Gooooooood Morning Tamriel!
Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Loredas the 18th of Morning Star and wage slaves rejoice the weekend has arrived. It's another crisp predawn here on warm sands. The blessed moons have set and it is once again time for Ah'vrie to tend the inn for our most honored guests. Excuse please while the ash pits are emptied and the fires rebuilt. Ah'vrie always likes to start the weekend off with happy fires and a happy fire needs to breathe... There, much better no? Now to compost the ash, tend the garden, scrub the kettles and bring fresh water to a boil... an innkeepers life is glamorous no?
Our brew of the day is Miami espresso, and the biscuits are Tate's lemon cookies. Checking the hot sheets we have 53 new from all the usual suspects. Let's see what catches an old cat's eye that doesn't require an antigravity bra
A quick shout-out to TSarGR. Following up on their first mod (Silver hand Lore overhaul) We got two more today tweaking the companions quests. ... ameId=1704
Requirements, and more loot for radiant quests.
I will poke the requirements mod a touch. The companions quests are supposed to be accessible in the early game. It's the first faction you meet. That's why you're introduced outside Whiterun before ever making it to the front gates. Setting a minimum arms skill at 40 turns them into a mid / late game faction, and undermines Kodlack's dialog. Your game your way, the old cat will pass, but thanks
yoshiki The Winking Skeever Improved ... ods/139416
"Immersive renovation mod for Winking Skeever, in Solitude."
There's that I word again. The old cat likes some of the changes, and questions others. Is this an inn or a player house? Evidently for this author with plans on marrying Sorex it's both. It's a nitch overhaul to support a story. Ah'vrie applauds that. This might not be for old cat's, but this one gets two cookies on the merits. Nicely done.
tirol211 continues refining Alteration for their play through. Today they added Waterwalking spells to lock picking and Mark and Recall.
Alteration - Waterwalking ... ods/139372
"This mod adds two simple Apprentice-level Waterwalking spells, allowing you to walk on water yourself and grant the ability to your follower or horse."
Immediate Download... I have to be able to cast a spell on my horse and gallop across a lake. That, the old cat can't pass up on. It will also make exploring the black books more interesting... This one gets a cookie, Ah'vrie will be testing this one today (hopefully
Let's get into visuals a bit...
IDDeimos released Deimos ENB Reshade as a first mod. Welcome ... ods/139387
Another ENB + reshade as a first mod. Only three pics? For an ENB, and the best one is with the mod disabled... Keep working at your craft and someday you'll be saying "Do you want fries with that?"
Makes you almost miss those Riverwood shacks. Just poking LOL, Thanks, and welcome
Cabbage ENB ReShade by FishingPower ... ods/139380
"ReShade Preset for Cabbage ENB. Less warm colors and more AO."
Actually the old cat would classify this as slightly brighter with increased dynamic range. Taste is always subjective, and to the old cat, the 'original' pics look better. Your game your way. ( Now this one wants to look at cabbage again LOL )
We'll finish up with two 'under the hood' mods
Form Id Searcher and Autocompletion by rhonjhonson ... ods/139335
"If you often use in game console for debugging and modding you may find this SKSE plugin helpful." To be honest the old cat is not exactly sure what this does. It 'feels' like a manual form of additem menu. Here's the old cat's first gut impression which may be completely unfounded, and may miss the mark totally...
"type Editor Id(for example, if you want the forsworn fireball staff, you need to type dunBlindCliffStaffReward, not Eye of Melka)"
If Ah'vrie has to search for dunBlindCliffStaffReward, I've already found the formID and don't need your mod... Just saying. Additem Menu and similar mods are more useful.
And this one gets the top slot today because the old cat already stubbed a toe on this one
Dynamic Cubemap Patcher - Mod Organizer 2 Plugin by kiin98 ... ods/139324
"An Mo2 plugin to find all cube maps in your load order and convert them to dynamic cube maps for ENB. Only a single click is needed." where were you a week ago when the old cat had to fix his statues of Dibella looking like melting butter? Ugh!
LOL, kiin98 has been around for years, and the old cat is still using their diversified chickens mod from 2 years ago. If more and more authors switch to dynamic cube maps, this could become a very valuable tool. 2 cookies
And that will do for today The Ale casks were delivered on time last night, and the new batch of mead is ready. We're serving mudcrab scrambles for the early meal, and Ah'vrie will plan the late meal when he returns from the markets. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept and mopped. Have a seat and the wenches will be happy to serve you. We-B-Open!