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Starfield Screenshots Guide

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2023 12:12 pm
by Selene310187
The different methods of taking screenshots, where to find them, tips for using the console and useful console commands to spice up your screenshots.

How do I take screenshots in Starfield?

You can take screenshots with the Photo Mode. If you play the Steam version, it's also possible to take a screenshot by hitting the F12 key (default key). Alternatively, you can use screenshot tools like Greenshot.

Where do I find my screenshots?
Steam: Go to View > Screenshots
Microsoft Store/Xbox App: C:\XboxGames\Starfield
Xbox Console: Go to My games & apps > See all > Apps > Captures
Photo Mode Snapshots: C:\Users\\Documents\My Games\Starfield\Data\Textures\Photos
Source and further information: Bethesda Support

If you want to know how to insert the screenshots into your post, please follow this guide.

Tips for using the console

Tip 1:
How to use Starfield console commands; if you use the German keyboard layout, the key to open the console is รถ

Tip 2:
You can simply copy the console command and paste it with CTRL + V into the console in the game.

Tip 3:
Using the console disables your achievements. The mod Baka Achievement Enabler (SFSE) prevents it.

Tip 4:
If you want to select the player in the console as your target for the console command, you may need to get closer to your character using tfc or tfc 1 so that the right reference ID is selected in the console (the player ID is always 00000014). Alternatively, you can type prid 00000014 to achieve the same result.

Useful console commands

tm - toggles menus

tfc - toggles free camera (sometimes the free camera mode of Photo Mode can bug out if not enough space is available to maneuver it)

tfc 1 - free camera mode that pauses the game (good for action shots)

faceref - "Make a ref face towards another ref (defaulted to the player), with an extra angle offset." (source)

ForceWeather or fw - forces the current weather to another (e.g. it's raining and you want sunny weather or vice versa); the weather ids can be found here; example clear weather: fw 0002B07E

ToggleAI or tai - "Toggle AI processing for selected reference, or for all references if none selected." (source); the first case freezes the NPC/creature in his current motion (doesn't work with the player, use tfc 1 instead to freeze the whole scene)

PlayIdle - makes the actor play an idle animation; combine that with facial expressions and you can create striking screenshots - AdDisastrous6981 made a great post about the idle and facial expressions topic on Reddit

ModAngle - modifies the angle on the target; example: ModAngle Z 50, rotation by 50 degrees around z-axis; use negative values for the opposite direction (ModAngle Z -50)

ModPos - modifies the position on a target; example: ModPos Y 100, moves the reference 100 units along the y-axis; negative values are also possible

MoveToMarker or MoveTo - "Moves the current ref to the given marker (with an optional X/Y/Z offset)." (source); example: moveto player