Yesterday, I watched a film together with a good friend. It was from his DVD collection, a film that I watched as a kid - Spaceballs. I didn't remember any of the scenes though. It was like watching a movie for the first time, a very hilarious one that made my day.
Today, I thought once again about the movies with Bruce Willis that smr1957 suggested recently and this summoned up the Die Hard movies. I don't know if I watched all of them. In comparison to Spaceballs I remember a few scenes like Bruce Willis saying "yippie kay yay...". In the German version of the first Die Hard movie, he says "Yippie Yah Yei Schweinebacke" where "Schweinebacke" means pork cheek

. The phrase from the movie is very iconic in Germany due to the style of the voice actor (Manfred Lehmann):
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What I want to say is that Die Hard is on top of my rewatch list. So thanks again for the inspiration
