Hey Selene, should I disclose my diagnosis or not?

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Re: Hey Selene, should I disclose my diagnosis or not?

by Selene310187 » Sun Jan 29, 2023 3:36 pm

I moved the topic to Mental Health because you can apply the gist of the text to all possible diagnoses:
Selene310187 wrote: Tue Nov 08, 2022 9:06 pm Disclosing your diagnosis (be it ADHD/ADD, autism, social anxiety, ...) to someone can be a double-edged sword. People could be more understanding or give you the cold shoulder. It's also possible that nothing changes. Nobody can make this decision for you.

Alternatively, you can just talk about your limitations instead (e.g. the sensitivity to noise).

Hey Selene, should I disclose my diagnosis or not?

by Selene310187 » Tue Nov 08, 2022 9:06 pm

Hashtag: #AskSelene31Something

In the first part of the text, I talk about my own experience, then about what could happen when you disclose your diagnosis to someone and at the end I list some resources for further reading.

Not too long ago, I faced the same question at my workplace. I reached the point where couldn't keep my mouth shut any longer. I entrusted myself to my boss and disclosed my autism diagnosis. It cost me quite an effort to do it overcoming my anxiety. But I felt that I can trust him. He even suggested that I disclose my diagnosis to my colleagues, too. They said that I mostly appear "normal" but there are few moments when my behavior deviates from the "norm" (I can appear "normal" because of my masking but my safety mechanism isn't fail-safe). One of my colleagues mentioned that he already thought I could have autism long before I disclosed my diagnosis (he knows some people with this diagnosis in his personal surroundings).

All in all, it was one of the best decisions in my life. The acceptance and openness I received were quite overwhelming.

Disclosing your diagnosis (be it ADHD/ADD, autism, social anxiety, ...) to someone can be a double-edged sword. People could be more understanding or give you the cold shoulder. It's also possible that nothing changes. Nobody can make this decision for you.

Alternatively, you can just talk about your limitations instead (e.g. the sensitivity to noise). It did this at the beginning, for example, mentioning that I require a quiet environment to function properly. I know that's not always possible. That's why I always carry my earplugs and ear muffs with me (if I don't forget them :sn-5: :sn-9:).

Further reading:
Disclosing your autism - a guide for autistic adults
Autistic masking
Tips to Help Manage Noise Sensitivity
