Skyrim's lost settlements

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Re: Skyrim's lost settlements

by Altbert » Wed Oct 25, 2023 11:00 pm

Ivanhoe1955SI wrote: Wed Oct 25, 2023 2:39 pm Interesting mod. I always wondered, when I was still playing Skyrim, where are the settlements that you heard about but nothing is visible anymore.

I see now in the Steam post that the earliest mention is at 3E399.
Does this now mean that settlements or prominent places that were destroyed during the War of the Three Banners, i.e. ESO, will not be included here?
Whereby I am open and to my knowledge at the moment can not name a place.
In addition, I am unsure if the events from the game ESO are to be considered canon.

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There are some visible ruins and I have taken those into consideration. Most lost settlements are from TES 1 Arena, but the map has changed considerably. Some other settlements are from literature (Dunbarrow, Bartmond, Vundeheim). For now nothing about ESO.

Re: Skyrim's lost settlements

by Ivanhoe1955SI » Wed Oct 25, 2023 2:39 pm

Interesting mod. I always wondered, when I was still playing Skyrim, where are the settlements that you heard about but nothing is visible anymore.

I see now in the Steam post that the earliest mention is at 3E399.
Does this now mean that settlements or prominent places that were destroyed during the War of the Three Banners, i.e. ESO, will not be included here?
Whereby I am open and to my knowledge at the moment can not name a place.
In addition, I am unsure if the events from the game ESO are to be considered canon.

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Re: Skyrim's lost settlements

by Selene310187 » Sun Oct 22, 2023 4:02 pm

Congratulations on the release, Altbert! Very atmospheric. I will try it in my next Skyrim playthrough.

Re: Skyrim's lost settlements

by Altbert » Sun Oct 22, 2023 1:40 pm

A few minutes ago I have released the mod "Skyrim's Lost Settlements" on AFK Mods: ... ttlements/

Skyrim's lost settlements

by Altbert » Tue Nov 15, 2022 5:31 pm

I've published a new guide on Steam: ... 2880620387

I have worked on this guide for quite some time after my release of the mod "Arena Lore" for Skyrim LE, but never came around to finish it. But ... it may still remain a work in progress, depending on whatever info I might find on the subject. :sn-2:
