Thank you Selene

Loved the the first Matrix movie myself! Yes hearing the engines would be great and if I someday find the time to look at it I will.
To be honest I am saving myself a lot of time and labour by shamelessly using stuff some talented creators have already made available for other modders on nexusmods
Most of my time and effort when creating this mod is consumed by picturing a scene/scenario/series of events, in my imagination and then trying to recreate it inside Oblivion to the best of my abilities, the challenge then often being that what I imagine and want to put together ingame have not always been done before so I have to figure out how to do some demanding things from scratch. But I love a good challenge
The script I use for moving the train along the rails is actually a script originally made by Jason1 a guy who was the first creator to make actual pilotable ships in Obivion, he gave the community his script a long time ago. Then the script was improved upon by Dark Monk, and the version I am using here is an adaptation that I made of the version of the script found in the mod CLS Sailboats OBSE by CLShade, who gives permission for anyone to use his version of the script as long as the script is changed enough to be compatible and run fine alongside his version of the script used in his mod. Credits given of course.
The animated Matrix-like textures I used in the opening sequence was made by retexturing the shield in the "animated texture shield" modders resource by nchov2 (who made his animated shield simply by joining together assets from two different modders resources , that would be the "Dark Tower Shield" modders resource by LHammonds' which is available for use for credits, and "Animated Stargate Modders Resource" by Sahardoom, also available for use for credits given.)
The Jeep is part of a mod with a helicopter, a riverboat and a jeep, by a skilled modcreator called Elbethien and as far as I can make out from the permissions involved anyone can use the assets for their own mod by giving credits to Elbethien, MrSiika and Umpa but not improve on the meshes without asking permission first. So for that reason and the sake of modesty I will just leave the wheels as is as I am not in any way or form skilled enough to make the wheels animate properly
The Honda motorcycle is from a mod by a talented creator called Gumin who also generously lets anyone use it for their mods as long as credits is given . I must say I totally admire how the wheels on the motorcycle is animated, and the reflections in the mirrors. Its really well done.
Yes the giftwrapped chest falling apart is a very nice animation, the animation was made by a great creator called lavatumente who lets people use it if they credit him,
I think the doors you mentioned on the buildings are a really good idea! Thank you for this feedback, I will put them in for you
Oh the music playing, that is just something I borrowed from the DukeCity mod, the sounds are placed inside the gamespace (can be enabled/disabled and played through scripts triggered or activated) so its just playing the sound in the game when you enter the very cell where its placed which is why if you have the volume of the regular oblivion music up high in the gamesettings you will hear both at the same time *turning down the oblivion music volume in gamesettings should leave only the sound files in the worldspace playing. The idea is that the music at the birthday party originates from the loudspeakers in front of the partytent, and in the beach house it is supposed to come from the loudspeakers at Mugs Munnys livingroom. The link you provided me with was however really interesting, I will certainly at a later point test that stuff out and see what posibilities it presents and if it is something I can use somehow
What I have moved onto working on right now is the city itself, already tested out having an airplane flying low above the buildings but that was not as cool as I thought it would be so I am debating my self if I should drop the idea or not. Having a car driving around the city on its own however really added to the feel of the city so thats a keeper I think. Now you have to watch out for a fast driving car when crossing the street

I am sort of playing around with an idea of having a small boat moving about close to the beach. But it will have to be tested and see if it adds something cool to the scenery or not.
I have already made a few buildings, a diner, a hospital, a gas station. I just have to watch the framerates cause if I make too many of these buildings and framerates goes through the roof