This is the thread I'll be sharing my morning Mod reviews on. I'm not sure if the format will change as this is the first post.
Goooooood Morning Tamriel!
Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Loredas the 12th of Sun's Dusk and wage slaves rejoice the weekend has arrived. Brrr, It's a bone dry and very chilly predawn here on warm sands. The blessed moons have set and it is once again time for Ah'vrie to tend the inn for our most honored guests. Excuse please while Ah'vrie empties the ash pits and rebuilds the fires. Such is the glamorous life of an inn keeper. You might wish to cover your tankards; this tends to get a tad dusty... There, much better no? There is nothing quite like a happy fire when it's dark and chilly. It warms more than the room as Ah'vrie's mother used to say. Now to compost the ash, tend the garden, scrub the kettles, and draw fresh water to put to the boil...
Our brew of the day is an old friend. Maluka mu Zimbabwe. Not very bold, and favors a shorter pour, but the subtle chocolate notes in the aroma and the finish... Coffeegasm!
A certain sign that the world is finally returning to normal. Our biscuits are Toll House for now, but we'll be visiting the markets a little later today and baking fresh.
Checking the hot sheets we have 34 new and some don't even have a cup size will wonders ever cease? Let's see what catches the eye of an old cat over a fresh cuppa this day...
MihaiMorar released Classic Races of Skyrim as a first mod... How original. Welcome ... mods/78578
Well the pictures are pretty. Thanks, we'll add it to the pile. mentions plans to add classes, and birth signs yada yada yada. Nice you have so much free time. Enjoy.
What? It could have been a house in Riverwood :steammocking:
ELAF Hidden Chests ... mods/78576
This one takes the trophy for the most ridiculous mod of the year. It uses BOS to scatter hidden "hollow rocks" (random distribution of container activators)... :steamfacepalm:
So now when you start a new game a bunch of random rocks are actually loot chests... You expect the player to check every bloody rock in Tamriel to see if there's crappy loot hidden in them? Even underwater? Really? ... Moving right along
HugLefuer released Whiterun Cheese Factory ... mods/78571
"New building for Whiterun suburb, a cheese factory & 5 cows, the house is far from the entrance or modded zone, I hope this cell is clean. 2 new NPCs" This is kind of cute, and the NPC's are Khajiit so how can an old cat argue. There were some minor issues pointed out already and in process of being fixed. Worth a look, but wait for the update later today. Have a cookie. Sheogorath would be proud.
KWRMF197 released Exceptional Alchemy Ingredients ... mods/78613
"Discover new, powerful specimens and learn to examine and identify them like a real alchemist. Incredible benefits await you, as does a horrible death if you are not careful!"
This adds a secondary level of Alchemy to the game, along with more complex mechanics and tools. Okay I know this is sad, but it adds a certain level of tedium that if handled correctly could certainly feel like your PC is acquiring an actual skill. This is worth reading.
"All in all there are now over 25 different items that each have between 4 and 9 variations each. The result of this is hundreds of new items that are spread across skyrim through leveled lists. You can find these items by looting (containers and corpses) and by foraging. The chance of finding these items are very low, sometimes as low as just a 1%-5% chance of dropping when picking ingredients or looting. This is because the potential of these specimens is high. You can expect to find ones that may add something like a permanent +10 to your health, or a permanent increase of +5 to your enchanting. Most stats in the game are covered by at least 1-2 different ingredients.
Downloaded for testing... You know what they say about curiosity and cats... 2 cookies
allonsywisegirl released Children of the Pariah - Orc NPC Overhaul ... mods/69769
"Overhauls unique vanilla Orc NPCs" Ah'vrie has to admit a lot of thought went into this mod. The orcs are very unique, family members share facial features, Clan members share warpaint colors... This one is worth a look and a couple of cookies. Orc's don't get a whole lot of love from the modding community. Nicely done.
Okay, now this one has an old cat stepping out of character... he probably needs more coffee, yes he does...
Pnubs released Nchardthand ... mods/78539
"A Dwemer stronghold located in the Rift built upon a mountain. It has all crafting stations, each with their own buff (enchanting table in the observatory requires specific conditions to be met before the buff is applied). Also includes a hatchery, 44 hearthfire planters, 18 weapon plaques, 11 mannequins, and 2 bookshelves that each hold 36 books."
Ah'vrie is not one for "castles" but this one has a certain unique feel, and the location totally supports a Dwemer family clan building a stronghold. Don't take an old cat wrong. It's overdone in a lot of ways, and don't even get Ah'vrie started on the interior ivy and dirt floors in the dining room... but all in all it has a certain bizarre uniqueness that makes it feel oddly Dwemer. Not for old cats but this castle gets a cookie. Nicely done.
Mentioned yesterday by Gnewna. We'll finish up with two from the shivering Isles
Skyrim Extended Cut - Saints and Seducers by ECSS Dev Group ... mods/72772
"Skyrim: Extended Cut - Saints and Seducers is an overhaul and expansion of the Saints & Seducers official Creation. A handful of elements from the original quest have been preserved and expanded into a new, fully-voiced quest. The mod will take players back to the Shivering Isles, first seen in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, for a polished, high-quality adventure through a new region of the Realm of Madness."
YouTube™ Video: Skyrim: Extended Cut - Saints & Seducers Official Trailer
Views: 24,591
Return to the Shivering Isles. Skyrim: Extended Cut - Saints & Seducers is available NOW! This mod is a standalone overhaul of the Saints & Seducers official...
Saints and Seducers - Summons Redone by Shekhinaga ... mods/78592
"This tiny addon to Extended Cut: Saints and Seducers seeks to make the actual Saints and Seducers summons unique." Based on the legends card game. Why not.
This looks really well done. Ah'vrie is of a mind that if you're more or less stuck with the S&S CC content as part of the base SSE game now anyway; why not make it really worth playing? Downloaded for the next game start. Have a few cookies on account.
(It was so nice hearing Grandma Shirley's voice the video :steamhappy:)
And that will due for today. The sun is coloring the mountains, and the old cat has an inn to run. We have fresh ale, and the new batch of mead is ready. We're serving medallions of venison marinated in Colovian brandy, served on a bed of roast diced potatoes and caramelized onions with a poached egg on top for the early meal, and dry aged dragon steaks grilled to a turn and served with a tart jazbay and spiced wine reduction with twice baked garlic potatoes and baby carrots sauteed in herbal butter for the late meal. And of course there will be some kind of meat boiling all day with a few potatoes for the discriminating pallet of our Nord friends...
The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept and mopped. Have a seat and the wenches will serve you. We-B-Open! :steamhappy:
Coffee with an old Khajiit
- Avrie
- Joined: Thu Nov 03, 2022 11:37 pm
Coffee with an old Khajiit
Last edited by Avrie on Tue Dec 06, 2022 12:14 pm, edited 3 times in total.
- Avrie
- Joined: Thu Nov 03, 2022 11:37 pm
Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit
Goooooooood Morning Tamriel!
Ah'vrie wishes you well. it is Sundas the 13th of Sun's Dusk and the skies are remarkably crisp and clear here on warm sands. Brrr, it's also amazing how bloody cold the desert can get overnight when the air is this dry. Anyway, the blessed moons have set and it is time once again for Ah'vie to tend the inn for our most honored guests. Excuse please while the fires are stoked, and fresh water is put to the boil...
Brew of the day is Capetown Envivo Lungo, and the biscuits are classic Fig Newtons. Checking the hot sheets we have 65 new with all the bimbos, himbos, accessories, patches, pointy sticks, and cheats we've come to expect. Let's see if anything catches the eyes of an old cat today over a fresh cuppa. As always we welcome the new mod authors to the community...
ArchitectPrime released Tiny Snowflakes as a first mod. Welcome ... mods/78664
it was actually a fix for their mod list creating giant snowflakes... thanks for sharing
SpaceOctopusOfWisdom released a WIP Beauty of Baths - Inn Baths ... mods/78627
"Adds baths to inns in the same cell." Or rather it will eventually, This will of course become another patch farm as the author is editing the inns to add no load door bathing rooms. Expect this to bump heads with every inn overhaul in Nirn.
TheCyclist released Skyrim's Got Talent - Player Reactions Addon, and updated IEA ... user+files
"Make your character react to their horrible (or terrific) bard performance"
NM's Azura Statue Replacer by NicholeMods ... mods/78620
"No esp, just a mesh and texture replacer" A matter of taste, Ah'vrie is not really thrilled with all the added tentacle "crap" added to the alter. A hard pass for old cats but worth a look.
Speaking of statues...
Xtudo released Dibella statue - No snow under the roof patch ... mods/78630
Only for use with ... mods/61553
istayzoomin released Blended Skills - Class Perks ... mods/77775
"Adds 30 new perks that blend the lines between skill trees and encourage class-based gameplay" This is on top of their attempt to ReClassified Ordinator. If your into collecting perks go for it. Only these new perks are more like spells and blur a lot of lines. Hard pas for the old cat but some of the new "spells" actually look pretty good.
Let's see... MaskedRPGFan dropped a few more settings loaders
dionysist released grass caches for Northern Cathedral Grass and the regional variant ... user+files
LeucisticDinosaur released Bodies Burn Brightly - Fire Effect and Light ... mods/78568
"Adds a burning effect and light to enemies killed by fire. ESPFE" This is actually a pretty cool addition for a mage build. boides you kill with fire burn for a while and the fires also emit ENB partical lights. Requires SPID. This one gets a cookie
On the texture front... there's photo-realistic, and then there's PHOTO-REALISTIC
Needled Tundra Shrub by kirara386 ... mods/78646
"Texture replacer for the tundra shrub with needle leaves." These look great, and only needed to be 1K and 2K. Proof done right does not require 4k or 8k. Instant download for the old cat 2 cookies
Alastryona released Kitty Hoods - Khajiit shaped hoods ... mods/78647
"Why do the hoods all smoosh khajiit ears flat??? Now thanks to the power of outfit studio, I have edited a few meshes to add ESO style ear lumps/space allowances on hoods. Includes fem versions of thieves guild/leather hood, archmage, and nightngale for now." Finally... a fix that doesn't make holes in hats or crush a poor cat's ears. I hope the mod get's refined and added to, but it's a second mod and no promises were made. There is also no separate texture paths for the nightingale hood so some assembly may be required. This one gets a cookie for trying, Ah'vrie hopes someone grabs the idea and runs with it.
Pietre82 released Wood Wall Trap Mesh and UV Fix ... mods/78686
"Improves the mesh and texture UV of the Wood Wall Trap. Mesh replacer only. No plugin / ESP." We love these little fixes... Another instant download and another cookie
And finally our mod of the day, but the jury is still out on this one...
Janquel released Destination Weddings, and a patch hub for it ... user+files
"Adds 50 new locations for the wedding ceremony to take place, depending on player accomplishments/spouse choice. Includes framework to allow others to make patches and "plug-in" to add additional locations, including in mod-added areas."
Some of the available locations are very well done and could certainly become part of the "story" others... well, mama said if you have nothing nice to say. (a sacrificial alter in a swamp, the graveyard in Falkreath, the lighthouse in Downstar (better not be running Frostfall :steamfacepalm: )
Still as a framework that allows mod added wedding locations even in new lands. It seems well written and the thanedom and faction locations are locked until appropriate. This is a worthy mod on a lot of levels. it's still a WIP and more patches are coming. Make sure to read the mod page through.
And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept and mopped. Have a seat by the fires and warm your bones. We-B-Open! :steamhappy:
Ah'vrie wishes you well. it is Sundas the 13th of Sun's Dusk and the skies are remarkably crisp and clear here on warm sands. Brrr, it's also amazing how bloody cold the desert can get overnight when the air is this dry. Anyway, the blessed moons have set and it is time once again for Ah'vie to tend the inn for our most honored guests. Excuse please while the fires are stoked, and fresh water is put to the boil...
Brew of the day is Capetown Envivo Lungo, and the biscuits are classic Fig Newtons. Checking the hot sheets we have 65 new with all the bimbos, himbos, accessories, patches, pointy sticks, and cheats we've come to expect. Let's see if anything catches the eyes of an old cat today over a fresh cuppa. As always we welcome the new mod authors to the community...
ArchitectPrime released Tiny Snowflakes as a first mod. Welcome ... mods/78664
it was actually a fix for their mod list creating giant snowflakes... thanks for sharing
SpaceOctopusOfWisdom released a WIP Beauty of Baths - Inn Baths ... mods/78627
"Adds baths to inns in the same cell." Or rather it will eventually, This will of course become another patch farm as the author is editing the inns to add no load door bathing rooms. Expect this to bump heads with every inn overhaul in Nirn.
TheCyclist released Skyrim's Got Talent - Player Reactions Addon, and updated IEA ... user+files
"Make your character react to their horrible (or terrific) bard performance"
NM's Azura Statue Replacer by NicholeMods ... mods/78620
"No esp, just a mesh and texture replacer" A matter of taste, Ah'vrie is not really thrilled with all the added tentacle "crap" added to the alter. A hard pass for old cats but worth a look.
Speaking of statues...
Xtudo released Dibella statue - No snow under the roof patch ... mods/78630
Only for use with ... mods/61553
istayzoomin released Blended Skills - Class Perks ... mods/77775
"Adds 30 new perks that blend the lines between skill trees and encourage class-based gameplay" This is on top of their attempt to ReClassified Ordinator. If your into collecting perks go for it. Only these new perks are more like spells and blur a lot of lines. Hard pas for the old cat but some of the new "spells" actually look pretty good.
Let's see... MaskedRPGFan dropped a few more settings loaders
dionysist released grass caches for Northern Cathedral Grass and the regional variant ... user+files
LeucisticDinosaur released Bodies Burn Brightly - Fire Effect and Light ... mods/78568
"Adds a burning effect and light to enemies killed by fire. ESPFE" This is actually a pretty cool addition for a mage build. boides you kill with fire burn for a while and the fires also emit ENB partical lights. Requires SPID. This one gets a cookie
On the texture front... there's photo-realistic, and then there's PHOTO-REALISTIC
Needled Tundra Shrub by kirara386 ... mods/78646
"Texture replacer for the tundra shrub with needle leaves." These look great, and only needed to be 1K and 2K. Proof done right does not require 4k or 8k. Instant download for the old cat 2 cookies
Alastryona released Kitty Hoods - Khajiit shaped hoods ... mods/78647
"Why do the hoods all smoosh khajiit ears flat??? Now thanks to the power of outfit studio, I have edited a few meshes to add ESO style ear lumps/space allowances on hoods. Includes fem versions of thieves guild/leather hood, archmage, and nightngale for now." Finally... a fix that doesn't make holes in hats or crush a poor cat's ears. I hope the mod get's refined and added to, but it's a second mod and no promises were made. There is also no separate texture paths for the nightingale hood so some assembly may be required. This one gets a cookie for trying, Ah'vrie hopes someone grabs the idea and runs with it.
Pietre82 released Wood Wall Trap Mesh and UV Fix ... mods/78686
"Improves the mesh and texture UV of the Wood Wall Trap. Mesh replacer only. No plugin / ESP." We love these little fixes... Another instant download and another cookie
And finally our mod of the day, but the jury is still out on this one...
Janquel released Destination Weddings, and a patch hub for it ... user+files
"Adds 50 new locations for the wedding ceremony to take place, depending on player accomplishments/spouse choice. Includes framework to allow others to make patches and "plug-in" to add additional locations, including in mod-added areas."
Some of the available locations are very well done and could certainly become part of the "story" others... well, mama said if you have nothing nice to say. (a sacrificial alter in a swamp, the graveyard in Falkreath, the lighthouse in Downstar (better not be running Frostfall :steamfacepalm: )
Still as a framework that allows mod added wedding locations even in new lands. It seems well written and the thanedom and faction locations are locked until appropriate. This is a worthy mod on a lot of levels. it's still a WIP and more patches are coming. Make sure to read the mod page through.
And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept and mopped. Have a seat by the fires and warm your bones. We-B-Open! :steamhappy:
- Avrie
- Joined: Thu Nov 03, 2022 11:37 pm
Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit
Goooooood Morning Tamriel!
Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Morndas the 14th of Sun's Dusk and a quiet predawn at the inn. Wage slaves lament the weekend is over. Hide if you can or work if you must it's Morndas again. Excuse please while the fires are stoked and fresh water is put to the boil...
Brew of the day is Esperanza de Columbia, and the biscuits are Bordeaux. Checking the hot sheets we have 44 new with all the usual jiggles, dangles, and pointy sticks. Let's see what catches the eyes of the old cat over a fresh cuppa...
marmotte released PATRICIAN ENB as a first mod. Welcome ... mods/77357
It's a fantasy preset which is not the old cat's style. Color pallets are... shifted, saturation is quite high, bloom is way too noticeable... Yuck! in other words a nice fantasy preset :steammocking:
SussusAmogusMods released Nordic Dawnstar Overhaul as a second mod ... mods/78723
"Tired of Dawnstar being easily the blandest and ugliest town in Skyrim? This mod upgrades it into a proper city, with a wall, sea wall, and skaal (exterior) architecture." Ah'vrie will take a hard pass on this one... not for old cats anyway. A mish-mash of Windhelm kit pieces. The walls look completely out of place. If it just been the Skaal kit pieces for the buildings this might have been a worthy mod. The walls are just too much but it's not the old cat's game. Have a look for yourselves.
DrMabusetheRambler released Dynamic Treasure Map Journal ... mods/78681
"A journal that displays treasure maps as you read them and tracks which treasure you have already found. No SKSE necessary. All Skyrim SE/AE versions should be compatible. ESP-FE." Now this on the other hand could be very useful if you play with LOTD as a game base... you always have a copy of the map, and which ones you're already collected? I'm down with that. downloaded for testing. Have a cookie
xs2reality released XS Ripped - Male muscle texture - Normal map ... mods/78701
"As the creator of the original female muscle texture map - Sporty Sexy Map, after 11 years I'm finally releasing my personal muscled normal map texture for my male character." A bit over the top... A body for a legendary hero. A good match for their female Sporty Sexy Map. Not to everyone's taste to be sure, but ripped it is. Have a cookie
Let's get to the good stuff...
AndrealphusVIII released Werewolf Spirits ... mods/78734
"A small tweak which changes the Wolf Spirits to Werewolf Spirits when curing Lycanthropy." Why this wasn't done a decade ago is the only mystery. 2 cookies and an instant download and thanks
kojak747 released Mists of Tamriel ... mods/78703
"Mists of Tamriel adds volumetric mists, animated distant mists and morning fogs to Skyrim." This is the spiritual successor to MannyGT's morning fogs. It adds control of distant mists. You're going to want to read the mod page as it is not compatible with a lot of common mods that also control the mists. The old cat is a neanderthal and still uses Manny's morning fogs. includes patches for 20 weather mods. Nicely done. Downloaded for testing. 2 cookies
WeldingManDE released Simple Snow Improvements - Skyrim (BOS) ... mods/78702
"A simple mod to improve the snow visuals on forgotten vanilla objects with Base Object Swapper support." Basically it adds a SOS snow shader to a few exterior objects that never had them but need them. Another instant download and thanks. have a cookie
Not really a mod of the day worthy offering. We'll finish up today with a couple of quick shout outs...
dionysist released another grass pre-cache this one for QW Grass ... mods/78707
and MaskedRPGFan released two more settings loaders for read the room, and Configurable Commentary Rate Slider
And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept. Have a seat and the wenches will serve you. We-B-Open! :steamhappy:
Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Morndas the 14th of Sun's Dusk and a quiet predawn at the inn. Wage slaves lament the weekend is over. Hide if you can or work if you must it's Morndas again. Excuse please while the fires are stoked and fresh water is put to the boil...
Brew of the day is Esperanza de Columbia, and the biscuits are Bordeaux. Checking the hot sheets we have 44 new with all the usual jiggles, dangles, and pointy sticks. Let's see what catches the eyes of the old cat over a fresh cuppa...
marmotte released PATRICIAN ENB as a first mod. Welcome ... mods/77357
It's a fantasy preset which is not the old cat's style. Color pallets are... shifted, saturation is quite high, bloom is way too noticeable... Yuck! in other words a nice fantasy preset :steammocking:
SussusAmogusMods released Nordic Dawnstar Overhaul as a second mod ... mods/78723
"Tired of Dawnstar being easily the blandest and ugliest town in Skyrim? This mod upgrades it into a proper city, with a wall, sea wall, and skaal (exterior) architecture." Ah'vrie will take a hard pass on this one... not for old cats anyway. A mish-mash of Windhelm kit pieces. The walls look completely out of place. If it just been the Skaal kit pieces for the buildings this might have been a worthy mod. The walls are just too much but it's not the old cat's game. Have a look for yourselves.
DrMabusetheRambler released Dynamic Treasure Map Journal ... mods/78681
"A journal that displays treasure maps as you read them and tracks which treasure you have already found. No SKSE necessary. All Skyrim SE/AE versions should be compatible. ESP-FE." Now this on the other hand could be very useful if you play with LOTD as a game base... you always have a copy of the map, and which ones you're already collected? I'm down with that. downloaded for testing. Have a cookie
xs2reality released XS Ripped - Male muscle texture - Normal map ... mods/78701
"As the creator of the original female muscle texture map - Sporty Sexy Map, after 11 years I'm finally releasing my personal muscled normal map texture for my male character." A bit over the top... A body for a legendary hero. A good match for their female Sporty Sexy Map. Not to everyone's taste to be sure, but ripped it is. Have a cookie
Let's get to the good stuff...
AndrealphusVIII released Werewolf Spirits ... mods/78734
"A small tweak which changes the Wolf Spirits to Werewolf Spirits when curing Lycanthropy." Why this wasn't done a decade ago is the only mystery. 2 cookies and an instant download and thanks
kojak747 released Mists of Tamriel ... mods/78703
"Mists of Tamriel adds volumetric mists, animated distant mists and morning fogs to Skyrim." This is the spiritual successor to MannyGT's morning fogs. It adds control of distant mists. You're going to want to read the mod page as it is not compatible with a lot of common mods that also control the mists. The old cat is a neanderthal and still uses Manny's morning fogs. includes patches for 20 weather mods. Nicely done. Downloaded for testing. 2 cookies
WeldingManDE released Simple Snow Improvements - Skyrim (BOS) ... mods/78702
"A simple mod to improve the snow visuals on forgotten vanilla objects with Base Object Swapper support." Basically it adds a SOS snow shader to a few exterior objects that never had them but need them. Another instant download and thanks. have a cookie
Not really a mod of the day worthy offering. We'll finish up today with a couple of quick shout outs...
dionysist released another grass pre-cache this one for QW Grass ... mods/78707
and MaskedRPGFan released two more settings loaders for read the room, and Configurable Commentary Rate Slider
And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept. Have a seat and the wenches will serve you. We-B-Open! :steamhappy:
- Avrie
- Joined: Thu Nov 03, 2022 11:37 pm
Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit
Goooooood Morning Tamriel!
Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Tirdas the 15th of Sun's Dusk and another quiet predawn at the inn. Excuse please while the fires are tended and fresh water is put to the boil...
Brew of the day is Umatima wa Uganda, and the biscuits are Verona. Checking the hot sheets we have 49 new... with all the usual suspects. We'll be sticking to the highlights again.
zongmucan lesscrapfishing as a first mod. Welcome but no cookies for this one ... mods/78799
Yeah... swing and a miss. Was supposed to make your time fishing more worthwhile. However... "I don't know why, but sometimes I had no idea what I caught, and the game just got stuck." Not for nothing, but if your in a "rush" to fish, you've missed the whole point.
woodyofficial released 3D Pine Forest Debris as a first mod. Welcome ... mods/78790
"Add 3 new grass types to pineforest01 landscape textures" swing and a miss, strike 2
Not only don't they look very good, they're not even pine :steamfacepalm: Moving right along
ZeroAq released No glowig Draugr eyes as a first mod. Welcome. ... mods/78752
"Do you think the glowing eyes are scary? Don't worry! This simple Mod will help you!" replaces the glowing eye mesh with a blank one. Not for old cats but if it makes you happy
dumbcter released No Volkihar Outfits on Regular Vampires - Different Taste ... mods/78796
This is an edited version of AndrealphusVIII's original mod from 2019. It has fewer outfits and removed the USSEP dependency.
Truceacred released No More Flower Girls ... mods/78805
"just removes flower girls from cities" An interesting concept... Keep the framework, but lose the working girls. Allows the player to RP adult romantic entanglements without tripping over the professionals. The old cat may give this a go as he tends to romance one or two NPCs. Why not? have a cookie
kirara386 released Thorny Thickets ... mods/78765
"Mesh and texture replacement for normal thickets, snowy thickets, and ash thickets." The new thickets are actual Greenbriers and look Waaaay better than vanilla. Kirara knocks it out of the park again. Available in 1k, 2k, and 4k. Definitely worthy. DLed, 2 cookies
Dovahnique's Diverse Dark Elf Lanterns (BOS - ENB Lights - High Poly) ... mods/78788
"High Poly replacer for Dark Elf Lanterns, 8 different patterns using Base Object Swapper. ENB light animated meshes, Nocturnal Moths compatible version available." The old cat has to admit, the mod adds a lot of visual interest. Nice patterns. Downloaded the Nocturnal moths version for testing in game. Have a cookie
Xtudo released Daedric Shrines - All in One - My Patches by Xtudo ... mods/78809
All in one patch hub for Mandragorasprouts Daedric shrines ... Several versions available.
Make sure to read the page.
Siberpunk has released their fourth Environs mod. This one is Kolskeggr
While the old cat loves the idea of having destroyed locations get rebuilt in game. But in this case Kolskeggr wasn't destroyed. The concept is good, but the old cat is not thrilled with the added ruins and clutter. Your game your way, have a look.
And that will do for today. There were a critter mods the old cat ignored (faster spiders... shudders) He also ignored a Nightingale retex that adds gold trim... way too much gold trim. Especially for an outfit described as woven midnight. :steamfacepalm:
The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept. Have a seat by the fires and warm your bones. We-B-open! :steamhappy:
Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Tirdas the 15th of Sun's Dusk and another quiet predawn at the inn. Excuse please while the fires are tended and fresh water is put to the boil...
Brew of the day is Umatima wa Uganda, and the biscuits are Verona. Checking the hot sheets we have 49 new... with all the usual suspects. We'll be sticking to the highlights again.
zongmucan lesscrapfishing as a first mod. Welcome but no cookies for this one ... mods/78799
Yeah... swing and a miss. Was supposed to make your time fishing more worthwhile. However... "I don't know why, but sometimes I had no idea what I caught, and the game just got stuck." Not for nothing, but if your in a "rush" to fish, you've missed the whole point.
woodyofficial released 3D Pine Forest Debris as a first mod. Welcome ... mods/78790
"Add 3 new grass types to pineforest01 landscape textures" swing and a miss, strike 2
Not only don't they look very good, they're not even pine :steamfacepalm: Moving right along
ZeroAq released No glowig Draugr eyes as a first mod. Welcome. ... mods/78752
"Do you think the glowing eyes are scary? Don't worry! This simple Mod will help you!" replaces the glowing eye mesh with a blank one. Not for old cats but if it makes you happy
dumbcter released No Volkihar Outfits on Regular Vampires - Different Taste ... mods/78796
This is an edited version of AndrealphusVIII's original mod from 2019. It has fewer outfits and removed the USSEP dependency.
Truceacred released No More Flower Girls ... mods/78805
"just removes flower girls from cities" An interesting concept... Keep the framework, but lose the working girls. Allows the player to RP adult romantic entanglements without tripping over the professionals. The old cat may give this a go as he tends to romance one or two NPCs. Why not? have a cookie
kirara386 released Thorny Thickets ... mods/78765
"Mesh and texture replacement for normal thickets, snowy thickets, and ash thickets." The new thickets are actual Greenbriers and look Waaaay better than vanilla. Kirara knocks it out of the park again. Available in 1k, 2k, and 4k. Definitely worthy. DLed, 2 cookies
Dovahnique's Diverse Dark Elf Lanterns (BOS - ENB Lights - High Poly) ... mods/78788
"High Poly replacer for Dark Elf Lanterns, 8 different patterns using Base Object Swapper. ENB light animated meshes, Nocturnal Moths compatible version available." The old cat has to admit, the mod adds a lot of visual interest. Nice patterns. Downloaded the Nocturnal moths version for testing in game. Have a cookie
Xtudo released Daedric Shrines - All in One - My Patches by Xtudo ... mods/78809
All in one patch hub for Mandragorasprouts Daedric shrines ... Several versions available.
Make sure to read the page.
Siberpunk has released their fourth Environs mod. This one is Kolskeggr
While the old cat loves the idea of having destroyed locations get rebuilt in game. But in this case Kolskeggr wasn't destroyed. The concept is good, but the old cat is not thrilled with the added ruins and clutter. Your game your way, have a look.
And that will do for today. There were a critter mods the old cat ignored (faster spiders... shudders) He also ignored a Nightingale retex that adds gold trim... way too much gold trim. Especially for an outfit described as woven midnight. :steamfacepalm:
The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept. Have a seat by the fires and warm your bones. We-B-open! :steamhappy:
- Avrie
- Joined: Thu Nov 03, 2022 11:37 pm
Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit
Gooooooood Morning Tamriel!
Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Middas the 16th of Sun's Dusk and a clear and crisp predawn here on warm sands. The blessed moons wane through their final quarter tonight so expect darker nights leading up to the festival of the new moons next week. Anyway, excuse please while Ah'vrie tends the inn for our most honored guests.
Brew of the day is Stockholm Lungo, and the biscuits are Gingermen. Checking the hot sheets we have 47 new with all the jiggles, dangles, patches, pointy sticks and cheats we've come to expect. Let's see what catches the eyes of an old cat today over a fresh cuppa...
DragonZaf released Angi's Camp - little help her. ... mods/78855
Good intentions to fix up Angi's camp, but not a lot of finesse unfortunately. drops a thatched roof on top of the shack but no snow shader. Adds a... porch/deck to the shack but it's unsupported. It's only their second mod. Keep working at your craft and someday you...
We have a couple of new normal map mods today.
Shaysjhyar's AW Males Normal Maps and Diffuse Textures for Various Skin Types (NSFW) ... mods/78839
"My custom tweaks to the male normal maps and textures that can be applied to any default male skin and body (SOS full)" Also works with HIMBO, and even Vanilla. You'll want to read the mod page on this one as the requirements are a little confused.
PepperoniB01 released PB's Soft Musclemaps (CBBE) (NSFW) ... mods/78833
"Back at it again with another normal map mashup, this time with slightly less muscles
More fit/sexy vs. Amazon/barbarian. It's all a mater of taste and backstory. Worth a look.
coldsun1187 released Pantheon NPC's pack 5 ... mods/78862
10 more cookie cutter, eye candy NPCs to choose from.
dionysist released Grass Field Plus Pre-Cache for LOD ... mods/78856
"Grass Field Plus Pre-Cache for LOD" Thanks, have another cookie chubby :steammocking: Keep them coming.
MaskedRPGFan released 4 more settings loaders ... user+files
O- Venom, trainers, strap, and Custom Difficulty UI
wSkeever released Garlic - A Garlic Mod ... mods/78848
Nice... round Garlic with a corrected color pallet. No plugin, optimized 2K
And finally... Icy Coasts Remastered by RokHel ... mods/78786
"Remasters the coasts on the snowy/frozen parts of the map by changing the snow placement logic. Adds and swaps snow flagged objects with new alternatives from Icy Mesh Remaster to fit the new coasts filled with touches of grass. Oh and no more random dark spots or blue snow." The old cat is not sure how he feels about this one. It adds grasses to the coast while removing some of the vanilla snow shaders. It also relies on assets from their Icy Mesh Remaster - Ice Glaciers - LOD - Caves mod. It also seems to affect tree placement and type. Needs to be seen in game with various tree mods..? Pass for now at least, may test on my next build.
And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept. Have a seat by the fires and warm your bones. We-B-Open! :steamhappy:
Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Middas the 16th of Sun's Dusk and a clear and crisp predawn here on warm sands. The blessed moons wane through their final quarter tonight so expect darker nights leading up to the festival of the new moons next week. Anyway, excuse please while Ah'vrie tends the inn for our most honored guests.
Brew of the day is Stockholm Lungo, and the biscuits are Gingermen. Checking the hot sheets we have 47 new with all the jiggles, dangles, patches, pointy sticks and cheats we've come to expect. Let's see what catches the eyes of an old cat today over a fresh cuppa...
DragonZaf released Angi's Camp - little help her. ... mods/78855
Good intentions to fix up Angi's camp, but not a lot of finesse unfortunately. drops a thatched roof on top of the shack but no snow shader. Adds a... porch/deck to the shack but it's unsupported. It's only their second mod. Keep working at your craft and someday you...
We have a couple of new normal map mods today.
Shaysjhyar's AW Males Normal Maps and Diffuse Textures for Various Skin Types (NSFW) ... mods/78839
"My custom tweaks to the male normal maps and textures that can be applied to any default male skin and body (SOS full)" Also works with HIMBO, and even Vanilla. You'll want to read the mod page on this one as the requirements are a little confused.
PepperoniB01 released PB's Soft Musclemaps (CBBE) (NSFW) ... mods/78833
"Back at it again with another normal map mashup, this time with slightly less muscles

More fit/sexy vs. Amazon/barbarian. It's all a mater of taste and backstory. Worth a look.
coldsun1187 released Pantheon NPC's pack 5 ... mods/78862
10 more cookie cutter, eye candy NPCs to choose from.
dionysist released Grass Field Plus Pre-Cache for LOD ... mods/78856
"Grass Field Plus Pre-Cache for LOD" Thanks, have another cookie chubby :steammocking: Keep them coming.
MaskedRPGFan released 4 more settings loaders ... user+files
O- Venom, trainers, strap, and Custom Difficulty UI
wSkeever released Garlic - A Garlic Mod ... mods/78848
Nice... round Garlic with a corrected color pallet. No plugin, optimized 2K
And finally... Icy Coasts Remastered by RokHel ... mods/78786
"Remasters the coasts on the snowy/frozen parts of the map by changing the snow placement logic. Adds and swaps snow flagged objects with new alternatives from Icy Mesh Remaster to fit the new coasts filled with touches of grass. Oh and no more random dark spots or blue snow." The old cat is not sure how he feels about this one. It adds grasses to the coast while removing some of the vanilla snow shaders. It also relies on assets from their Icy Mesh Remaster - Ice Glaciers - LOD - Caves mod. It also seems to affect tree placement and type. Needs to be seen in game with various tree mods..? Pass for now at least, may test on my next build.
And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept. Have a seat by the fires and warm your bones. We-B-Open! :steamhappy:
- Avrie
- Joined: Thu Nov 03, 2022 11:37 pm
Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit
Goooooood Morning Tamriel!
Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Turdas the 17th of Sun's Dusk and another chilly predawn here on warm sands. The blessed moons have set, the paths are closed and it is time once again for Ah'vrie to tend the inn for our most honored guests. Excuse please while the fires are stoked and fresh water is put to the boil...
Brew of the day is India, and the biscuits are Bordeaux. Checking the hot sheets we have 46 new with all the usual suspects. Let's see what catches the eye over a fresh cuppa...
Alectum ported Auto Close Doors - Door Observer by wgstein as a first mod. Welcome ... mods/78932
"adds the function making npc auto close doors behind them after they opened them"
And noobishly has 1.6.640 listed as a requirement, which is absolutely NOT a requirement. Hey if it makes you happy.
NewVegasVaultboy released 2 today after an absence of a couple of years ... user+files
Dremora use Daedric Weapons, and Better Skyforge SE. The Skyforge mod is a basic cheat that allows you to craft most of the high end armors and weapons at the skyforge without any of the required perks... Okay, well you can't cheat in a one player game but...
Radioactivelad released Hidden Unless Relevant - Fishing Recipes ... mods/78896
"Hides the cooking recipes for fish added by the Fishing Creation unless you have the relevant fish in your inventory" Thanks, simple and clean. Have a cookie
NicholeMods released Hermaeus Mora - Apocrypha - Shalidor's Shrouded Realm, and a Boethia statue replacer... So Boethia next? ... user+files
MaskedRPGFan released Mists of Tamriel - Settings Loader ... mods/78891
Stormbringer0508 released Stormy's Wooden Megapints - Base Object Swapper ... mods/78865
"This is a new version of the Megapints using base object swapper to incorporate 5 wood burned textures onto the pints with keeping the metal detailing around the edging, base and handle." SavrenX recommended changes to the original mod (Which to be honest was really lame) This new version looks much better in mixed wood textures but is still a mater of taste. It uses BOS to have different inns use different tankards. Nice upgrade, worth a look.
And we'll finish up today with Wizkid's Specific Signs ... mods/78889
"WiZkiD Specific Signs swap all generic signs with specifically designed ones for each alchemy and general goods shops." The old cat loves the diversity, well worth a look.
And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept. Have a seat and the wenches will serve you. We-B-Open! :steamhappy:
Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Turdas the 17th of Sun's Dusk and another chilly predawn here on warm sands. The blessed moons have set, the paths are closed and it is time once again for Ah'vrie to tend the inn for our most honored guests. Excuse please while the fires are stoked and fresh water is put to the boil...
Brew of the day is India, and the biscuits are Bordeaux. Checking the hot sheets we have 46 new with all the usual suspects. Let's see what catches the eye over a fresh cuppa...
Alectum ported Auto Close Doors - Door Observer by wgstein as a first mod. Welcome ... mods/78932
"adds the function making npc auto close doors behind them after they opened them"
And noobishly has 1.6.640 listed as a requirement, which is absolutely NOT a requirement. Hey if it makes you happy.
NewVegasVaultboy released 2 today after an absence of a couple of years ... user+files
Dremora use Daedric Weapons, and Better Skyforge SE. The Skyforge mod is a basic cheat that allows you to craft most of the high end armors and weapons at the skyforge without any of the required perks... Okay, well you can't cheat in a one player game but...
Radioactivelad released Hidden Unless Relevant - Fishing Recipes ... mods/78896
"Hides the cooking recipes for fish added by the Fishing Creation unless you have the relevant fish in your inventory" Thanks, simple and clean. Have a cookie
NicholeMods released Hermaeus Mora - Apocrypha - Shalidor's Shrouded Realm, and a Boethia statue replacer... So Boethia next? ... user+files
MaskedRPGFan released Mists of Tamriel - Settings Loader ... mods/78891
Stormbringer0508 released Stormy's Wooden Megapints - Base Object Swapper ... mods/78865
"This is a new version of the Megapints using base object swapper to incorporate 5 wood burned textures onto the pints with keeping the metal detailing around the edging, base and handle." SavrenX recommended changes to the original mod (Which to be honest was really lame) This new version looks much better in mixed wood textures but is still a mater of taste. It uses BOS to have different inns use different tankards. Nice upgrade, worth a look.
And we'll finish up today with Wizkid's Specific Signs ... mods/78889
"WiZkiD Specific Signs swap all generic signs with specifically designed ones for each alchemy and general goods shops." The old cat loves the diversity, well worth a look.
And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept. Have a seat and the wenches will serve you. We-B-Open! :steamhappy:
- Avrie
- Joined: Thu Nov 03, 2022 11:37 pm
Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit
Very light day today
Goooooooood Morning Tamriel!
Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Fredas the 18th of Sun's Dusk thank the divines the weekend is nigh. It's a crisp predawn here on warm sands Brrr. Excuse please while the fires are stoked and fresh water is put to the boil.
Brew of the day is Istanbul espresso, and the biscuits are classic Fig newton. Checking the hot sheets over a fresh cuppa we have 29 new with the usual mix of jiggles, dangles, patches and goofs. Let's see what catches the eyes of an old cat this day...
Dandilion's Landscape and more released as an early WIP first mod. Welcome ... mods/78958
"Changing skyrim bit by bit." and we wish you luck.
kpvw released Which Key NG ... mods/78971
"Replaces the lock level of a locked door or container with the name of the key if the player has the key in their inventory. Now as an SKSE plugin!" tiny and clean, why not?
colleeeenmk released Visible Clawed Feet - A Flawn's Vanilla Argonian Redux Addon ... mods/78969
"I really like the clawed feet mesh from Flawn's Vanilla Argonian Redux and wanted to see them some more. So now I can, and you can too" Your game your way. thanks for sharing
Bestial Blood and Werewolf perks redone by Seigi ... mods/78954
Not quite... this is a patch for Requiem which is required. Bad choice of title. Pass
and finally Humanized Orcs by Xander Virtus ... mods/78902
"Replaces Orcs with a more human looking variant " This is just wrong on so many levels... Malacath is not amused. Your game your way? Hard pass on this.
And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept. Have a seat and warm your bones. We-B-Open! :steamhappy:
Goooooooood Morning Tamriel!
Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Fredas the 18th of Sun's Dusk thank the divines the weekend is nigh. It's a crisp predawn here on warm sands Brrr. Excuse please while the fires are stoked and fresh water is put to the boil.
Brew of the day is Istanbul espresso, and the biscuits are classic Fig newton. Checking the hot sheets over a fresh cuppa we have 29 new with the usual mix of jiggles, dangles, patches and goofs. Let's see what catches the eyes of an old cat this day...
Dandilion's Landscape and more released as an early WIP first mod. Welcome ... mods/78958
"Changing skyrim bit by bit." and we wish you luck.
kpvw released Which Key NG ... mods/78971
"Replaces the lock level of a locked door or container with the name of the key if the player has the key in their inventory. Now as an SKSE plugin!" tiny and clean, why not?
colleeeenmk released Visible Clawed Feet - A Flawn's Vanilla Argonian Redux Addon ... mods/78969
"I really like the clawed feet mesh from Flawn's Vanilla Argonian Redux and wanted to see them some more. So now I can, and you can too" Your game your way. thanks for sharing
Bestial Blood and Werewolf perks redone by Seigi ... mods/78954
Not quite... this is a patch for Requiem which is required. Bad choice of title. Pass
and finally Humanized Orcs by Xander Virtus ... mods/78902
"Replaces Orcs with a more human looking variant " This is just wrong on so many levels... Malacath is not amused. Your game your way? Hard pass on this.
And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept. Have a seat and warm your bones. We-B-Open! :steamhappy:
- Avrie
- Joined: Thu Nov 03, 2022 11:37 pm
Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit
I'm breaking this one out...
Parallax Occlusion Mapping by Boris ... mods/78976
"Replaces game parallax by parallax occlusion mapping."
"WARNING! This is still work in progress."
"This mod contains several preconfigured files for the new feature of ENBSeries (v0.481 and newer)."
This is Parallax Occlusion Mapping (POM) effect mixed with Parallax Offset Mapping to get benefits from both of them. Effect reminds tesselation with displacement but have some pros and cons."
Boris strikes again... Pfuscher is going to love this, but expect some serious hits to your performance. Nice to see Boris still at it. "WARNING! Do not send me messages, please." That's our Boris LOL. We'll see where this leads.
Parallax Occlusion Mapping by Boris ... mods/78976
"Replaces game parallax by parallax occlusion mapping."
"WARNING! This is still work in progress."
"This mod contains several preconfigured files for the new feature of ENBSeries (v0.481 and newer)."
This is Parallax Occlusion Mapping (POM) effect mixed with Parallax Offset Mapping to get benefits from both of them. Effect reminds tesselation with displacement but have some pros and cons."
Boris strikes again... Pfuscher is going to love this, but expect some serious hits to your performance. Nice to see Boris still at it. "WARNING! Do not send me messages, please." That's our Boris LOL. We'll see where this leads.
- Avrie
- Joined: Thu Nov 03, 2022 11:37 pm
Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit
I posted this when it came out yesterday but didn't add it to the morning post so I'll break it out here as well.
Hot of the presses... JK tackles Whiterun Outskirts ... mods/78351
"An enhanced Whiterun outskirts overhaul "
well that's an understatement...
"A lore-friendly overhaul of the Whiterun outskirts, including new buildings (including an Inn), NPCs, overhauled farms with new crops (Pelagia, Chillburrow and Battle Born), Honningbrew Meadery exterior and the Whitewatch tower to the northeast."
This one you have to look at. As much as the old cat hates mod added walls and watchtowers and other civil war crap which is why it has no place in my load order, this overhaul is huge. Farms, inns, covered bridges... I may have avoided JK's Whiterun based on CW crap and way too much clutter, but this is a whole other level. Seriously worth the look and a separate post.
This is going to need a patch hub LOL
Hot of the presses... JK tackles Whiterun Outskirts ... mods/78351
"An enhanced Whiterun outskirts overhaul "
well that's an understatement...
"A lore-friendly overhaul of the Whiterun outskirts, including new buildings (including an Inn), NPCs, overhauled farms with new crops (Pelagia, Chillburrow and Battle Born), Honningbrew Meadery exterior and the Whitewatch tower to the northeast."
This one you have to look at. As much as the old cat hates mod added walls and watchtowers and other civil war crap which is why it has no place in my load order, this overhaul is huge. Farms, inns, covered bridges... I may have avoided JK's Whiterun based on CW crap and way too much clutter, but this is a whole other level. Seriously worth the look and a separate post.
This is going to need a patch hub LOL
- Avrie
- Joined: Thu Nov 03, 2022 11:37 pm
Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit
Goooooood Morning Tamriel!
Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Loredas the 19th of Sun's Dusk and wage slaves rejoice the weekend has arrived. The blessed moons wane through the final crescents as the festival of the new moons begins on Middas. The long dark winter nights make for great hunting but Brrr it tests an old cats fur. Excuse Ah'vrie please while the ash pits are emptied and the fires rebuilt. You may want to cover your tankards this can get a bit dusty... There, much better no? Ah'vrie always likes to start the weekend with happy fires yes he does. They warm more than the room as his mother would often say. Now to compost the ash, scrub the kettles, draw fresh water, and see what is ready for picking in the garden. The life of an inn keeper is glamorous no?
Brew of the day is a single origin Indonesian roast, and for a change today's biscuits are classic honey maid graham crackers. yum... that takes an old cat back to his youth, but Ah'vrie seems to remember them being in the shapes of little smoothskins... that's odd.
Checking the hot sheets we have 32 new with plenty of jiggles, dangles, accessories, patches and goofs as always. Let's see what catches the eyes of an old cat this day...
FrankBlack released Kanjs Nests Egg Harvesting Fix as a first mod. Welcome ... mods/79026
"This is a mesh replacer for the eggs in Kanjs nests mod. When you harvest this mesh, one egg is removed in keeping with the amount of eggs you receive." it would seem this one wants his modded Skyrim to make sense... That path leads to Sheogorath, but welcome and have a cookie for nor publishing another house in Riverwood :steammocking:
wilwhitt56 released two first mods today. Welcome ... user+files
The Hunt for Harkensol-SE, A high level quest mod, and Everward Manor-SE, a huge and noobishly over the top player home with over 30 unvoiced NPCs included... Not for old cats, but have fun.
woodyofficial released Diverse Rock Grasses as a second mod ... mods/79004
"Using a collection of Quixel rock packs, this mod replaces the vanilla rock grass and adds more rock grass to appropriate ground types." Meh, the vanilla rock grass lame, but this adds three new flavors of lame. Ah'vrie wasn't very impressed with their pine debris either.
Azorod's released Riften Towers as a second mod ... mods/78989
Adds 7 towers to Riften walls. Ah'vrie supposes it does give a slightly more medieval feel to Riften. Now if the towers had interior access, spiral stairs, and functioned as watch towers the old cat would have been suitably impressed. Unfortunately it's just useless eye candy. Pass
Schlitzohr released Vernim Wood ... mods/79036
This one does love making little towns. This mod Adds a village on the way between Darkwater Crossing and Clearspring Tarn. It's well done and worth a look, but it really needs a reason to exist in that location... A mine would have been perfect.
IWantATardis released IWAT Whiterun ... mods/78990
"Retexture of mainly the wood elements of Whiterun, with other optionals." LOL Stuart installed a door mod, then got carried away matching the textures. Not to an old cat's taste, but definitely worth a look. Stewart was nice enough to supply the downloads as 2k and 4k all in ones, as well as the individual fixes so you can cherry pick what fits your build. This one gets a cookie.
Janquel released Whiterun Exteriors Patch Collection (JK - Ryn - Market - Capital) ... mods/78920
"Too many mods add things outside of Whiterun. This page will have many patches, but not the specific one you want" As Ah'vrie expected. Like pretty much all of JK's exterior mods, it's a patching nightmare which is why the old cat doesn't use any of them. Read through Janquel's mod page and you'll quickly understand why.
And finally DylanJamesWasTaken released Acoustic Space Improvement Fixes ... mods/78992
"A compatible, vanilla-friendly lookover of every interior cell to stop small homes and shops from sounding like castles and chasms." Not the first, but corrects the accoustic templates of the vanilla game, which makes mods like Reverb Interior Sounds Expansion or Audio Overhaul for Skyrim SE more uniform and consistent. Thanks, this one get's two cookies and downloaded to endorse.
And that will do for today. Our fresh casks of ale were delivered last night, and the new batch of mead is ready so drink up. Ah'vrie is serving mudcrab scrambles as the early meal, and ale braised sabrecat with twice baked garlic potatoes and sauteed carrots for the late meal. As always we have several hearty stews simmering all day for our Nord friends. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept and mopped. Have a seat by the fires and warm your bones. We-B-open! :steamhappy:
Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Loredas the 19th of Sun's Dusk and wage slaves rejoice the weekend has arrived. The blessed moons wane through the final crescents as the festival of the new moons begins on Middas. The long dark winter nights make for great hunting but Brrr it tests an old cats fur. Excuse Ah'vrie please while the ash pits are emptied and the fires rebuilt. You may want to cover your tankards this can get a bit dusty... There, much better no? Ah'vrie always likes to start the weekend with happy fires yes he does. They warm more than the room as his mother would often say. Now to compost the ash, scrub the kettles, draw fresh water, and see what is ready for picking in the garden. The life of an inn keeper is glamorous no?
Brew of the day is a single origin Indonesian roast, and for a change today's biscuits are classic honey maid graham crackers. yum... that takes an old cat back to his youth, but Ah'vrie seems to remember them being in the shapes of little smoothskins... that's odd.
Checking the hot sheets we have 32 new with plenty of jiggles, dangles, accessories, patches and goofs as always. Let's see what catches the eyes of an old cat this day...
FrankBlack released Kanjs Nests Egg Harvesting Fix as a first mod. Welcome ... mods/79026
"This is a mesh replacer for the eggs in Kanjs nests mod. When you harvest this mesh, one egg is removed in keeping with the amount of eggs you receive." it would seem this one wants his modded Skyrim to make sense... That path leads to Sheogorath, but welcome and have a cookie for nor publishing another house in Riverwood :steammocking:
wilwhitt56 released two first mods today. Welcome ... user+files
The Hunt for Harkensol-SE, A high level quest mod, and Everward Manor-SE, a huge and noobishly over the top player home with over 30 unvoiced NPCs included... Not for old cats, but have fun.
woodyofficial released Diverse Rock Grasses as a second mod ... mods/79004
"Using a collection of Quixel rock packs, this mod replaces the vanilla rock grass and adds more rock grass to appropriate ground types." Meh, the vanilla rock grass lame, but this adds three new flavors of lame. Ah'vrie wasn't very impressed with their pine debris either.
Azorod's released Riften Towers as a second mod ... mods/78989
Adds 7 towers to Riften walls. Ah'vrie supposes it does give a slightly more medieval feel to Riften. Now if the towers had interior access, spiral stairs, and functioned as watch towers the old cat would have been suitably impressed. Unfortunately it's just useless eye candy. Pass
Schlitzohr released Vernim Wood ... mods/79036
This one does love making little towns. This mod Adds a village on the way between Darkwater Crossing and Clearspring Tarn. It's well done and worth a look, but it really needs a reason to exist in that location... A mine would have been perfect.
IWantATardis released IWAT Whiterun ... mods/78990
"Retexture of mainly the wood elements of Whiterun, with other optionals." LOL Stuart installed a door mod, then got carried away matching the textures. Not to an old cat's taste, but definitely worth a look. Stewart was nice enough to supply the downloads as 2k and 4k all in ones, as well as the individual fixes so you can cherry pick what fits your build. This one gets a cookie.
Janquel released Whiterun Exteriors Patch Collection (JK - Ryn - Market - Capital) ... mods/78920
"Too many mods add things outside of Whiterun. This page will have many patches, but not the specific one you want" As Ah'vrie expected. Like pretty much all of JK's exterior mods, it's a patching nightmare which is why the old cat doesn't use any of them. Read through Janquel's mod page and you'll quickly understand why.
And finally DylanJamesWasTaken released Acoustic Space Improvement Fixes ... mods/78992
"A compatible, vanilla-friendly lookover of every interior cell to stop small homes and shops from sounding like castles and chasms." Not the first, but corrects the accoustic templates of the vanilla game, which makes mods like Reverb Interior Sounds Expansion or Audio Overhaul for Skyrim SE more uniform and consistent. Thanks, this one get's two cookies and downloaded to endorse.
And that will do for today. Our fresh casks of ale were delivered last night, and the new batch of mead is ready so drink up. Ah'vrie is serving mudcrab scrambles as the early meal, and ale braised sabrecat with twice baked garlic potatoes and sauteed carrots for the late meal. As always we have several hearty stews simmering all day for our Nord friends. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept and mopped. Have a seat by the fires and warm your bones. We-B-open! :steamhappy: