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Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Posted: Sat Feb 01, 2025 2:09 pm
by Avrie
Goooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Loredas the 1st of Sun's Dawn, and wage slaves rejoice the weekend has arrived. The blessed moons continue to wax through the early crescents, and it is once again time for this one to tend the inn for out most honored guests. Excuse please while the ash pits are emptied and the fires rebuilt. You may want to cover your tankards, this gets a tad dusty... There, much better no? Ah'vrie always likes to start the weekend off with happy fires, and a happy fire needs to breathe. No to compost the ash, check the garden, scrub the kettles, and bring fresh water to a boil... Such is the life of an inn keeper.

Our brew of the day is Stockholm Lungo, and the biscuits are Apricot thumb print. Checking the hot sheets we have 48 new mods from the usual suspects. Let's see what catches an old cat's eye over a fresh cuppa or two.

BobBarkersLeftShoe released Summon Barbas Spell as a first mod. Welcome ... ods/140568
"After finishing the quest "A Daedra's Best Friend" (any ending), you will receive a new Spell Tome with the Summon Barbas spell!" Thanks, the question is why you'd want it LOL.

SpicyMuffin0216 released Siddgeir is Farquad CotR Replacer ... ods/140529
"A small standalone replacer to make Falkreath's Jarl into Farquad from Shrek"

Good fun, He should have been even shorter, and personally Ah'vrie would have used Ulfrik

Racc's College Bridge Overhaul ... ods/140206
Adds a couple of banners, and cropped Dunmer hanging lanterns on candle wall sconces.

if it make you happy, why not. Keep working at your craft. The old cat still uses their "hunters not bandits" mod from two years ago, this one... Maybe not ;-)

tujestem released Bigger Runes And Tweaks ... ods/140575
"Much Bigger Runes + More Damage to Fire/Shock/Frost/Poison. Distance cast increased + can cast up to 5 runes."

The buffs are reasonable, casting 5 at a greater distance... a tad OP but why not. Thanks

L3e7 released three more 'Verdant' overhauls. ... ameId=1704
Abandoned shack, Crabber's Shanty, and Anise's cabin. This one likes their flowers. Thanks

ghouls0rules released Dwemer Half Moon Glasses ... ods/140543
"A pair of dwemer styled half-moon glasses for all races and genders." And of course there's already a skypatcher SPID mod for it under requirements. Thanks, these are quite nice. I could see giving these to our college librarian, and maybe Neloth's mycologist, but not sure about general distribution. Your game your way, have a cookie

mizunakun released QuickLantern_IED ... ods/140533
"This is a lantern MOD that allows you to easily adjust the lantern's position and does not require any additional scripts. It can be turned on automatically according to hotkeys or brightness. Distribute them to NPCs too!"

A replacer for wearable lanterns based on IED, Definitely some assembly required to set up IED and distribute. At least they included configuration details even if it was from a different mod. Make sure to read the whole page. They also recommend the use of their Transparent light_IED mod. (Adds a model-less light for use with IED)

Interesting, at some point the old cat will need to explore IED, tracking for now. Thanks

And ... well this one 'might' be worthy, but it's a nitch mod.

Decoupled Leveling - Separate World and Player Level by LeucisticDinosaur ... ods/140332
"In vanilla, leveling up also scales enemies and loot. With this mod you can delevel the world at a difficulty of your choice or offset the world level from the player's. ESPFE."

"This mod uses, admittedly, a rather hacky approach on the backend to handle leveling up the way I wanted it. I tested it on my own setup and things seem to be working ok, but always possible other problems could crop up! Please consider it in a beta state and let me know if you see stuff breaking."

Make sure you read the mod page, The old cat want's to label this a public beta, but the concept of giving world leveling control to the player... Needs testing, but have a cookie

And finally A woman that needs no introduction... Sound the trumpets! Ave's Back!

Necromancer's Amulet by Ave ... ods/137270
"Replaces the Necromancer's Amulet with a new model."

This is some of her best work, and sorely needed in game. This is another two cookie replacer and an instant download for this old cat. She's simply the best.

And that will do for today. The ale was delivered on time, and the new batch of mead is ready so this one hopes you're all very thirsty. We're serving medallions of marinaded venison on a bed of roasted diced potatoes and onions topped with a poached egg for the early meal. We'll plan the late meal when Ah'vrie returns from the markets later. As always there will be a hearty stew simmering all day for those that need to ward the chill.

The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept and mopped. Have a seat and the wenches will serve you. We-B-open!

Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2025 1:22 pm
by Avrie
Goooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Sundas the 2nd of Sun's Dawn, and a quiet predawn here on warm sands. The blessed moons have set, and it is once again time for this one to tend the inn. Excuse please while the fires are stoked, and fresh water is put to the flame...

Our brew of the day is Miami espresso, and the biscuits are Tate's lemon cookies. Checking the hot sheets we have 57 new mod from the usual eclectic sources. Let's dive right in over a fresh cuppa or two.

A quick shout out to savvygirl3821 for trying to patch CACO and RND2.0 ... ods/140622
It's a start, now fix water, cheese, salt, wine... (FYI, The old cat loves Kryptopyr, but dumped CACO faster than 4 day old fish *shudders* )

TheArtfulBadger released Sexual Assault Content Reduction as her second mod. ... ods/140637
"Set of four plugins to reduce potentially triggering or uncomfortable content describing or implying sexual violence." Thank you, Have a cookie.

ZenrenTakeda released Ebony Blade Damage Increase ... ods/140615
"Changes Base damage from 11 to 22. Finishing the enchantment upgrade damage increases to 25." Reasonable, if you're going to betray your friends, why prolong it?

WardenDargo released Cannibal Harvest ... ods/140642
"once you've completed The Taste of Death you will be able to harvest the meat of your slain enemies and make a few new cooked items in a similar style to my Simple Bosmer Harvesting mod." ... The less said the better. Have you thought about therapy?

TSarGR released TS - Frostfruit Inn ... ods/140099
"A simple interior overhaul of Frostfruit Inn." Not bad if you're into dead animals and ivy ;-)

L3e7 released Verdant Hunter's Rest ... ods/140609
"This mod overhauls the small Hunter's Rest in the Falkreath woods with some flora."
This one is more subtle than the others. Mostly ferns and mushrooms. Thanks

Lets see... Ev1lVaultBoy released The Heirloom ... ods/140645
"A small story about your family that leads to you retrieving an heirloom to help you on your journey!" No real information offered other than it's a game start fetch quest that's compatible with ASLAL. Thanks?

Avyzzvaith released ATHEUZZ Vanilla Flora WIP ... ods/140626
"Revision of vanilla flora, bespoke designed to match ATHEUZZ series."

Taste is subjective, all of their previous work has been 4~8K but honestly the old cat is not thrilled with the texture choices or the tessellation. (as evident by the stretching of the ground cover textures (their's) in this mods pictures) Thanks, will look again when it's finished

renthal311 released real 3D barrels 01 02 SE ... ods/140611

Swing and a miss... The staves are too thick, uneven, and not tapered, the bands are too wide and too many... These would leak and are just flat out ugly. PASS.

We'll finish up with Highlight Quest Markers by shazdeh2 ... ods/140670
"Press a key to highlight quest markers while you're on the map menu."

This could be mod of the month... Simple, clean, and much appreciated. Instant download for testing. 2 cookies and a seat by the fires.

And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept. Have a seat by the fires and warm your bones. We-B-Open!

Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2025 12:45 pm
by Avrie
Goooooooood morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Tirdas the 4th of Sun's Dawn and a quiet predawn here on warm sands, and congratulations on surviving another Morndas. The blessed moons have set and it is once again time for this one to tend the inn. Excuse please while the fires are stoked, and fresh water is put to the flame. Our brew of the day is Arpeggio, and the biscuits will be Sweet Loren's chocolate brownie cookies in a few more minutes. The aroma is beginning to drive this old cat nuts lol. Checking the hot sheets we have 54 new with the normal eclectic mix of jiggles, dangles, patches and goofs. Let's see what catches an old cats eye over a fresh cuppa...

ASLaneZero released A Pinch of Salt as a first mod. Welcome ... ods/140842
"Allows a Salt Pile to be broken down into 10x "Pinch of Salt". Rebuilds cooking recipes to use Pinch of Salt instead of Salt Pile, while leaving alchemy alone."

Not the first obviously, but handled well as a standalone mod. There's no mention of which recipes were converted, but probably just vanilla for now. The author mentions doing patches soon. Three versions available. Obsolete, SE, and AE. Thanks, have a salt free cookie

Lets see... SeekingAsy1um released Regal ReShade ... ods/140624
Intended for screen archery, not really for playing. Thanks

Sym3tric released Sym's Dead Men's Respite ... ods/140794
"A remake of a pretty empty location, wanted to share my vision of this location." This is actually more fitting than quite a bit of their previous work. This location supports first era stonework quite nicely. This one gets a cookie.

Snazzy Interiors - Dawnstar Mortar and Pestle by Gutmaw ... ods/140567
"Overhaul of The Mortar and Pestle in Dawnstar" Another of the snazzy series. this one is basically a total interior overhaul and quite well done. The interior is almost opulent compared to the rest of Dawnstar, but that fits well in the context of "i remember when Skall the elder was Skall the younger..." She's had a few years to spruce the place up. This one gets a cookie as well. Why not?

VendeClarion released HD Terrain Noise by Vende ... ods/140861
Well, there's arguably a slight improvement in a vanilla build, but we already have better available. We'll add it to the pile anyway. Thanks

And we'll add with another warning as opposed to a mod of the day...

ThisUsernameIsntTaken4929 released PreAE

This appears to be a list of locations to acquire archived files for 1.5 users. It pays lip service to mod authors rights, but at the very least the old cat finds this suspicious. This one needs more than a 'pinch' of salt. Cautions is advised.\

And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept. Have a seat by the fires and warm your bones. We-B-open!

Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2025 1:34 pm
by Avrie
Goooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Middas the 5th of Sun's Dawn. It's hump day as my pet smoothskin calls it, which Ah'vrie has finally learned means the week is half over. This one used to think it had something to do with smoothskin mating rituals, but this is evidently not the case. Anyway, it is time for Ah'vrie to tend the inn for our most honored guests. Excuse please while the fires are stoked, and fresh water is put to the flame...

Our brew of the day is from Indonesia, and the biscuits are Sweet Loren's sugar cookies. Checking the hot sheets we have 45 new mods, and believe it or not, some don't have a cup size. Who'd have thunk. Anyway, lets dive right in over a fresh cuppa.

MockLogic released Whiterun Giant Lasts Longer with Toe ... ods/140955
Not the first by a long shot. This one simply gives the whiterun giant 5x health so the battle lasts long enough to actually join the fun.

Thanks, careful adding mods like this is you're already buffing enemies though.

MasterAub released Winterheart ... ods/138560
"Winterheart is a cozy small Player House located in Winterhold, ideal for beginner or seasoned Adventurer."

I like that it reuses the location of the destroyed house next to the inn that most mods don't touch. A large for a starter home, but well appointed and lore friendly... Only three mannequins LOL. Full crafting and room for a follower, and lots of storage. have a cookie.

TS - HearthFire Homes Walls...
And the old cat was starting to like this one... no link, no cookie, just... No. Your game your way, but you ain't turning my home into a bandit camp.

b13nxx - Thundertrot Horse Animations ... No info, no pics, no video, no link, no cookie

Lele's Riften - Lamp by holymurder04 ... ods/140872
"added more Lamp and Lanterns in Riften" A bit over the top for old cats, but your game your way. Thanks.

Enhanced Racial Powers Vanilla Edition by FilaelSpring ... ods/140809
"the ones i liked the most are the high elf, dark elf and breton, the other ones all feel like they are missing something, and as you will see i ran out of ideas pretty quickly for some races" Another for the pile... Thanks

Time for a peek under the hood...

Usable Campfires by GiraPomba ... ods/140915
"Makes lit campfires placed on the world usable for cooking food." "Two versions, one for vanilla game or for Camping CC and another one for the Campfire mod"

Uses BOS, and will make use of Formlist manipulator to integrate with several popular needs and survival mods. This one gets a cookie. Flagged for testing.

KaptainCnucklz released Potential Marriage Faction for All NPCs... ... ods/140926
"Adds anyone who has the voice lines for marriage + adoption to the marriage faction. (You still have to make them like you.)" Make sure to read the mod page, there are a few issues you have to keep in mind, but thanks.

Lets get to the good stuff...

Knowledge is Power - Urag gro-Shub NPC Overhaul by TheLastAkaviri531 ... ods/140903
Forget the verbiage, look at the pics. This is how the old cat would picture Urag based on the dialogs. Very well done. Worth a look, and a cookie. Remember to return your books

Tem's Houses - Sarethi Farm ... ods/140897
"Lightweight, interior overhaul of Sarethi Farm. ESL Flagged."

Not bad, but the old cat would have preferred a few Morrowind decorations, and maybe an unused bed in the basement... This is not a home Sinderian stayed for months in the basement. Lore friendly does not always fit the lore. Nice, but pass.

And finally we'll finish up with a new Whiterun overhaul. (Or new version)

Riton Witherun II ... ods/140812
"Complete retexture for Whiterun in 4k and cpm support. Compatible with parallax blending fix and lux."

Not sure about thatching the roof of jorvasker, The watchtowers, or the portcullis at the top of the Dragon's Reach stairs. But there's a lot to like about this overhaul. Worth a look and a cookie. Thanks.

And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed. and the floors are swept. Have a seat and the wenches will serve you. We-B-Open!

Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2025 12:40 pm
by Avrie
Goooooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Turdas the 6th of Sun's Dawn, and a quiet predawn at the inn. Excuse please while the fires are stoked, and fresh water is put to the flame.

Our brew of the day is Kahawa ya Congo, and the biscuits will be oatmeal cranberry a few minutes after the ovens warm up. Checking the hot sheets we have 41 new in the usual eclectic mix of jiggles patches and pointy sticks. Let's see what catches an old cat's eye over a fresh cuppa today...

AnxietGame released CENBSeries.ini Edit as a second mod.
One poor picture, and no info given... thanks? No link, no cookie

Tweaks Telemagic V2 by Tweak1971 ... ods/140981
"A spell tomb craftable at cooking pots for each major town and a few other vital locations"

So, it's just another lame excuse to allow fast travel in your thinking, but actually adds/does nothing... At least Mark/recall has a purpose. Another for the pile. Your game your way.

Quieter Hammering and Chiseling Sounds by KaptainCnucklz ... ods/140990
"Makes the sound of banging hammers and chisels reasonably quieter."

Glowmapped 3D Lava by markuskarttunen1 ... ods/140989
"Gives lava a proper normal map and depth" The old cat can certainly see the effect they were going for, This doesn't convey the 'heat' quite as well. We do love choice. Thanks

The old cat plays in surround sound so this he understands LOL. Thanks, have a cookie

Lets get to the good stuff...

Snazzy Interiors - Glover Mallory's House by Gutmaw ... ods/140982
"Overhaul of Glover Mallory's House in Raven Rock" Very snazzy, and nicely done. If the old cat had any reservation, it would be having a 'storefront' that is never seen. Glover needs a 'friend' behind the counter. (especially if they had a separate wallet like War maidens) Still, very nicely done. Have a cookie.

Exist's Ebony High Hrothgar - Complex Material by leostevano ... ods/140961
"Complex material version of Exist's Ebony High Hrothgar." Thanks,

Honestly where the hell do you see purple stone being quarried in Tamriel? The old cat has the same complaint on several of the fort dawnguard overhauls as well. Just poking, it's something that's bothered me since oldrim LOL

We'll finish up today with something interesting. The old cat remembers this one from a few years ago when they released a really nice 'Nordic' retex of some of ZZJays and Grace Darkling's dresses about 4 years ago... Yep 4 years ago.

TNT - True Nordic Trolls - Revamped by Somethingwhatever ... ods/140979
"TNT is a remesh, retexture and resize of the two original troll types from Skyrim, with the goal of making them look more accurate to Scandinavian fairytales. Frost trolls become mountain trolls, and cave trolls become forest trolls."

Wow... Ugly enough to be beautiful. The tail textures are a bit funky, but this looks like the trolls in the fairy tales, not an over sized monkey with a third eye. That of course brings up the issue of also replacing all the troll skulls in game... I brought it up to the author, but now that trolls are the size of giants, that might not be so easy. Still. 2 cookies for making ugly beautiful. We love choice.

And that will do for today., The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept. Have a seat by the fires and warm your bones. We-B-Open!

Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2025 1:25 pm
by Avrie
Gooooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Fredas the 7th of Sun's Dawn and thank the divines the weekend is Nigh. The blessed moons have set and it is once again time for this one to tend the inn. Excuse please while the fires are stoked, and fresh water is put to the flame.

The brew of the day is to be determined after this one is done with the shamans. And yesterdays tray of fudge brownie cookies will do for now. Checking the hot sheets we have 40 new and a possible scam. Let's see what catches the eye today.

RhysR6S released No Camera Attached Smoke or Fog ... ods/141038
"Removes ugly camera attached fog and smoke" Well... seeing as the vanilla game has no 'camera attached smoke' This should be considered a patch to an unnamed mod. if you have the problem, here's a fix. The rest of us can safely ignore this, but thanks

MzinFazzle released Dialogue Timescale ... ods/141069
"Ever ran survival mode and died while talking to another NPC because the conversation took too long? With this mod, the game's timescale will automatically change to 1 when in dialogue with another NPC, and change back to 20 (default game value) when exiting dialogue."

Normally the old cat would shy away from timescale mods, but Ah'vrie has been in the situation mentioned several times when Serana totally spazed out with SDA and face locked me during combat to talk about crap that happened in the game long before she was freed from her crypt. This one does like this author's take on linking it directly to the dialog, but this will need testing in game ... with a grain of salt. Thanks

SirDoodicus released OARganic Skill Based Animations ... ods/141082
"An OAR framework inspired by JaySerpa's Skill Based Dynamic Animations. Allowing you to have different stealth, archery, magic and staff casting animations depending on skill level and other conditions like the type of armour you're wearing or what race you are."

There's a lot of info on the mod page, including instructions for editing the animations. This looks interesting, but some assembly required.

plozaq released Fix them vamp eyes ... ods/141073
"An xedit script to remove the glowing lightbulbs from vampire npc 's eyes."

Definitely some assembly required... the script acts on the folder 'bob' you have to create and then populate with vampire head meshes... Your game your way.

Let's look at two 're-imagined' grass mods

Northern Grass Re-imagined by Alex301 ... ods/141065
"A texture replacement of the grass overhaul mod Northern Grass, prioritising performance-friendly setups using updated textures to create a natural visual design, even with lower grass densities."

Intended for weaker rigs, the old cat has to admit, it looks better than the original mod. This one gets a cookie. Worth a look. Less diversity, and more meadow like. Thanks.

Skoglendi Reimagined by Admiral30 ... ods/140975
"Skoglendi Reimagined is an addon for Skoglendi that replaces 2D plants with 3D models, optimizes grass placement, and adds support for Soul Cairn. Combination of 2D and 3D assets ensures good performance and high visual quality at the same time."

Make sure you read the mod page, as there are options to consider. Does not cover the green tundra version. This is also worth a look. Includes options to remove dead pines and rock grass. Thanks

And finally we'll finish with a new quest mod... Sound the trumpets

Sleepwalking Into A Nightmare - New Daedric Prince Quest by TheLootist ... ods/141047
"Adds a new Daedric prince quest where you track down a missing woman, delving into her nightmares and overcoming her fears. Includes, new weapons, equipment and spells."

Not a lot of info given, even in the video. The old cat has played their 'Legends of Atherium" mod which was nicely done. This is voice acted, looks interesting, and evidently JaySerpa checked it for bugs. This one gets the top slot as a new voice acted quest. It needs testing, but looks interesting. We'll give this a cookie on account.

And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed. and the floors are swept. Have a seat by the fires and warm your bones. We-B-open!

Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2025 12:43 pm
by Avrie
Goooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Loredas the 8th of Sun's Dawn. The blessed moons wax through the final phases and will be full on Middas, so it is once again time to hone those silver weapons. The goddess' crazy puppies will be out to play next week. Anyway, it is time once again for this one to tend the inn for our most honored guests. Excuse please while the ash pits are emptied and the fires are rebuilt. You might want to cover your tankards, this can get a tad dusty... There, much better no? Ah'vrie always likes to begin the weekend with happy fires, and a happy fire needs to breathe. Now to compost the ash, pick what's ripe in the garden, scrub the kettles, mop the floors... The life of an inn keeper is glamorous yes?

Our brew of the day is Kahawa ya Congo, and the biscuits are Tate's, chocolate chunk. Checking the hot sheets we have 45 new mods, mostly patches and presets, but let's see what catches the eye over a fresh cuppa or two...

Sunscryer released Escape the Cell SE and AE as there first mod. Welcome ... ods/141160
"Add a little bit of story to your alternate beginnings." It's a WIP and not quite finished, but the concept is to add a little context to alternate starts. and the odd follower or two to nab before you even begin LOL. Your game you way. Thanks

yofamgaming released Stalhrim Gauntlet Nitpick Fix ... ods/140643
"Finally addressing a thing that has bugged me for years now: stalhrim gauntlets and bracers use the wrong dang models"

Is the old cat embarrassed that after a decade he's just learned that the devs named the two models backwards. Another one you can't unsee. Includes a USSEP patch. Thanks, have a cookie. Downloaded LOL

Voeille released Dispel Spells - Conditional Removal of Magic Effects ... ods/141144
"Tired of your summons and cloaks persisting when you no longer need them? Now you can get rid of an effect of your choice with a single spell. SkyPatched, ESLified, and working with Spell Research out of the box."

Well, the old cat is not sure why Skypatcher is even mentioned. but getting rid of annoying summons after their usefulness has ended sounds good. Also affects candle light, and bound cloaks. Thanks

Time to peek under the hood again...

TheStealthArcher released Auto Potion Renamer ... ods/141126
"A poweful framework to rename user-defined potions or poisons in a highly customizable way. Add interesting or descriptive names to your favorite combinations and configure how the names should change as the potion grows in strength."

Okay, this is just a framework, and doesn't actually do anything out of the box. assembly required in the form of creating and editing your own Json file. Examples given. Thanks

KlimmekOfIvarsted released Magical Dragon Bridge Lights ... ods/141113
"Adds magical light effects to the dragon bridge." Your game your way. Thanks

DrJacopo released two more 3D vanilla grasses today ... ameId=1704
Tundra, and Eastmarch. Beautiful models. These 3D models are beautiful. Worth a look as always. intended as vanilla replacers, but will surely end up in grass overhauls. Thanks Doc

Ave's Ring of Khajiit (Replacer) ... ods/139701
"Replaces the ring of Khajiit with a new model, as it was in TES: IV"
Available enchanted, or unenchanted, as a replacer or standalone... It's Avebrave Beautiful work as always. The old cat will need to update the all in one soon. have another cookie

And our mod of the day... The old cat had to read this page twice... this is a Game Changer! Sound the trumpets, summon the dancers, and pour the brandy.

aglowinthefield released FOMOD Plus - A Mod Installation Overhaul for Mod Organizer 2 ... ods/141001
"A total rewrite and overhaul of the FOMOD experience. Show and install previous choices, filter your modlist by FOMOD-installed mods, scan to pre-populate FOMOD content detection, non-blocking, smart-resizing installer window, and more!"

This the old cat has to test... Finally MO2 can remember the choices you made during the initial mod installation when you need to update or reinstall, and it even filters by fomod. Dust off a seat by the fire for this one. Hopefully something similar will come out for Vortex as well. # cookies and the top slot, but it needs testing... today

And that will do for today. The ale was delivered on time last night, and the new batch of mead is ready so drink up. Ah'vrie is serving Medallions of marinated venison on a bed of roasted diced potatoes and onions with an egg on top for the early meal, and carrot potato and dragon stew for the late meal. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept and mopped. Have a seat and the wenches will serve you. We-B-Open!

Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2025 12:29 pm
by Avrie
Gooooooood morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Sundas the 9th of Sun's Dawn and a quiet predawn here on warm sands. The blessed moons have set and it is once again time for this one to tend the inn for our most honored guests. Excuse please while the fires are stoked and fresh water is put to the flame...

Our brew of the day is from Indonesia and the biscuits are Ginger zingers. Checking the hot sheets we have 52 new in the usual eclectic mix of jiggles and patches. Let's see what catches the eye over a fresh cuppa or two.

kakowah released h84u perk interface as their second mod. ... ods/141205
"perk interface replacer" AI generated image as a background to the perks menu. Unfortunately it's so busy it's hard to see the stars, but your game your way. Thanks

Suzerain001 released More Ovens - Skyrim as a second mod ... ods/141252
"This mod adds Harthfire ovens in various locations around Skyrim." And quite a few at that. covers Inns, Jarl's longhouses, Fort Dawnguard, and castle Volkahar. Thanks The old cat would give you a cookie, but you can bake your own ;-)

Xocco3 released Unified Potions as their third mod after a year's vacation ... ods/141226
"Replaces Skyrim’s varied potion models with five consistent designs" Thanks, the old cat would replace the word consistent with boring, but your game your way.

KlimmekOfIvarsted ported Northern Clearspring Tarn by BrosisJK ... ods/141242
"overhauls Clearspring Tarn with Nordic ruins and various bits of flora and clutter"

Your game your way, adding first era ruins with absolutely no context and calling it immersive does not impress this old cat, but thanks.

asdawfasfdwfaf released Usable Barrels ... ods/141200
"Add some usable barrels to Skyrim, rather than just having them as decorations." Thanks, you know those Nords and their mead. The activator is marked "(pay)" but no mention as to cost.

TheOneTrueFuzzBeed released Supernatural Sovngarde Portal - Glowing Portal Effects ... ods/141222
"Adds an Emissive Glow to the Skuldafn Portal" The glow texture was created by ItzIvy. Thanks, looks both regal and mystical at that. Have a cookie

Lets see... TheBaddestWitch released an update to their Valkyrie WIP enb preset ... ods/141240
Thanks, let us know when it's done.

rhonjhonson released two more today ... ameId=1704
Paintings for Solitude, and Fix_Stables_Bug

The stable bug fix caught the old cat's eye, but it wasn't what he thought. It adds a 'power' to force vanilla game stables to reset. The returned horses are again property of the stable... Oh well. The old cat hoped it altered default horse behavior so that they would re-enter stables on their own if you dismounted in front of them. One can hope.

Let's finish up with a new custom framework voiced follower that even the old cat finds interesting, but we'll turn this over to our lovely Gnewna to pick apart. She's much more knowledgeable when it comes to custom followers than the old cat.

Celestine by Craftian ... ods/138611
"A righteous cleric of Stendarr with over 1500 lines of dialogue, unprecedented reactivity and much more."

"Celestine is a Lawful Good cleric and unwavering in her oath sworn to Stendarr.
As an agent of His will, too extreme for even the Vigilants, she has given everything -
blood, sweat and prayers - to bring both His might and mercy to a faithless world."

Voiced by Thea Solone. It goes without saying that NFF, AFT, UFO, etc. are not supported

And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept and mopped. Have a seat and the wenches will serve you. We-B-Open!

Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2025 12:34 pm
by Avrie
Goooooood morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Morndas the 10th of Sun's Dawn. Wage slave lament, the weekend is over. Hide if you can or work if you must, Its Morndas again. It's a very quiet predawn here on warm sands, but remember, the blessed moons will be gibbous tomorrow and full on Middas so you'll want to keep those silver weapons honed and close at hand all week. The goddess' crazy puppies will be making all sorts of mischief. Anyway, it's time for this one to tend the inn. Excuse please while the fires are stoked, and fresh water is put to the flame...

Our brew of the day is classic Ristretto, and the biscuits are Sweet Loren's chocolate chunk. Checking the hot sheets we have 65 new mods from the usual eclectic sources. Let's see what catches the eye over a fresh cuppa or two.

adamtye8 released Alchemyvendor as a first mod. Welcome
"Small fetch quest to gain access to a new useful merchant in solitude for endgame alchemy ingredients."

Yep, a simple nitch cheat to make the game easier... Why not. Welcome.

lemmyisgod returns with Spectrum of Stats (Black Books remade) ... ods/141318
"Changes some of the Hermaeus Mora Black Books effects, tried to make them as passive as possible" Read that as made them favor 'his' play style. Didn't put a lot of thought into it either. 3 years huh? Welcome back, PASS

Spykodraco returns after 8 years with Less frost resist Welcome back as well ... ods/141334
"A very simple mod that lower draugrs frost resist and make dwemers automaton weak to it" And a very reasonable stat tweak. Some arguments can be made that harmonically powered steam driven tech shouldn't be subject to cold... But these seem reasonable. Thanks.

Krughava released KGA Venison ... ods/141329
"New model and texture for raw venison meat" Well, the meat looks good, but, (there's always a but LOL) We skin fresh kills before butchering them. Why is the hide still attached? Makes for nasty stews

FilaelSpring breleased Campfire - Balance Changes Collection ... ods/141372
"Some quality of life and balance edits to campfire" QOL? These are some very reasonable cheats for the very early game if you use an alt start as a hunter. The old cat is not going to poke this one. In fact have a cookie.

(When you add Hunterborn ruining several dozen of your first pelts... It's tough to make a large fur tent, cloak, and back packs. That's why the old cat usually get's the letter from Falkreath before leaving Whiterun )

KlimmekOfIvarsted ported Angi's Expanded Camp SSE by Koji Okida ... ods/141369
"Angi's camp gets an upgrade including an expanded house, a smelter, a wood chopping block, a garden, a dog follower, an anvil, more foliage, training options and a hunting sniping point!" Thanks for showing the poor girl a little love, have a cookie

Okay, we're going to finish up today with two in our favorite noob mod dumping ground.

MissileMann released Docks of Riverwood ... ods/141169
"The northern area of Riverwood has been completely revamped with a new dock. The dock includes some hidden shrines, lumber mill product, inn supplies, fishing material, and a social area for the residents of Riverwood."

The old cat seriously hates when authors put up walls around Riverwood, but this... This is a whole different flavor for expanding the town. ItzIvy haelped with a lot of the testing, and there are patches for his windmill alchemy shop. It has several requirements so read the mod page carefully. This one gets a cookie. Tracking for now. Need to see it in game.

And Speaking of Ivy...

Ivy - Riverwood Small Bridge Replacer ... ods/141342
"Replace the Bridge next to the Alvor shop"

LOL, Ivy's got to ivy. The old cat likes the model, not the ivy

And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept. Have a seat and the wenches will serve you. We-B-Open!

Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2025 12:42 pm
by Avrie
Goooooood morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Tirdas the 11th of Sun's Dawn, and a peaceful predawn here on warm sands. The blessed moons are gibbous. You have been warned. Show up at the inn smelling of wet dog and you'll be tasting the old cat's silver mace, not his mead. Anyway, excuse please while the fires are stoked, and fresh water is put to the flame...

Our brew of the day is Istanbul espresso, and the biscuits are oatmeal cranberry. Checking the hot sheets we have 45 new with all the jiggles, dangles, patches and cheats we've come to love. Let's see what catches an old cat's gaze over a fresh cuppa or two.

We have a couple of economy tweaks, both noobish and not. Let's start there.

Lexifer452 released Simple Tweaks - Gold Rewards and Costs
This is their third mod. They increased gold rewards to the point of unbalancing the game, so they increased costs, and now they've published... Not to poke new authors, but "hi I broke my game and this is how I fixed it" May be the mantra of new modders, but no thanks.

MehrunesDagon47 released two 'price increase' mods today ... ameId=1704

This is why game balance is so important, not every change is a good one. A properly set up scarcity build is much better than increasing early gold and then complaining about it.
Trade and barter by Krytopyr is definitely still 'the gold standard' if you'll pardon the pun.

Eldriarstardust released two 'second mods' ... ameId=1704

the 20% reduce shout cool down on the amulet of Akatosh at least makes sense, but for their other two mods read my comment about game balance above... Moving right along

srujanteja updated DT's Freshly Picked SSE port ... ods/141416
So... walking 'near' a farm gathers the ingredients, AND grants Alchemy XP. That won't affect your game balance at all will it? Your game your way.

TheBone98 rel Vanilla Plus Proudspire Manor ... ods/141465
Adds a little clutter, the odd banner. It's hard to tell the changes from the pics, which is probably a good thing. Thanks

rhonjhonson released two more ports today. ... ameId=1704
two from 12wan. Paintings for Windhelm, and a silver sword. I remember when he made his own mods... If it makes you happy

AkimboSwords released Daedric Alphabet Translations - Codebreaking Sheet ... ods/141498
" It adds a new misc item, that you can take/use to translate the Daedric language without having to leave the game. Supports VR and non VR."

Now this is simply a fun mod, and fit's this old cat's definition of immersive. A single page you can carry to manually translate dragon speech in game while you're playing. Needs to be seen in game, but this one gets 2 cookies.

And for our top slot, we'll spotlight nimwraith. They show up every two or three months with another little quest mod.

Todays quest is a remake of The Breathing Abyss - Lovecraft Inspired Mod ... ameId=1704
but the old cat chose to showcase the author not the mod.

"The Breathing Abyss is an ocean-based quest mod centred around finding out what a mysterious entity is, where it's from, and how it can be stopped. The mod features incredibly high-quality voice acting, a unique story, and custom assets."

"While the Breathing Abyss was once my largest mod, I was never exactly happy with the quality of it or the story it told. I felt like it left a lot to be desired with all its bugs, and the story that was there was vague and too hard to decipher. I wanted to fix both these aspects and make something I was proud of which lead to this mod being released."

And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept. have a seat by the fires and warm your bones. We-B-Open!