun's Height and another sultry predawn here on warm sands. The blessed moons are gibbous tonight so keep those silver weapons close for another day or two at least, but for now, the moons have set and it is once again time for this one to tend the inn for our most honored guests. Excuse please while the fires are stoked and fresh water is put to the boil...
Our brew of the day is Istanbul espresso, and the biscuits are Tate's ginger zingers. Checking the hot sheets we have 50 new with all the usual suspects. Let's see what catches an old cat's eye over a fresh cuppa or two.
ImperialWatchman released Watchman's Halted Stream Camp as a first mod. Welcome ... ods/124867
bigger, a few more shacks, and more baddies inside and out... Looks like they had fun so why not? Thanks.
AstelliaLanireil released LKJA Narri replacer as a first mod. Welcome ... ods/124853
"I hated the vanilla look of Narri in my game, when compared to my modded npc, so I made my own replacer." Vanilla Narri is pretty bad LOL Thanks
Desvanillier released Chaurus - Upscaled Textures ... ods/124860
"Chaurus with better resolution and considerable reduction in artifacts caused by BC3 compress" Their second mod, and another very nice job. Thanks, have a cookie.
Edmond's Nature Series - MOUNTAIN FLOWERS ... ods/124863
"High quality Ultra HD retexture and remake of every Mountain Flower and their associated ingredient in Skyrim (DLC Mountain Flowers Included) and includes Mountain Flower mesh improvements. The mod only contains textures and meshes.
An interesting take. The old cat is not thrilled with the pastel shading on the ingredients. They look... flat, almost cartoonish. Worth a look, but Mari still rules.
gutmaw released Diverse Snowberry Wreaths - Base Object Swapper ... ods/124868
"Distributes 4 different Snowberry Wreaths throughout the world using Base Object Swapper" This has several requirements, and includes patches. You'll want to read the whole mod page. Nice, thanks
FrankBlack released Cooking in Kettles on Campfires - Base Object Swapper ... ods/124883
"This mod is a part of a larger project I'm working on, but I'm uploading it separately as it works as a standalone addition. It adds the kettles from my mod slightly Better Kettles and pans from Cooking Pots SMIMed to hunter camps around Skyrim. You don't need those mods installed to use this one as all the textures and meshes required are in the download." Nice, worth a look and a cookie. This 'larger project' sounds interesting.
Tem's Houses - Uthgerd ... ods/124856
"Second mod in my Revised series, where I return and re-do my older interior mods."
Well, the stuffed bear and sabercat in the kitchen is a bit much for a tiny house, but then Uthgerd is a bit... unique LOL. Thanks
And finally. not exactly a mod of the day, but worthy
Whimsical Wizards - Winterhold College NPC Overhaul by Tragedian ... ods/124354
"A makeover mod for the College of Winterhold featuring unique, lore-friendly looks."
This is the authors 11th makeover mod and as advertised the look is both unique and lore friendly. Seriously worth a look, and a cookie. We love choice. Thanks
And that will do for today, The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept. Have a seat by the fires and warm your bones. We-B-Open!
Ah'vrie wishes you well. it is Morndas the 22nd of Sun's Height and another sultry predawn here on warm sands. The blessed moons are gibbous tonight so keep those silver weapons close for another day or two at least, but for now, the moons have set and it is once again time for this one to tend the inn for our most honored guests. Excuse please while the fires are stoked and fresh water is put to the boil...
Our brew of the day is Istanbul espresso, and the biscuits are Tate's ginger zingers. Checking the hot sheets we have 50 new with all the usual suspects. Let's see what catches an old cat's eye over a fresh cuppa or two.
ImperialWatchman released Watchman's Halted Stream Camp as a first mod. Welcome ... ods/124867
bigger, a few more shacks, and more baddies inside and out... Looks like they had fun so why not? Thanks.
AstelliaLanireil released LKJA Narri replacer as a first mod. Welcome ... ods/124853
"I hated the vanilla look of Narri in my game, when compared to my modded npc, so I made my own replacer." Vanilla Narri is pretty bad LOL Thanks
Desvanillier released Chaurus - Upscaled Textures ... ods/124860
"Chaurus with better resolution and considerable reduction in artifacts caused by BC3 compress" Their second mod, and another very nice job. Thanks, have a cookie.
Edmond's Nature Series - MOUNTAIN FLOWERS ... ods/124863
"High quality Ultra HD retexture and remake of every Mountain Flower and their associated ingredient in Skyrim (DLC Mountain Flowers Included) and includes Mountain Flower mesh improvements. The mod only contains textures and meshes.
An interesting take. The old cat is not thrilled with the pastel shading on the ingredients. They look... flat, almost cartoonish. Worth a look, but Mari still rules.
gutmaw released Diverse Snowberry Wreaths - Base Object Swapper ... ods/124868
"Distributes 4 different Snowberry Wreaths throughout the world using Base Object Swapper" This has several requirements, and includes patches. You'll want to read the whole mod page. Nice, thanks
FrankBlack released Cooking in Kettles on Campfires - Base Object Swapper ... ods/124883
"This mod is a part of a larger project I'm working on, but I'm uploading it separately as it works as a standalone addition. It adds the kettles from my mod slightly Better Kettles and pans from Cooking Pots SMIMed to hunter camps around Skyrim. You don't need those mods installed to use this one as all the textures and meshes required are in the download." Nice, worth a look and a cookie. This 'larger project' sounds interesting.
Tem's Houses - Uthgerd ... ods/124856
"Second mod in my Revised series, where I return and re-do my older interior mods."
Well, the stuffed bear and sabercat in the kitchen is a bit much for a tiny house, but then Uthgerd is a bit... unique LOL. Thanks
And finally. not exactly a mod of the day, but worthy
Whimsical Wizards - Winterhold College NPC Overhaul by Tragedian ... ods/124354
"A makeover mod for the College of Winterhold featuring unique, lore-friendly looks."
This is the authors 11th makeover mod and as advertised the look is both unique and lore friendly. Seriously worth a look, and a cookie. We love choice. Thanks
And that will do for today, The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept. Have a seat by the fires and warm your bones. We-B-Open!
- Avrie
- Joined: Thu Nov 03, 2022 11:37 pm
Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit
Goooooood Morning Tamriel!
Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Tirdas the 23rd of Sun's Height, and this one apologizes for being tardy. It's another sticky dawn here on warm sands, and long past time for Ah'vrie to tend the inn. Excuse please while the fires are stoked, and fresh water is put to the boil...
Our brew of the day is Miami espresso, and the biscuits will have to wait on the markets. Checking the hot sheets we have 34 new, but not much catches the eye. Let's see what does over a fresh cuppa...
First a shoutout to BlessingS91 for releasing 4 first mods today. Welcome ... ameId=1704
All MCO patches and tweaks that would not make the review, but welcome.
mora94 released Vikings Armor SPID Distribution as a first mod. Welcome ... ods/124983
This mod actually turns off a few of the original armors... Good taste should be rewarded. This one gets a cookie.
Faultierfan released Stockades texture path fix as a first mod. Welcome ... ods/125005
"Corrects texture paths on two stockades meshes" Still ugly, but with better wood? Thanks
ImperialWatchman released Watchman's Bleakwind Basin as their second mod in 24 hours ... ods/125003
Mama said if you have nothing nice to say... Sorry, but the old cat thinks this one is just silly. There is no strategic value in building three watch towers that close together along with a first era bridge to no where Hopefully this one is not learning from TheOneTrueFuzzBeed. We already have a master of adding useless stone ruins... Speaking of which.
TheOneTrueFuzzBeed released Abhorrent Abandoned Shack ... ods/124951
"An overhaul of the Abandoned Shack showcased in the Dark Brotherhood Questline"
Seeing as they swapped out the book case Astrid is scripted to lounge on when the player wakes for a torture rack... I think we'll label this untested. PASS
And finally we have Aksa ENB by dBottle ... ods/124984
"Lightweight ENB for Northern Weathers"
Somber, desaturated, and favors the greens noticeably... The old cat could deal with Somber and desaturates, but reds look brown, blues are muted, and everything has a green caste. Hard Pass on this one. It just looks wrong.
And that will do for today, The old cat could have stood in bed. Oh well. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept. We-B-Open!
Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Tirdas the 23rd of Sun's Height, and this one apologizes for being tardy. It's another sticky dawn here on warm sands, and long past time for Ah'vrie to tend the inn. Excuse please while the fires are stoked, and fresh water is put to the boil...
Our brew of the day is Miami espresso, and the biscuits will have to wait on the markets. Checking the hot sheets we have 34 new, but not much catches the eye. Let's see what does over a fresh cuppa...
First a shoutout to BlessingS91 for releasing 4 first mods today. Welcome ... ameId=1704
All MCO patches and tweaks that would not make the review, but welcome.
mora94 released Vikings Armor SPID Distribution as a first mod. Welcome ... ods/124983
This mod actually turns off a few of the original armors... Good taste should be rewarded. This one gets a cookie.
Faultierfan released Stockades texture path fix as a first mod. Welcome ... ods/125005
"Corrects texture paths on two stockades meshes" Still ugly, but with better wood? Thanks
ImperialWatchman released Watchman's Bleakwind Basin as their second mod in 24 hours ... ods/125003
Mama said if you have nothing nice to say... Sorry, but the old cat thinks this one is just silly. There is no strategic value in building three watch towers that close together along with a first era bridge to no where Hopefully this one is not learning from TheOneTrueFuzzBeed. We already have a master of adding useless stone ruins... Speaking of which.
TheOneTrueFuzzBeed released Abhorrent Abandoned Shack ... ods/124951
"An overhaul of the Abandoned Shack showcased in the Dark Brotherhood Questline"
Seeing as they swapped out the book case Astrid is scripted to lounge on when the player wakes for a torture rack... I think we'll label this untested. PASS
And finally we have Aksa ENB by dBottle ... ods/124984
"Lightweight ENB for Northern Weathers"
Somber, desaturated, and favors the greens noticeably... The old cat could deal with Somber and desaturates, but reds look brown, blues are muted, and everything has a green caste. Hard Pass on this one. It just looks wrong.
And that will do for today, The old cat could have stood in bed. Oh well. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept. We-B-Open!
- Avrie
- Joined: Thu Nov 03, 2022 11:37 pm
Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit
Gooooooood Morning Tamriel!
Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Midas the 24th of Sun's Height and another sticky predawn here on warm sands. The blessed moons have set, the paths are closed and it is time once again for Ah'vrie to tend the inn for our most honored guests. Excuse please while the fires are stoked, and fresh water is put to the boil...
Our brew of the day is Stockholm Lungo, and the biscuits are Tate's lemon cookies. Checking the hot sheets we have 37 new with the usual jiggles, dangles, patches, and pointy sticks. Not much substance today. Let's see what catches the eye over a fresh cuppa...
TheOneTrueFuzzBeed is still adding ruins that make no sense... Dustman's Cairn today ... ods/125019
tcbflash released Weapon Balance Overhaul II ... ods/125029
"A redone version of my original weapon balance overhaul, but including many further refinements" what?... oh thanks
TheLastAkaviri531 released Moon to your Sugar - Ysolda NPC Overhaul ... ods/124894
Ysolda as a feisty green eyed red head, why not? three hair styles to pick from
Shekhinaga released QUI - Unofficial Update ... ods/124796
"Quick and dirty update to QUI to be usable in 1.6.1130+. Requires the original mod."
"compiled it against a more up-to-date version of commonlib"
That will make some people really happy. Thanks
We'll finish up today with something different for the old cat. Mihail takes the top slot
Haystacks- Mihail's Shards of Immersion ... ods/125021
"The farms and stables throughout Skyrim now have haystacks, giving more life to farmers and their daily activities in the field."
There's a bit of visible horizontal banding, but overall these look really good. He should have added them around a few of the stables as well. This one gets a cookie
And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept. Have a seat and the wenches will serve you. We-B-Open!
Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Midas the 24th of Sun's Height and another sticky predawn here on warm sands. The blessed moons have set, the paths are closed and it is time once again for Ah'vrie to tend the inn for our most honored guests. Excuse please while the fires are stoked, and fresh water is put to the boil...
Our brew of the day is Stockholm Lungo, and the biscuits are Tate's lemon cookies. Checking the hot sheets we have 37 new with the usual jiggles, dangles, patches, and pointy sticks. Not much substance today. Let's see what catches the eye over a fresh cuppa...
TheOneTrueFuzzBeed is still adding ruins that make no sense... Dustman's Cairn today ... ods/125019
tcbflash released Weapon Balance Overhaul II ... ods/125029
"A redone version of my original weapon balance overhaul, but including many further refinements" what?... oh thanks
TheLastAkaviri531 released Moon to your Sugar - Ysolda NPC Overhaul ... ods/124894
Ysolda as a feisty green eyed red head, why not? three hair styles to pick from
Shekhinaga released QUI - Unofficial Update ... ods/124796
"Quick and dirty update to QUI to be usable in 1.6.1130+. Requires the original mod."
"compiled it against a more up-to-date version of commonlib"
That will make some people really happy. Thanks
We'll finish up today with something different for the old cat. Mihail takes the top slot
Haystacks- Mihail's Shards of Immersion ... ods/125021
"The farms and stables throughout Skyrim now have haystacks, giving more life to farmers and their daily activities in the field."
There's a bit of visible horizontal banding, but overall these look really good. He should have added them around a few of the stables as well. This one gets a cookie
And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept. Have a seat and the wenches will serve you. We-B-Open!
- Avrie
- Joined: Thu Nov 03, 2022 11:37 pm
Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit
Gooooood Morning Tamriel!
Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Turdas the 25th of Sun's Height and another sticky predawn here on warm sands. Time once again for this one to tend the inn for our most honored guests. Excuse please while the fires are stoked and fresh water is put to the boil...
Our brew of the day is Inspirazione a Venezia, and the biscuits are oatmeal cranberry. Checking the hot sheets we have 56 new and a disappointing few caught the eye today. Let's have a look at what did...
Physics Windy Windmill Fan ... ods/125105
aekiri is still playing with Havok based physics... Maybe they should actually learn a little about physics first. Airfoils do not reverse direction like that.
Vraylle released two patches for missing text characters for mods written by authors using extended character sets. Thanks ... ameId=1704
shazdeh2 released Quick Item Transfer ... ods/125160
"This mod adds a keyboard shortcut ("T" by default, customizable in MCM) that appears in Container menus, and allows you to take or drop everything in the current category you're viewing (Weapon, Food, Potion, etc.). For Misc items a little menu pops up and you can select what item type to drop or take."
Manual quickloot... Whatever makes you happy
darixdrowned53 released Difficulty Reset ... ods/125135
"Resets difficulty to vanilla values." Made in response to installing too many combat modifying mods and losing track of what changed what...
Mod it till it breaks, then fix it with mods
JobiWanUK released New Female Guard Voices ... ods/125124
"Did you know that every single female guard and soldier in Skyrim has the same voice type (Female Nord)? Well not any more. New Female Guard introduces two original voices - Female Guard for the Stormcloaks side and Female Breton for the Imperials."
You'll want to read the entire mad page... Where to begin. This uses Eleven Labs to create two new voice types for female guards of the two mentioned factions, and patches for several popular dialog overhauls. The old cat will pass on this for so many reasons, but it's not Ah'vrie's game.
And finally Lulu's Jarls Of Riften ... ods/124952
"This is a replacer for the two jarls of Riften the ruthless Maven And the lawfull Laila"
An interesting take, but they could be twins Some days it doesn't pay for the old cat to get out of bed... We-B-open! need more coffee
Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Turdas the 25th of Sun's Height and another sticky predawn here on warm sands. Time once again for this one to tend the inn for our most honored guests. Excuse please while the fires are stoked and fresh water is put to the boil...
Our brew of the day is Inspirazione a Venezia, and the biscuits are oatmeal cranberry. Checking the hot sheets we have 56 new and a disappointing few caught the eye today. Let's have a look at what did...
Physics Windy Windmill Fan ... ods/125105
aekiri is still playing with Havok based physics... Maybe they should actually learn a little about physics first. Airfoils do not reverse direction like that.
Vraylle released two patches for missing text characters for mods written by authors using extended character sets. Thanks ... ameId=1704
shazdeh2 released Quick Item Transfer ... ods/125160
"This mod adds a keyboard shortcut ("T" by default, customizable in MCM) that appears in Container menus, and allows you to take or drop everything in the current category you're viewing (Weapon, Food, Potion, etc.). For Misc items a little menu pops up and you can select what item type to drop or take."
Manual quickloot... Whatever makes you happy
darixdrowned53 released Difficulty Reset ... ods/125135
"Resets difficulty to vanilla values." Made in response to installing too many combat modifying mods and losing track of what changed what...
Mod it till it breaks, then fix it with mods
JobiWanUK released New Female Guard Voices ... ods/125124
"Did you know that every single female guard and soldier in Skyrim has the same voice type (Female Nord)? Well not any more. New Female Guard introduces two original voices - Female Guard for the Stormcloaks side and Female Breton for the Imperials."
You'll want to read the entire mad page... Where to begin. This uses Eleven Labs to create two new voice types for female guards of the two mentioned factions, and patches for several popular dialog overhauls. The old cat will pass on this for so many reasons, but it's not Ah'vrie's game.
And finally Lulu's Jarls Of Riften ... ods/124952
"This is a replacer for the two jarls of Riften the ruthless Maven And the lawfull Laila"
An interesting take, but they could be twins Some days it doesn't pay for the old cat to get out of bed... We-B-open! need more coffee
- Avrie
- Joined: Thu Nov 03, 2022 11:37 pm
Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit
Gooooooood Morning Tamriel!
Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Fredas the 26th of Sun's Height and a sticky predawn here on warm sands and thank the divines the weekend is nigh. The monsoons of Elsweyr have finally begun, and this one always sleeps like a baby during thunder storms. Anyway, the blessed moons have set, and it is time once again for Ah'vrie to tend the inn for our most honored guests. Excuse please while the fires are stoked and fresh water is put to the boil.
Our brew of the day is Stockholm Lungo, and this one will be going to the markets this morning and will be baking fresh for the weekend. For now We have plenty of Oatmeal raisin Checking the hot sheets we have 52 new Mostly jiggles, dangles, and accessories, with a few patches thrown in for seasoning. Let's see what catches the eye over a fresh cuppa...
KnuckleSteam released Simple Wearable Lanterns - On The Back-Hip as a first mod. Welcome ... ods/125191
A simple .nif model replacer that places the lanterns from Simple Lanterns, on the back-hip of your character. Includes all 3 lanterns (both female and male). Thanks Have a cookie for not being a house in Riverwood or a god weapon
Let's see... Fuzzbeed is still making landscape edits around giant camps. His latest will conflict with Heljarchen farm. Hard pass
Vraylle is still making Nirn safe for non English extended character codes. Thanks
Halffaces released a ship's wheel mesh replacer. Pretty, but barely used, 66 meg? PASS
jeffcutsinger patched Less Confrontational Animals by Nyphani (For Edmond's SkyTEST Lite) ... ods/125174
Peeking under the hood we have gavwhittaker releasing ParallaxR ... ods/124711
"ParallaxR creates more parallax files for your game to expand the 3D effect. They are optimised to use minimal VRAM and the Outputs contain only texture files meaning there are no scripts, no plugins and no need to start a new game. This mod ties in well with the arrival of ParallaxGen and the goodness of Auto Parallax."
The old cat is a little leery of automating height map creation considering the number of badly stretched textures he's seen in the past yes he is... Worth testing on individual mods though. The old cat will be interesting in seeing mods made using this tool, and will reserve judgement for now. Thanks
And now for something completely different...
ColdSun's Visions - Sofia - Replacer or Follower ... ods/125206
"A replacer for the popular follower mod "Sofia" by djjohnjarvis. Includes support for 3BA, BHUNP, CBBE, TBD, and UNP. ESPFE to save a spot in your load order. Separate Follower download for those that want one."
While the old cat generally finds ColdSun's 'super model' NPCs a bit cookie cutter in general. This one tends to capture Sofia quite well... Or at least the old cat can picture her dancing naked on a table Worth a look.
And finally our mod of the day... Sound the trumpets!
JHTI Mountains And Rocks CPM 8K by Avyzzvaith ... ods/125199
"Complex Parallax Materials Remake of Vanilla Mountains & Rocks textures"
Let me rephrase that... VANILLA MOUNTAINS upscaled to 8K with Parallax support!
There are some requirements, but the pictures tell the tale. The blending is quite nice, and the color pallet is of course perfect. Seriously worth a look, and a cookie. The old cat needs to chat with Wizkid and see if this works with the Atlantean series out of the box. Sometimes Vanilla is the flavor of choice. Thanks
And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept. Have a seat by the fires and warm your bones. We-B-Open!
Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Fredas the 26th of Sun's Height and a sticky predawn here on warm sands and thank the divines the weekend is nigh. The monsoons of Elsweyr have finally begun, and this one always sleeps like a baby during thunder storms. Anyway, the blessed moons have set, and it is time once again for Ah'vrie to tend the inn for our most honored guests. Excuse please while the fires are stoked and fresh water is put to the boil.
Our brew of the day is Stockholm Lungo, and this one will be going to the markets this morning and will be baking fresh for the weekend. For now We have plenty of Oatmeal raisin Checking the hot sheets we have 52 new Mostly jiggles, dangles, and accessories, with a few patches thrown in for seasoning. Let's see what catches the eye over a fresh cuppa...
KnuckleSteam released Simple Wearable Lanterns - On The Back-Hip as a first mod. Welcome ... ods/125191
A simple .nif model replacer that places the lanterns from Simple Lanterns, on the back-hip of your character. Includes all 3 lanterns (both female and male). Thanks Have a cookie for not being a house in Riverwood or a god weapon
Let's see... Fuzzbeed is still making landscape edits around giant camps. His latest will conflict with Heljarchen farm. Hard pass
Vraylle is still making Nirn safe for non English extended character codes. Thanks
Halffaces released a ship's wheel mesh replacer. Pretty, but barely used, 66 meg? PASS
jeffcutsinger patched Less Confrontational Animals by Nyphani (For Edmond's SkyTEST Lite) ... ods/125174
Peeking under the hood we have gavwhittaker releasing ParallaxR ... ods/124711
"ParallaxR creates more parallax files for your game to expand the 3D effect. They are optimised to use minimal VRAM and the Outputs contain only texture files meaning there are no scripts, no plugins and no need to start a new game. This mod ties in well with the arrival of ParallaxGen and the goodness of Auto Parallax."
The old cat is a little leery of automating height map creation considering the number of badly stretched textures he's seen in the past yes he is... Worth testing on individual mods though. The old cat will be interesting in seeing mods made using this tool, and will reserve judgement for now. Thanks
And now for something completely different...
ColdSun's Visions - Sofia - Replacer or Follower ... ods/125206
"A replacer for the popular follower mod "Sofia" by djjohnjarvis. Includes support for 3BA, BHUNP, CBBE, TBD, and UNP. ESPFE to save a spot in your load order. Separate Follower download for those that want one."
While the old cat generally finds ColdSun's 'super model' NPCs a bit cookie cutter in general. This one tends to capture Sofia quite well... Or at least the old cat can picture her dancing naked on a table Worth a look.
And finally our mod of the day... Sound the trumpets!
JHTI Mountains And Rocks CPM 8K by Avyzzvaith ... ods/125199
"Complex Parallax Materials Remake of Vanilla Mountains & Rocks textures"
Let me rephrase that... VANILLA MOUNTAINS upscaled to 8K with Parallax support!
There are some requirements, but the pictures tell the tale. The blending is quite nice, and the color pallet is of course perfect. Seriously worth a look, and a cookie. The old cat needs to chat with Wizkid and see if this works with the Atlantean series out of the box. Sometimes Vanilla is the flavor of choice. Thanks
And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept. Have a seat by the fires and warm your bones. We-B-Open!
- Avrie
- Joined: Thu Nov 03, 2022 11:37 pm
Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit
Goooooooood Morning Tamriel!
Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Loredas the 27th of Sun's height and wage slaves rejoice the weekend has arrived. The blessed moons have set and it is time once again for this one to tend the inn for our most honored guests. Excuse please while the ash pits are emptied and the fires rebuilt. You may want to cover your tankards for a bit, this tends to get pretty dusty, but a happy fire needs to breathe... There, much better no? Now to compost the ash, tend the garden, scrub the kettles, sweep and mop the floors, but first we put fresh water to the boil. Ah'vrie needs his coffee yes he does.
Our brew of the day is Inspirazione a Napoli, and the biscuits are Tate's chocolate Chip. Checking the hot sheets we have 46 new mods. Mostly jiggles, dangles, and pointy sticks. Let's see what catches the eye over a fresh cuppa or three.
Ridenberg released Tweaked Power Attack Damage and Stamina as a first mod. Welcome ... ods/125272
"This mod reduces power attack damage and stamina consumption for both player and NPCs for better combat flow." While the old cat is not a big fan of the combat overhauls, this mod makes a lot of sense for anyone starting a new 'stamina' based game. Make sure to read the mod page. This requires SPID. Thanks
tcbflash released My Thane Weapon Tweaks ... ods/125341
"Thane weapons now draw from a pool of Steel tier through Ebony tier (no more Iron, no more Daedric), and each tier has equal random chance, regardless of your level. That's it!"
There is some serious RPG gaming wisdom to this mod... Have a cookie and thanks
galaxy94 released two today a patch to fix the roof textures in happy Homestead and...
Cheskos Wearable Lanterns 2024 SE AE - No Extra Steps ... ods/125324
"Single install repackaging Chesko's Wearable Lanterns with all essential fixes & Patches for SE/AE 2024. Made for the convenience of modding noobs and people just looking to save time and energy. Original not Required." This one gets a cookie. Thanks
Oh, and FuzzBeed is done poorly landscaping giant camps. ... zBeed/mods
lets see... FiberianHufky96 is adding cut content to shattered skyrim
Nope we're done here. The ale is fresh, and the new batch of mead is ready. We're serving Mudcrab scrambles for the early meal and ale braised sabercat for the late meal. As always we'll have a hot bowl of stew simmering for those that prefer something more substantial. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed and the floors are swept and mopped. Have a seat by the fires and warm your bones. We-B-Open!
And please don't wake the old cat propped on his broom in the corner gently snoring
Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Loredas the 27th of Sun's height and wage slaves rejoice the weekend has arrived. The blessed moons have set and it is time once again for this one to tend the inn for our most honored guests. Excuse please while the ash pits are emptied and the fires rebuilt. You may want to cover your tankards for a bit, this tends to get pretty dusty, but a happy fire needs to breathe... There, much better no? Now to compost the ash, tend the garden, scrub the kettles, sweep and mop the floors, but first we put fresh water to the boil. Ah'vrie needs his coffee yes he does.
Our brew of the day is Inspirazione a Napoli, and the biscuits are Tate's chocolate Chip. Checking the hot sheets we have 46 new mods. Mostly jiggles, dangles, and pointy sticks. Let's see what catches the eye over a fresh cuppa or three.
Ridenberg released Tweaked Power Attack Damage and Stamina as a first mod. Welcome ... ods/125272
"This mod reduces power attack damage and stamina consumption for both player and NPCs for better combat flow." While the old cat is not a big fan of the combat overhauls, this mod makes a lot of sense for anyone starting a new 'stamina' based game. Make sure to read the mod page. This requires SPID. Thanks
tcbflash released My Thane Weapon Tweaks ... ods/125341
"Thane weapons now draw from a pool of Steel tier through Ebony tier (no more Iron, no more Daedric), and each tier has equal random chance, regardless of your level. That's it!"
There is some serious RPG gaming wisdom to this mod... Have a cookie and thanks
galaxy94 released two today a patch to fix the roof textures in happy Homestead and...
Cheskos Wearable Lanterns 2024 SE AE - No Extra Steps ... ods/125324
"Single install repackaging Chesko's Wearable Lanterns with all essential fixes & Patches for SE/AE 2024. Made for the convenience of modding noobs and people just looking to save time and energy. Original not Required." This one gets a cookie. Thanks
Oh, and FuzzBeed is done poorly landscaping giant camps. ... zBeed/mods
lets see... FiberianHufky96 is adding cut content to shattered skyrim
Nope we're done here. The ale is fresh, and the new batch of mead is ready. We're serving Mudcrab scrambles for the early meal and ale braised sabercat for the late meal. As always we'll have a hot bowl of stew simmering for those that prefer something more substantial. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed and the floors are swept and mopped. Have a seat by the fires and warm your bones. We-B-Open!
And please don't wake the old cat propped on his broom in the corner gently snoring