Goooooood morning Tamriel!
Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Morndas the 3rd of First Seed and wage slaves lament, the weekend is over. Hide if you can or work if you must it's Morndas again. The blessed moons have set and it is once again time for this one to tend the inn. Excuse please while the fires are stoked, and fresh water is brought to a boil...
Our brew of the day is from Indonesia, and the biscuits are Ginger zingers... The old cat made trays of Fudge brownie cookies yesterday, but today just calls for thin and crispy. Checking the hot sheets we have 43 new from the usual sources, let's see what catches an old cat's eye over a fresh cuppa or three.
It's Morndas ... lets start with a warning
Alkeari released Smart Plugin Cleaner (MO2) Plugin Tool ... ods/143430
"Smart Plugin Cleaner is an advanced mod cleaning tool for Mod Organizer 2 that allows for automation in the plugin cleaning process using xEdit. It provides a user‐friendly graphical interface where users can filter plugins by type and choose to display only dirty mods based on LOOT masterlist data."
Because we all know how reliable LOOT plugin cleaning data is The old cat is NOT recommending this. He's sure the plugin 'will' work as intended, once a minor pathing bug is clarified. The problem is LOOT. We don't recommend cleaning mod plugins based on the masterlist unless it's recommended/approved by the author. The very concept of automating this is just as lame as QAC. Ah'vrie is sure this will appeal to the skypatcher crowd. Use at your own risk. Not for old cats even on a Morndas
Okay, Let's get back to real modding
7upGuy released Whiterun Fletcher as a first mod. welcome ... ods/143408
"Adds a small bow store, to the unused space outside Whiterun's main gate." Because the Drunken Huntsman is considered a corner club? lol. If it makes you happy
aaslr released You're Hired - Merchant Manager as a first mod. Welcome ... ods/143421
"This mod allows you to make almost any NPC into a merchant. This include followers, children, and even some animals. Once you make an NPC into a merchant, you can have them work at their own merchant stall, placed wherever you like. Control what they sell and how their inventory resets."
Well, the old cat could actually see this used 'conservatively' in locations without proper merchants like Morthal or Ivarstead... Why not? Your game your way. Thanks
Speaking of merchants...
Anna the mysterious Merchant by CommanderShepardHere ... ods/143395
"Anna is a merchant of unknown origins that has....items....." And questionable items at that. Well you won't have to do much searching. She sells all the items you'd be quested to find, and makes the ultra rare common. Thanks, but pass
EyzekSkyerov released Security Overhaul Series - BSAed ... ods/143377
"Packing meshes and textures of the security overhaul series into 1 BSA for optimization"
Combines 5 mods / patches into one mod and packs it into a single BSA. Obviously requires the original 5 mods, but there is no mention of permissions given... and if you don't want all of them you have a few hoops to jump through. Thanks for sharing but pass.
n7magistrate released Magistrate Refulgence SE ... ods/143384
Adds two new 'candlelight' spells with longer duration and brighter/more radius. Thanks, we'll add it to the pile if there's any room left.
FilaelSpring released two today, Thanks ... ameId=1704
Handheld Lanterns - Increased Glow Radius: the pile grows
Nirn Necessities; nerfs carry weights of SMP accessories
TrolledBartholomew returns with Nebula Arts - The Void's Draw ... ods/143385
This one likes flashy destruction spells that are mostly for show. This is their fifth. Epilepsy warnings not included. Thanks
Satafinix released Insectoid - Scrib Sounds Rework - ... ods/143414
"Scrib Insectoid Sounds Rework , Ash Hopper SFX Bethesda concept!" His second bug sounds rework, Worth a listen at least. Thanks
Zzyxzz released Mortal Vitality - A Player Health Regen Overhaul ... ods/143365
"Mortal Vitality reduces the passive health regeneration to zero for the player in Skyrim, making healing a choice, not a passive process. Combat regen is no longer penalized, and potions work at full strength! Adding more gameplay depth to your health management!"
Using Skypatcher to alter game mechanics across your mod list... Why not, your game your way. Not for old cats. Though Ilja might like the their more salt skypatcher
Styles of Skyrim - Merchant Clothes Variations by masimeiro ... ods/143310
"A splash of recolors for merchant clothes! Featuring many new color variants for Skyrim's merchants. Compatible with any Bodyslide preset and most mesh replacers, with Skypatcher distribution for compatibility."
The old cat might have used this mod, but this one has no use for skypatcher. Ah'vrie fears we may have no choice in the future but to turn proper modding over to these stupid bots. It would seem even modding wants to cater to the lowest common denominator.
They can't all be gems ... Morndas
The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the old cat wants to hide until tomorrow. Time for a fresh cuppa. We-B-Open!