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Do I have spectrum disorders?

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2022 3:05 am
by Ivanhoe1955SI
I do not have any of the spectrum disorders listed here. Now, the question might arise why I am here.
I am a sufferer in the sense that my wife suffers from paranoid schizophrenia, and I often can not deal with this disease as it would be appropriate.
Who has ever lived with a paranoid schizophrenic under one roof will be able to judge how I feel from time to time.
It has already happened that I have withdrawn from home just to get a few days of rest and come down again.
Unfortunately, it is so that I have not met with understanding in any of the forums so far and therefore have not shared anything more about it.
Then I became aware of this new forum and thought: Here one is certainly open-minded and can listen to help and give advice.
Thanks for reading to the end

Ich habe keine der hier aufgeführten Spektrum-Störungen. Jetzt könnte die Frage auftauchen warum ich hier bin.
Ich bin Betroffener in dem Sinne das meine Frau an paranoider Schizophrenie leidet und ich oft nicht so mit dieser Erkrankung umgehen kann wie es wohl angemessen wäre.
Wer jemals mit einem paranoid schizophren Erkrankten unter einem Dach gelebt hat wird ermessen können wie ich mich ab und zu fühle.
Es ist schon vorgekommen das ich mich von zuhause zurückgezogen habe nur um ein paar Tage Ruhe zu bekommen und wieder herunterzukommen.
Leider ist es so das ich bisher in keinem der Foren auf Verständnis gestoßen bin und daher nichts mehr davon mitgeteilt habe.
Dann wurde ich auf dieses neue Forum aufmerksam und dachte: Hier ist man sicher aufgeschlossen und kann zuhören helfen und Rat geben.
Danke fürs lesen bis zum Schluss

Re: Do I have spectrum disorders?

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2022 3:37 am
by smr1957
Sometimes I wonder if it is not more difficult being an individual who is sharing their life with a person who has difficulties, than it is to actually be the one who suffers from them. And, there really is not much in the way of advice that can be given, except to be patient, and, when possible, to make some time for yourself. No matter how you look at it, it is not easy.

I am glad you are here, Ivanhoe! And know this: all of us here, are also here for you.

Re: Do I have spectrum disorders?

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2022 1:04 pm
by Altbert
I don't think I have spectrum disorders, at least not to the extend it can be diagnosed. But, at the same time I think one of my children and my ex-wife could have been diagnosed with a spectrum disorder. But at the same time I also think we all may have "a bit of this and a bit of that". I sometimes may recognize some behaviour that could be part of a spectrum disorder. So, why am I here? Teaching for more than 20 years in vocational education and polytechnic, I had many students with a spectrum disorder, but no proper education to recognize it or proper help coaching those students.

Re: Do I have spectrum disorders?

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2022 2:00 pm
by smr1957
Altbert wrote: Thu Nov 17, 2022 1:04 pm - snip - But at the same time I also think we all may have "a bit of this and a bit of that". - snip -
This is absolutely true. Many people make the mistake of thinking these things are "you either have it or you don't" when, in reality, they should be looked at as not a yes or no, but as a sliding scale, with different individuals having these to a greater of lesser degree.