A few small mod recommendations for Elex and I do not mean Elex 2:
After a first modless run, however, you can definitely have a new gaming experience with these mods here:
Elex Fog Tweaker https://www.nexusmods.com/elex/mods/3
This has but quite small impact on the performance because here the visibility is affected
Game changing up to the complete overhaul
Unofficial Update https://www.nexusmods.com/elex/mods/59
This changes some aspects of the game. For example, you can now pick up quest items that you could previously simply take with you only if you also have the quest active accordingly. Weapon balancing etc. It would lead too far to explain this, but there is a detailed changelog (I personally don't recommend it).
Elex Overhaul https://www.nexusmods.com/elex/mods/57
The name says it all. Here they even went so far as to change values for weapons so that you can use them earlier in the game, but weapons like plasma rifles have a cool down after each shot, also worth a look in existing changelogs. I can absolutely recommend this.
The next mod gives a complete new sound pack to the game
The next mod is one of my favorites
In Elex you could find a lot teleport stones. Once you found them, it was possible from every place on the map to fast travel without any cost
But with this mod active, there are only three teleport stones left you can use. Ideal for people who like to explore and find out what is all hidden in the world
Weather mod
With a patch the weather in Elex1 was worsened. Fortunately there was a modder who brought back the old weather Elex Weather OverhauL https://www.nexusmods.com/elex/mods/24 and another who used a vegetation mod to hide the worst clipping errors in the open areas. I can only recommend: https://forum.worldofplayers.de/forum/t ... on-Mod-1-0 I'll come to more mod recommendations later but you should install them only when you have Elex1 times without everything at least once vanilla through.
If you find spelling mistakes please keep them. I have enough of them myself