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Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2024 1:15 pm
by Avrie
Goooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. it is Morndas the 11th of First Seed and wage slaves lament, the weekend is over. Hide if you can or work if you must it's Morndas again. The blessed moons are gibbous tonight with the first crescents tomorrow and the hunters are still drinking. Oh to by young and silly once again. Anyway, sorry to be so tardy, my pet smoothskin kept me up late, but it's past time to tend the inn so let's get to it... Excuse please while the fires are stoked and fresh water put to the boil.

Our brew of the day is Stockholm Lungo, and the biscuits are Gingermen. Checking the hot sheets we have 59 new with all the usual jiggles, dangles, patches and pointy sticks. Let's see what catches the eye over a fresh cuppa or two.

TheArtfulBadger released Simple Body Cleaner as a first mod. Welcome ... ods/113694
"A simple scripted plugin to automatically clean up NPC corpses offscreen after a set amount of time." A nice subset of options for adding and excluding NPCs makes this a very flexible system. Not the first, or nearly as immersive as Bring out your dead, but as a first mod. Nice. Have a cookie

(Nice Oliver Twist reference in the name as well... Made me think of our lovely Gnewna )

RedxYeti released Lose Gold When Hit ... ods/113481
"This is just a fun little challenge run made for ItsJabo. Every time you get hit, you lose gold. There's an MCM menu to control how much you lose. Gold also flies out of you which you can pick up if you choose. Also you die if you run out of gold."

Just like living in LA LOL Why not? Your game your way

And finally AlaxoucheModding released Skyrim Food Expansion ... ods/110935
Adds over 250 new high poly food items to replace and expand cooking in Skyrim!

QualityGames released Skyrim Food Expansion ( ESL ) ... ods/113639

The food looks great. Not thrilled with the 'cut' ham texture. The ham looks great, but the meat looks very dry enough to be a bread. Other than that it just looks YUMMY! Artichokes in Skyrim? Why not. The old cat is calling this a two cookie mod, and tracking for the next build.

And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the old cat needs a fresh cuppa and another nap, but alas there's work to be done We-B-Open!

Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2024 10:54 am
by Avrie
Gooooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Tirdas the 12th of First Seed and a quiet predawn here on warm sands. The blessed moons have set, the paths are closed, and it's once again time for this one to tend the inn for our most honored guests. Excuse please while the fires are stoked, and fresh water is put to the boil...

Our brew of the day is Miami Espresso, and the biscuits are Almond Biscotti. Checking the hot sheets we have 54 new with all the usual jiggles, patches, and pointy sticks. Let's see what catches the eye of an old cat over a fresh cuppa... definitely a fresh cuppa.

Asanra released two today ... files&BH=0
Easy lockpick; A debug menu for lockpicking, (A WIP similar to the FO4 mod)
Revert Form; which allows you to change back from werewolf form simply by hitting Crtl (Doesn't interfere with sneaking) Well you can't cheat in a one player game. Enjoy

aragonit released 4 today ... user+files
Arods Alchemy Analyzer and Tomes; "Adds arcane devices and tomes which analyze alchemy ingredients -- even those from other mods -- in a game-balanced and lore-friendly manner." This one caught the old cats eye. The others add this and a mystic condenser to Levelers tower. Interesting, but not for old cats. Thanks though

Blackspine18859 released Simple Food Spoilage System - Hunterborn Patch ... ods/113797
"Adds Simple Food Spoilage keywords to Hunterborn via Keyword Item Distributor." We don't normally cover patches, but this one touches a lot of people including the old cat so... Thanks

And finally Molag Bal Volkihar Throne by IWantATardis ... ods/113745
"Simple remodel and retexture of the throne in Volkihar Castle." I totally get the Molag Bal vibe here, but for the old cat the throne fails at a basic design level... you can't lean your head back, and you can't put your arms down on the two tier arm rests. Looks great as long as you don't have to sit in it LOL worth a look

And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kett;ls scrubbed, and the floors are swept. Have a seat by the fires and warm your bones. We-B-Open!

Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2024 12:30 pm
by Avrie
Goooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Middas the 13th of First Seed and the eastern skies will soon announce the return of the sun. Ah'vrie apologizes for being tardy yes he does. It would seem this one is finally feeling his age. Excuse please while the fires are stoked, and fresh water is put to the boil.

Our brew today is Inspirazione a Napoli, and the biscuits are Chessman. Checking the hot sheets we have 62 new with all the usual jiggles, dangles, patches and cheats. Let's see what catches the eye over a fresh cuppa...

q10isarobot released Flight Ring and More (intended For VR) as a first mod. Welcome ... ods/113830
"for my first Official Skyrim Mod I made a Flight Ring." How... unexpected thanks

AD36930 released Bleedout no move as a first mod. Welcome ... ods/113887
The title is the description, but it stops an enemy in bleedout from shifting around on the ground as the player moves... Must be ab MCO thing. Thanks

TheLorefarer released Drinking Fountains of Skyrim (ESL or ESP Version) - DLC Aditions ... ods/113851
"Adds drinking fountains to DLC areas" Thanks, Always good to have water fresh sources

Halffaces - Diverse (BOS) noble chair (Lite) ... ods/113863
"Replacers for the vanilla noblechair02.nif 3 different noble chairs variants. ESP flagged ESL"
Other than having to including one vatrient with a needlepoint pillow that looks ridiculously out of place again, it's worth a look.

PoptartJuniper released Fishing Clothing - Armored and Enchanted ... ods/113871
"Adds heavy, light, and enchanted versions of the Fishing Clothes. Enchanted versions of the Vagrant Clothing, and unenchanted and enchanted versions of the fishing rings."

The epitome of one of the ugliest outfits in Skyrim, now armored and enchantable. Why not.

AndrealphusVIII released Call of Valor Tweaks ... ods/113754
"This mod changes the Call of Valor shout to call all 3 heroes, instead of just one." Well, this is an endgame shout anyway so why not buff it up some. Your game your way.

aSingularBee released Bees' Faded Columbines - Cathedral Mountain Flower Retexture ... ods/113898
"Gives DrJacopo's 3D mountain flowers slightly less green leaves and stems." Obviously it requires Cathedral - 3D mountain Flowers. They were a bit over saturated. Thanks

And that's about it for today. They can't all be gems. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the old cat needs more coffee We-B-Open!

Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2024 12:21 pm
by Avrie
Gooooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. it is Turdas the 14th of First Seed and a crisp still predawn here on warm sands. There's a faint smell of water in the air so this one thinks a storm may be on it's way. Anyway, the blessed moons have set, the paths are closed and it is once again time for Ah'vrie to tend the inn for our most honored guests. Excuse please while the fires are stoked, and fresh water is put to the boil...

Our brew of the day is Stockholm Lungo, and the biscuits are apricot thumbprint. Checking the hot sheets we have 56 new with all the usual suspects. Let's see what catches the eye over a fresh cuppa... maybe two ;-)

hashenratten released Tomato begone as a first mod. Welcome ... ods/113932
Don't invite this one over for pizza ;-)

q10isarobot released Bags Are Hearts For FEC as a second mod ... ods/113930
A little tweak to FEC changes the model of the 'body container' to a heart. Why not. Thanks

kaleidus fixed JackoOs Gothic Armory SE as a first mod Welcome ... ods/113973
"As a fan of this mod in LE version i wanted to use this armors again but the mod has some minor bugs, wrong keywords. This is my attempt to fix this awesome mod." Thanks

Asanra released Silver Weapon Hurts ... ods/113942
This one changes the effect of subsequent hits on Werewolfs, vampires, and ghosts to a fire effect. There's common lore to support that. Why not, in fact have a cookie

th3rm0pyl43 released 4 today ... files&BH=0
All of them bypass the need for a steward to add carriages, horses, bards, and animals to your HF houses... Poor Lydia, where you going to dump her now? ;-)

devikyn released Vanilla Complex Parallax - Windhelm ... ods/113868
"Adds parallax to vanilla Windhelm textures, creating a 3D effect for the original Skyrim aesthetic." A little bit of stretching but it is vanilla textures. The tessellation height maps look well done. Thanks, worth a look

Tomato's Blended Roads Retexture - Dirt02 also. 1k 2k 4k ... ods/113987
"My take on Blended Roads + Dirt02. Supports Majestic and TPBF structures! 4k 2k or 1k"
The old cat wasn't a big fan of dirt2, but it's not the old cat's game. Worth a look. Thanks

And finally Rallyeator released Cathedral 3D Plants - Darker and Desat ... ods/110898
"Darkened and Desaturated textures for most available Cathedral 3D plants" Consider this a current 'AIO' seeing as all 11 of DrJacobo's Cathedral 3D mods are listed as required.

And that will do for today. The fores are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors arre swept. Have a seat by the fires and warm your bones. We-B-Open!

Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2024 1:19 pm
by Avrie
Goooooood morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Fredas the 15th of First Seed and another unseasonable storm is blowing through the desert. The blessed moons have long set on this tardy cat. Excuse please while the the fires are stoked and fresh water is put to the boil.

Our brew of the day is Inspirazione a Napoli and the biscuits are Toll house. Checking the hot sheets we have 55 new with all the usual suspects. Let's see what catches the eye over a fresh cuppa... maybe three

thesilentwally released Stormcloaks Bikini - Immersive way to find As a first mod. Welcome ... ods/114080
Hides a stormcloak bikini in a giants chest on the road to Dawnstar. If it makes you happy why not. Thanks

Klivia released Oblivionesque Locks - Realistic Retexture as a first mod Welcome ... ods/114071
Retextures the wood in Oblivionesque Locks - Lockpicking Minigame Overhaul by iWantWidgets. The old cat can't tell it the pictures are before or after, but the wood looks awful dry rotted. If you can't pick it, kick it ;-) Thanks

TaxEvasionMaster released Reverie - a Summer Grass mod ... ods/114047
Basically over saturates the grass from Seasonal landscapes. Your game your way

Socalista released Elysium Estate Exterior Path ... ods/114049
Adds a cobbled exterior path leading from the road to Elysium Estate. Thanks, that will help quite a few people.

devikyn released Vanilla Complex Parallax - Riften ... ods/113873
"Adds parallax to vanilla Riften textures, creating a 3D effect for the original Skyrim aesthetic." The ninth in the series. Thanks

edit - Missed one They released Solitude while the old cat was typing ... ods/113936

The last two mods will require testing in your game. Depending on your setup and load order you might run into issues... grain of salt time

Torch and Candlelight Shadows by fricticekrag ... ods/114029
"Simply enables Torch and Candlelight (Spell) casting shadows." Light limit fix required (and with good reason) Thanks

And finally Dancing lights by Tenz81 ... ods/113926
"This mod changes light records of candles and fires to give those lights more visible movement." Read the mod page, and use with caution. This is actually a patch for ELFX Shadows, and will vary with your ENB settings... Testing in your setup required.

And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and please don't disturb the old cat propped on his broom snoring in the corner... It was one of those kinds of night. We-B-Open!

Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2024 3:23 pm
by Avrie
Gooooooood Mornng Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Sundas the 17th of First Seed and this one apologizes for his pet smoothskin keeping me from tending the inn.

Our brew of the day is inspirazione a Venezia, and today it would seem biscuits have been supplanted with fresh doughnuts from the market. Checking the hot sheets we had 66 mods a few hours ago and seven that don't have a cup size caught the old cat's eye...

Axarien released Don't Rush Me - Riften ... ods/113412
"Brynjolf and Maul don't forcegreet you. Simply talk to them when you're ready to hear their opening dialogue." Simple, clean, and a better solution than some that more or less do the same thing. Worth a look and a cookie. This way you can choose when to become a thief.

Ylikollikas released Arboreal Ascension - Enhanced Pine Trees of Skyrim ... ods/114261
Very limited, not even a complete pine replacer. Keep working at your craft and someday...

natinnet released HD Eyes ... ods/114286
"HD replacer of eyes textures. Now only for humanoid races, textures for khajiits and argonians will be added later." An interesting start. Call it a work in progress. Thanks

TheBlackKnight3000 released Meridia Shrine Dungeon ENB PARTICLE LIGHTS ... ods/114270
"Adds ENB PARTICLE LIGHTS to Meridias dungeon gemstones and pedestals."

This is the mod I alluded to earlier. Adding particle lights to the gems is a great idea and very well done... making the metal pedestals glow is... Silly comes to mind

Let's get to the good stuff...

Rally's Barsets ... ods/114178
"Replacer for Barsets and Counters in Taverns and Shops. Available in 4K or 2K"

Okay, Rally does good work we all know that. The bars and counters look great. The only question that comes to mind is where the trees came from to cut three foot wide boards 4 or 5 inches thick with matching grains? Sorry it's the contractor in me LOL, the counters look great. Have a cookie

Now that we have better counters and bars, let's put them to use

HS Riften - The Bee and Barb by HyliosSykes of course ... ods/113786
"Overhauls The Bee and Barb in Riften." OMG that's an understatement LOL This is basically an entirely new floor plan for the same building, and it's really interesting. You'll want to look through all the pictures. Frankly, the old cat really likes this one. The only thing HS missed was adding support beams to the ceiling. The columns, and the tables built around them are an interesting and very unique look. But having heavy support columns holding up the middle of an unsupported ceiling tile... Well the contractor in me just can't unsee it. But the old cat loves the new look. Have a cookie

And finally devikyn has recieved their first mod of the day, and it was well earned...

Noble Skyrim Mod HD - Complex Parallax Addon ... ods/114121
"Adds parallax to one of the most popular and faithful-to-source retexture mods, Noble Skyrim."

As far as the old cat is concerned, the previous 11 'vanilla parallax' mods in the series were all practice leading up to this. The tessellation algorithms are a little heavier than in their previous releases, but not terribly stretched, just a bit more pronounced. It's a little more noticeable at the corners of stone walls where it accentuates the seams, but the project is ambitious in the extreme when you realize the shear number of textures that had to be height mapped. The old cat also appreciates the fact that all of the pictures were taken with vanilla lighting and no DOF.

You can seriously consider this parallax Skyrim, a one stop shop. The old cat only wishes it was slightly more subtle. We'll give it two cookies for ambition alone. You'll have to decide for yourselves if complex parallax is worth the noticeable artifacts. This was a massive and unexpected undertaking. Kudos for making the effort.

And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept and mopped. Have a seat by the fires and warm your bones. We-B-Open!

Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2024 12:58 pm
by Avrie
Gooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. it is Morndas the 18th of Last Seed so unfortunately hide if you can or work if you must, the weekend is over. The blessed moons waxed through the first quarter and will be full in a week. Time to hone those silver weapons again. Anyway, excuse please while the fires are stoked and fresh water is put to the boil.

Our brew of the day is Venezia again. This one needs to order more coffee, and the biscuits are Toll House. Checking the hot sheets we have 56 new from all the usual suspects. Lets see what catches the eye over a fresh cuppa or two...

leeZed released LOSE YOUR STUFF AS A WEREWOLF as a first mod. Welcome ... ods/114305
"This is an immersive mod which makes you lose your inventory items (not quest items) after changing back into a human from a werewolf." A very interesting first mod, and arguably very immersive, but not very playable seeing as you would be forced to retrace your steps each time to collect your gear if you were smart enough (or had the opportunity) to get naked and store your stuff before you change. The old cat likes this one. You should be forced to wake naked and have to survive and scavenge new gear. Add in survival mode... Well it won't be easy to actually play that way, but have a cookie for true immersion.

Adlez8475 released Missing Vanilla Potions by Xtudo - BOS ... ods/112460
"Addon for ElSopa Potions Redone Replacer - Base Object Swapper by using Xtudo's models" Some assembly required. Read the mod page, thanks

Halffaces - upper table square replacer ... ods/114372
"Simple replacer for uppertablesquare01.nif" Inventive, creative, and utterly ridiculous LOL. Thanks, Pretty but pass.

AGiantPie ported 5 of ClefJ's town overhauls from the LE side ... user+files
The old cat remembers these, and he's surprised they were never ported. Thanks, we wouldn't want these to get lost. Have a cookie.

Skyking2020 released Arena - Markarth Side Town ... ods/114252
"Markarth Side, featured in ESO Arena. Located south east of Dragon Bridge. Markarth Side features 8 shops, custom NPCs, a barracks, and a player home that you furnish through a menu system. The player home features all crafting stations, a garden, room for 2 kids, a wife, and a follower." Another ESO import It's actually quite nicely done using Whiterun kit pieces... A town of merchants? Okay, why not? Skyking dd nice a very nice job. Have a cookie

And our mod of the day is something totally unexpected, and an instant download.

Mists of Tamriel - Blue Haze by gilorn ... ods/114325
"Replaces gray mist in a distance with a soft blue haze."

The pictures tell the tale. This change in the color and density looks so natural the old cat will be installing Mists of Tamriel (required) if it isn't already just to add this retex. Such a simple change, for such a huge difference in appearance... Now we need a mod that ties this to the weather. The mists shouldn't be that thick all the time. 2 cookies.

And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed and the floors are swept. Have a seat and the wenches will serve you. We-B-Open!

Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2024 11:58 am
by Avrie
Gooooooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Tirdas the 19th of First Seed and a peaceful predawn here on warm sands. The blessed moons have set, the paths are closed and it is once again time for Ah'vrie to tend the inn for our most honored guests. Excuse please while the fires are stoked and fresh water is put to the boil.

Our brew of the day is from India, and the biscuits are Bordeaux. Checking the hot sheets we have 56 new with all the jiggles, dangles, patches and goofs we've come to expect. Let's see what catches the eye of an old cat over a fresh cuppa or two...

lucidstorm1 released Medieval Chair - replacer of vanilla stool as a first SSE mod ... ods/114435
"low poly chair piece, a cheap (easy to make for the carpenter) and likely version of a chair that could be found during medieval times. Replacer"

Well, cheap and easy to make might be true, but the only place the old cat would expect to see this would be an abandoned camp site. Medieval? pass

MaskedRPGFan is still making settings loaders ... ods/114436
"Modified MCM for Ultimate Deadly Encounters and Spawns by tonycubed2" Thanks

NotarinSapphicWeeb released Werewolf Eyes ... ods/114446
"A collection of eyes for werewolves in human form" They're still new to modding and learning. There's no glow or distribution. Good effort, keep working at your craft...

ry14 released Bodyslide Ground Mesh Generator (A modders resource) ... ods/114442
"Python automation script for converting bodyslide .nif mesh files to ground meshes for armor/clothing mods." Probably of little use unless you're creating / converting clothing mods. There's nothing like having the correct tool for the job. Thanks have a cookie

devikyn released Vanilla Complex Parallax - Miscellaneous Architecture ... ods/114426
"Adds parallax to vanilla's smaller locations, like High Hrothgar, Sky Haven Temple, and Sovngarde, creating a 3D effect for the original Skyrim aesthetic."

Ah'vrie thinks this one is on a mission. giving the low-res vanilla textures parallax does make for an interesting look. Kudos for sticking with it. Have a cookie

Lets see... Kulharin patched High Quality Ivy - WiZkiD Parallax Farmhouses ... ods/114414
"Simply re-paths the vanilla parallax meshes in High Quality Ivy to use the appropriate texture." Looks good, thanks

Well, there really isn't a mod of the day today. The old cat was going to spotlight one, but when he looked under the hood he realized this is just more anime cambat crap. This is Skyrim not DragonBall Z

Heart of Akavir Act1 -Prologue ... ods/114179
"Heart of Akavir is a non-script combat behavior expansion designed to enhance NPC actions" Look at the videos for an idea of what it does. Pass

and that will do for today. The fores are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept. Have a seat by the fires and warm your bones. We-B-Open!

Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2024 11:24 am
by Avrie
Goooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Middas the 20th of First Seed, and a crisp predawn here on warm sands. The blessed moons have set, the paths are closed, and it is once again time for this one to tend the inn for our most honored guests. Excuse please while the fires are stoked, and fresh water is put to the boil.

Our brew of the day is from India, and the biscuits are Verona. Checking the hot sheets we have 61 new mods with enough jiggle to trigger an earth quake. Let's see what catches the eye of an old cat over a fresh cuppa or two...

kellthekyuss released Only the Finest Weapons and Armor as a first mod. Welcome.
No information given, looks like another kitchen sink merchant chest buff. Pass

nerevar009 released two today. A patch for Khajiit caravans rich skyrim merchants, and an SSE edit script to make all quest items dropable. Not for old cats ... user+files

WalkerInShadows released No Smithing Tutorial ... ods/114491
"No more annoying smithing tutorial. You're welcome." adds an impossible condition to trigger the dialog... Or you could just not click on it thanks

FxD2 released KS Hairdos Lite - Salt and Wind Retexture ... ods/114529
"Repacked the specific Salt and Wind retextures for the hairs in KS Hairdos Lite" Thanks, now there's no need to download the whole pack if using the light version.

pancake0723 released two today ... user+files

Pancake's Rare Curios Plants: A modder's resource introducing plants and mushrooms for several ingredients added by Rare Curios.

Journey to Baan Malur: Explore north-west Morrowind in the Julan-Shar region, home to the town of Cormaris, provincial capital of Baan Malur, and many dungeons to discover. Comes with fully-voiced NPCs with unique daily schedules, completed interiors, full LOD, new locations and a small quest.

Too many Skyrim set pieces mashed together for an old cats taste. (multiple Ravonrocks with fort Dawnguard thrown in...) Creative, and worth a look. Thanks

And finally Halffaces - Casks Diversification ... ods/114559
"Some different models for brewerycasklargeclosed02.nif" Requires BOS and their previous cask mod. What no gingham throw pillows Looks good. Thanks.

And that will do for today. They can't all be gems. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are... don't drop your food. We-B-Open!

Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2024 12:36 pm
by Avrie
Goooooood morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Turdas the 21st of First Seed and a quiet predawn here on warm sands. The blessed moons have set, and it is once again time for this one to tend the inn for our most honored guests. Excuse please while the fires are stoked, and fresh water is put to the boil...

Our Brew of the day is classic Ristretto, and the biscuits are Almond biscotti. Checking the hot sheets we have 59 new mods with all the usual suspects. Let's see what catches the eyes of an old cat over a fresh cuppa or two.

We're going to start with something a little unusual for the old cat. A pointy stick.

johnskyrim released Relentless ... ods/114022
"Adds a NEW One-Handed Longsword called "Relentless". Comes in 1k, 2k and 4k Resolutions and offers a 2H variant."

Zzyxzz released Relentless - LL Injection - SkyPatched ... ods/114641
"Adds the awesome Relentless sword to the Dawnguard Vendors Gunmar and Hestla. Allowing you to purchase the weapons in an immersive way! No Plugin, no conflicts, maximum compatibility!"

The old cat doesn't normally give pointy sticks a second look, but JS did an amazing job. Everything looks great. The pummel and leather wrapped handle and engraved guard look perfectly balanced to the blade. The double edge is hollow ground and the fullering along the medial ridge shows an actual understanding of the forging process. This is simply a beautiful piece of work. Light, fast, and worthy of any Dovahkin. The glowing ruin option meshes really well with a Dawnguard distribution list as well. Solid 2 cookie work.

WhereDeadAngelsLie released an Add Item Menu ESL patch and a less cheaty version ... user+files
Thanks, good to see this getting some love. Have a cookie

GiraPomba released Dynamic Looting and Harvesting Animations ... ods/114547
"Adds dynamic animations for haversting flora and looting from NPCs/chests, wardrobes and barrels." They look good if a little repetitive, A few of the animations miss a little bit, but overall a nice set, and much better than vanilla. Thanks

Socalista added three more overgrown exterior paths ... files&BH=1
Stormwatch, Shade Hall, and Whiterun Safehold. Thanks, no one like muddy boots ;-)

Schlitzohr released Cracked Tusk Keep ... ods/114566
"A overhaul of the Cracked Tusk Keep. Changing it to an orc stronghold with quests."

It also edits a few cells and adds an Orc longhouse to Bilegulch mine. (Ah'vrie is assuming those are quest related and not wild edits.) The added quest dialogs are voiced using ElevenLabs unfortunately, but worth a look.

Rally's Chests SMIM ... ods/114409
"Replacer for the Upper and Common Chests by SMIM in 4K or 2K. Optional version with 3D handles for Upper Chests available"

These look good, but the leather straps under the 'd rings' and the way the horizontal wooden bracing cuts through the central metal brace doesn't quite look correct to an old ct's eye. The old cat will pass on this one, but nice work all the same.

And finally. Snazzy goes prime time lol

Snazzy Furniture and Clutter Overhaul (SFCO3) - Base Object Swapper ... ods/113045
"A comprehensive overhaul of furniture and clutter throughout Tamriel, primarily distributed via Base Object Swapper! Includes new models and textures for noble chairs and beds, drapery, Imperial and Thalmor banners, weapon racks and plaques, display cases, alchemy and enchanting tables, wall artwork, children's' toys, and more!"

Now you can have snazzy diversity popping up all over, And if it fits your character and build why not? Gutmaw should have simply called this Snazzy Skyrim. Have a cookie

And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed. and the floors are swept. Have a seat by the fires and warm your bones. We-B-Open!