How do you add com_zoneMegs to the command line for Quake 3 Arena?

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Re: How do you add com_zoneMegs to the command line for Quake 3 Arena?

by Selene310187 » Thu Aug 01, 2024 8:31 pm

Where do you put the +set com_zoneMegs 128 part? Inside the quotation marks or after the last quotation mark in the Target field of the shortcut? According to my research it should look like this:

Code: Select all

"C:\Games\Quake III\quake3.exe" +set com_zoneMegs 128
Edit the path to the game's executable inside the quotation marks so it matches the install on your hard drive. You can find further information on creating shortcuts with parameters here.

How do you add com_zoneMegs to the command line for Quake 3 Arena?

by PunkRubberRiley » Wed Jul 31, 2024 6:02 pm

I ran into some trouble starting the simpsons map that I got from that lvl website into my game! After doing some digging, I found that I'm supposed to make a shortcut, and in the properties section, I have to add +set com_zoneMegs 128 to the end of the "target" string! However, when I do that and hit apply, a message pops up saying that the line I put in doesn't exist, and I have to make sure it's valid! I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do?

I figured I post this topic here as well, because I have a sneaking suspicion that nobody on the steam forums is going to help me! :cry:
