Coffee with an old Khajiit

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Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

by Avrie » Fri Mar 14, 2025 11:56 am

Gooooooood morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Fredas the 14th of First Seed, and a blustery predawn here on arm sands. The blessed moons are full, and if you enter the inn smelling of wet dag, you're going to taste the old cat's mace not his mead. Anyway, the moons have set and it is once again time for this one to tend the fires and put fresh water to the flame...

Our brew of the day is Arpeggio, and the biscuits are still chocolate chunk. We'll bake fresh when this old cat returns from the markets a little later. Checking the hot sheets we have an eclectic mix of 48 new mods, and believe it or not, some don't have a cup size. Let's see what catches an old cat's gaze over a fresh cuppa or two.

ROSVER released Naked Comments Overhaul as a first mod. Welcome ... ods/144656
"add keyword and conditions for revealing clothes, so it can be seen as naked" Ooookay. There is some assembly required. This sets the conditions, but you have to add the keywords with xEdit. Thanks?

ENORXA released Soul Tomato and Flawed Varla Stones are Black Soul Gems as there second mod, but their first slipped though the cracks. Their first allows you to choose the amount of light used in Racemenu. So Welcome, and welcome back. ... ameId=1704
The old cat actually has no problem making flawed Varla Stones 'Black'. It's easy enough to head cannon that, that's what the flaw is. And it allows you to play nice with Azura. Thanks

gera1264 released Vanilla Water Reimagined ... ods/144583
It's upscaled not re-imagined. This might be useful on weaker systems, so no poking though. Thanks, have a cookie.

Shadow1474 released Frostflow Abyss Fake Light Remover for ELFX ... ods/144632
"A simple Base Object Swapper file that removes ELFX's fake lighting surrounding the glowing mushrooms in Frostflow Abyss." The old cat visited Frostflow twice recently and might just use this. It was much too bright. The question unanswered is; Does this remove the added fake lights from all the mushrooms, or just those? They're too bight everywhere, even Bleakfalls.

That's pretty much it for today.

PSBoss released Standing Stone the Lady (NSFW) ... ods/144447
Again with the stupid stars? and adding an outfit to a naked statue just makes it even cheezier... Moving right along.

The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept. Have a seat by the fires and warm your bones. We-B-Open!

Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

by Avrie » Thu Mar 13, 2025 10:46 am

Goooooood morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Turdas the 13th of First Seed and a crisp predawn here on warm sands. The blessed moons are gibbous tonight, and the goddess' crazy puppies will be out all weekend. You have been warned. Anyway it is time once again for this one to tend the inn for our most honored guests. excuse please while the fires are stoked, and fresh water is put to the flame...

Our brew of the day is Kahawa ya Congo, and the biscuits are fudge brownie cookies. Checking the hot sheets we have 46 new with enough jiggle to set off Nirnquake detectors as always. Let's see what catches an old cat's eye that doesn't require a magical anti-gravity bra over a fresh cuppa or two.

r0000 released Vanilla hair remake for Immersive Wenches as a first mod. Welcome ... ods/144522
"Exported FaceGen Data for all npcs in Immersive Wenches.esp with Vanilla hair remake hairs." Oookay... Your game your way. Thanks for sharing

Jasmyr released More Draconic Baby Dragons as a second mod. Welcome back ... ods/144532
Basically changes the baby dragon eyes to a more reptilian shape. It's interesting. It's a very subtle change, than actually has a big impact. Worth a look and a cookie.

BjornyFjorny returns with Helgen Keep Exploding Crossbow Jumpstart ... ods/144557
"Adds a dead Dawnguard carrying a crossbow, 100 steel crossbow bolts, and 50 exploding bolts, to Helgen Keep."

You know, as game restart cheats go, for a Dawnguard play through, this one has class. At this point in the vanilla game you're wearing an Imperial kilt and carrying an iron sword. Exiting the cave in base Dawnguard armor with a crossbow is a very reasonable cheat. The added exploding bolts are just good fun. This cheat gets a cookie.

Lets see... Miggyluv66 released tattoo and warpaint mods for men today ... ameId=1704
Interesting if limited. One of each, in two colors. Worth a look. Not the old cat's style

Exalderan released Barstool Exit Animation Fix ... ods/144556
"Fixes the awkward barstool exit animation by restoring and fixing Skyrim’s intended forward-exit movement. No more weird backward bench exits — just smooth, natural animations for both male and female characters, exactly as Bethesda originally meant!"

Deja vu all over again... Didn't we just review this, might have been a different author. Ah'vrie thinks the 'other' version included new animations, this one just assigns the correct vanilla animation... More coffee needed lol. Thanks

snozz2004 released Fort Dunstad ... ods/144471
Another in the series of buffed bandit camps. Adds quite a bit to the fort including a second tower, some new interior cells, and gates. Also makes a few landscape edits. This will be incompatible with Stumbling Sabercat, but includes it's own inn overhall. No mention if it will play nice with takeover mods, but worth a look. Thanks

And we'll finish up with yet another grass mod compilation.

Breath of Kyne - A Patchy Grass Edit by rotundrobert ... ods/144530
"A choice cut of Skoglendi, Sacred Garden, and DrJacopo's new modular grass mods. Meant for vanilla-friendly landscape textures."

"A grass edit that combines four grass mods to give each region its own standout style, sticking to vanilla landscape patterns. It's also a quite patchy by design, so no overgrown grass everywhere."

Worth a look and a read. Check the requirements, the textures are not bundled, and keep in mind the authors previous work consisted of a few smoothcam presets. This does look interesting, and seems well though out. Have a cookie for your first 'real' mod. Thanks

And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept. Have a seat by the fires and warm your bones. We-B-Open!

Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

by Avrie » Wed Mar 12, 2025 12:09 pm

Gooooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Middas the 12th of First Seed, and this one woke to the smell of water. There must be a storm rolling in. Anyway, it's time once again for Ah'vrie to tend the inn for our most honored guests. Excuse please while the fires are stoked, and fresh water is put to the flame...

Our brew of the day is Stockholm Lungo, and the biscuits are chocolate chunk. Checking the hot sheets we have 32 new mods from the usual sources. Let's see what catches the eyes of an old cat over a fresh cuppa or two.

Renamon69 released Horse Idle Animation Patch For USSEP as a first mod. Welcome ... ods/144359
"Idle head & tail fix for horses after installing USSEP"

Now the old cat needs to actually watch his horse idle. While this one highly doubts USSEP has anything to do with 'breaking vanilla idles' The mod itself might have merit. This one uses CH, and has for about a decade. It's quite possible the old cat has never seen the issue this is supposed to fix. Inquiring minds want to know... Thanks

pugsquasher released Convenient Enchanting Research Materials as a second mod
No link needed, it's a cheat chest full of stuff to disenchant in front of Farengar's desk. Good for testing, not for playing, but Thanks.

shazdeh2 released Break Staves and Learn Spells ... ods/144403
"An alternative means to learn spells and a new use case for the magical staves you find: while you're in your inventory and highlighting an staff, you can press the B key (customizable in MCM) to break the staff and learn the spell that it casts, but the staff is destroyed in the process."

Close but no cigar... The old cat likes the thinking, but it should have been an option to disenchant the staves at a standard enchanting bench at the least. The idea of "snapping it over your knee" and learning the spell..? That's hard to head cannon. While in truth, there are a few the old cat trips over that he'd love to learn in the early game, Unless your player home has a staff enchanter, You'll have to wait on visiting Solsteim.

RealExist released Sloppy Vanilla Landscapes ... ods/143767
"2K vanilla landscape textures, upscaled using generative AI, remade normals and specular, and some manual edits. For vanilla lovers only. Primarily made for PBR, but a vanilla replacer with parallax textures is also available."

Thanks, The old cat is aware that PBR is all the rage at the moment, but these textures are not very impressive. That said, it's a big step up from vanilla. A nice 'mid point' for weaker rigs looking to add CS/PBR or parallax. Thanks

runescapebot released Aduri Sarethi Replacer ... ods/144433
Name says it all. The old cat doesn't normally feature replacers, but there's something 'pixie like' in this ones look, that the old cat finds very fitting for the old alchemist's hyperactive baby sister. Might be a little too 'human like' for purests, but it's a cute look for a Dunmer teen. (Of course when you live for hundreds of years, she could be in her 50s and still have her 'teen looks') Worth a look and a cookie for being cute.

And our mod of the day... This one needs actual testing in a new game

Elder Scrolls Immersive Enemies - Witches by FurfanteVigliacco as a first mod? Welcome ... ods/144352

"The witch faction in Skyrim feels underdeveloped. It consists of only two ranks : Witch (level 4) and Hag (level 8) offering little progression or variety. Visually, they are indistinguishable from generic warlocks, sharing the same outfits and dropping the same weapons. Gameplay-wise, they lack uniqueness, relying on a standard set of spells used by any magic-wielding NPC. This mod seeks to change that by giving witches a distinct identity, both in appearance and combat."

"There are now various witch factions. Encounter the fierce Nordic Fryse hags, the enigmatic Dunmeric Mabrigash, the arcane Glenmoril witches, and those inspired by the mystical Wryd Covens. Every faction boasts its own unique spell repertoire, distinctive attire, and exclusive loot. With an expanded ranking system compared to the base game, each faction presents escalating challenges and a rewarding sense of progression. These factions are far from equal: some are weaker and easily dispatched, while others are rare and immensely powerful, posing a true threat to even the most seasoned adventurers. Their presence is scattered across Skyrim, with each group occupying distinct regions that reflect their nature, ensuring a balance between challenge, discovery, and immersion."

There are warnings for people that push combat difficulty as some of the boss witches are very powerful, but it looks like a lot of thought went into variation and balance. As the old cat said, needs testing in a new game. This one gets a couple of cookies in advance for fleshing out the factions. Worth a look. The author alludes to this being a series. Tracking

And finally, Stan would never forgive me it this wasn't included...

Baby Dragon - A Pet Follower by hanshotfirst01 ... ods/143815
"This is a cute little baby dragon who will follow you on your adventures. He can be found in Eldergleam Sanctuary."

Okay, everyone in unison now... Awwwww! This one gets a sweet roll (baby dragons like sweet rolls) A little toonish, but so cute.

And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are... don't drop your food. We-B-Open! Now where's that mop?

Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

by Avrie » Tue Mar 11, 2025 12:36 pm

Goooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Tirdas the 11th of First Seed, and a brisk predawn here on warm sands. The blessed moons have set and it is time once again for this one to tend the inn. Excuse please while the fires are stoked, and fresh water is put to the flame...

The brew is still Istanbul espresso, and the biscuits are classic sugar cookies. Checking the hot sheets we have 65 new mods from the usual suspects. Let's see what catches a sleep deprived and fuzzy headed old cat today.

Eightan released The Forsworn Conspiracy - CFTO - Patch as a first mod. Welcome ... ods/144227
"This mod fixes an issue when using CFTO and the forsworn conspiracy quest delay mod. Without this patch the quest can't be started due to CFTO preventing some dialog options from appering when speaking to the carriage driver outside Markarth"

Nice first mod, and a useful fix. This one gets a cookie

skulldilocks released Winterhold Cottage as a first mod. Welcome ... ods/144164
"ESP-only starter house outside Winterhold, designed for mages. Compact and detailed, with all vanilla crafting stations (except spiders)."

Talk about skill with a shoe horn. The old cat loves this mod. This is exactly the kind of starter home the old cat would use for a mage build. The magic lights and decorations are a bit over the top, but this is a first mod, and has a noobish charm. Worth a look and a cookie. Tracking for now.

Zoruxin released Gold To Perk Point - Master Alterer Edition as their third cheat mod
No link needed, this one is still too busy cheating to play. If you still need cheat points by the time you're using master level alteration spells, you're doing something drastically wrong.

Renthal's gone flaky again... Pixel ironbattleaxe iron SE ... ods/144230
He made this ugly heavy iron axe just for Sofia... Thanks?

And speaking of flaky rhonjhonson released rebalanced flesh spells ... ods/144319
Just poking ;-) This mod buffs mage armor quite a bit. Thanks

Stormhand81 released Skyrim Realistic Conquering - Patch Collection ... ods/144201
"Patch Collection for Skyrim Realistic Conquering - solve all conflicts for your radiant quests!" You'll want to read the mod page. This is an addition to the "Exclude from Radiant System" so when you take over a location, the game knows not to send you there is a radiant quest. Covers a dozen mods, more to follow. Thanks, this one gets a cookie.

dylbill released Console Log Viewer ... ods/144291
"An SKSE plugin that adds new console commands to allow you to view log files in the console menu in game." Useful for mod authors while debugging, but we all know that Noobs will try to use it to debug crashes that haven't happened yet LOL. Thanks

Liseralla released 2D Fake Bulb Light - Removed ... ods/144329
"Removes the ugly flat bulb from dwemer lights" And the old cat must admit, that if you use particle lights for the dwemer sconces they look amazingly better. If you don't use particle lights, you'd probably want to keep the fake glow. Thanks (tracking for my build)

And now for something completely different... Our mod of the day

Serana - The Harsh Reality by hellgeist ... ods/144305
"This is a realism† mod, consisting of edits to Serana's appearance and voice which offer a custom interpretation of a vampire that has been imprisoned in a tomb for thousands of years."

The old cat has to admit, he loves the thinking behind this mod yes he does. It's missing additional models that would allow her to 'become herself' as you travel with her, and the mystical blood potions should be able to revive her. But the old cat must agree this is what she 'should' look like after centuries of not feeding. Then again the thirst should over power her and she should attack the dragonborn almost immediately out of extreme starvation. This one gets two cookies, but it needs to be finished. a couple of interim stages of recovery as she feeds would make this an essential mod for old cats.

Sorry to everyone that wants her as a waifu. She needs a long soak in a tub of blood first.

And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept. Have a seat by the fires and warm your bones. We-B-Open!

Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

by Avrie » Mon Mar 10, 2025 12:01 pm

Gooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Morndas the 9th of First Seed and wage slaves lament, the weekend is over. Hide if you can or work if you must, it's Morndas again. It seems the evil time wizards have once again stolen an hour. What they do with the stolen time is a mystery for the ages. The blessed moons will be full on Fredas so the time to oil and hone those silver weapons is nigh. Anyway, excuse please while the fires are stoked, and fresh water is put to the flame...

Our brew of the day is Istanbul Espresso, and the biscuits are Sweet Loren's chocolate chunk. Checking the hot sheets we have 56 new mods from the usual eclectic sources. Let's see what catches an old cat's eye over a fresh cuppa or three.

unknownmf07 released Mortal Creatures (Mortal Enemies Variant) as a first mod. Welcome ... ods/144088
"Improves Skyrim's combat by removing the aimbot-like attacks of creatures."
Thanks, of course you can also just get-gud, LOL

MissWinter77 released Riverwood Mage Hovel as a first SSE mod. Welcome ... ods/144163
"A small mage hovel in the hill just outside Riverwood" How... novel

Actually building the hovel using shack kit pieces but underground 'is' a fairly novel approach. Using the fireplace from an Imperial fortress kit with no chimney in an underground shack... maybe not so much. LOL. Nice first effort, have a cookie

Fallven released Nightgate Inn Revived Crafting Station ... ods/144108
"Nightgate Inn Revived mod is missing crafting equipment apart from the tanning rack. My mod fixes it!" The old cat prefers Arthmoor's approach in CRF with recreating Heljarchen village, but your game your way.

jmrblues1 released Gift Horses Ext ... ods/144089
"SKSE Version of Gift Horses Mod that adds additional functionality and improved horse following package." They basically recreated their mod from a year ago as an SKSE plugin with new features. Now you can assign unique horses for up to 50 followers and create your own cavalry. Not for old cats, but thanks

TSarGR released TS - Sanguine Realm - Misty Grove Overhaul ... ods/142975
"A simple overhaul for Sanguine's Realm, Misty Grove. The goal is to make the location a more lively and darker party and a potentially usable player home." Because why wouldn't you want a group of naked drunks in your house? Seems perfectly normal to me.

lets see... ICFur released two today ... ameId=1704
Plain Old Dead Shrubs Reach Bushes and Thickets
Enhanced Vanilla Landscapes

The old cat has a dead shrub remover installed... too ugly to keep ;-) but Ah'vrie has to admit that EVL has caught my eye. Parts of it at least. Some of the color choices don't blend perfectly, but as an upgrade to vanilla, with added parallax support, this is certainly worth a look, and even a cookie.

Toostruus released NPCs Ain't Hachikos - Some More NPC's ... ods/144115
This adds sandbox AI to 5 additional unique NPCs. Thanks Toos... Sapphire was beginning to seem like a prostitute holding up a lightpost on a street corner LOL The old cat may be testing this.

Finally, this has to be the mod of the day... Sound the trumpets and summon the dancers

World of Ducky by daedaddy ... ods/144138
"44 collectible ducks scattered throughout skyrim. each grants +5 health, magicka and stamina and a 10% increase to skill experience upon collecting them all. There is only ONE duck locked behind a quest and its within high hrothgar."

They better float... The old cat wants to drop them in all the KIC bathing rooms at the inns. Oh, common! Who doesn't love a rubber duck? I wonder if they squeak when you pick them up? Mod of the year material, Mark my words.

And that will do for today, the fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept. Have a seat and the wenches will serve you. We-B-Open!

Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

by Avrie » Sun Mar 09, 2025 1:31 pm

Gooooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Sundas the 9th of First Seed and a quiet predawn here on warm sands. A perfect morning for sleeping late, catching up on chores, having brunch with the family... Who is this one kidding. Draw the blinds, and lock the doors, Thar B Dragons!. Anyway, excuse please while the fires are stoked, and fresh water is put to the flame.

Our brew of the day is Arpeggio, and the biscuits are Ginger zingers. Checking the hot sheets we have an eclectic mix of 74 new mods. Let's see what catches the old cat's eye

insanityheal99 released GraveHollow Keep as a first mod Welcome ... ods/144053
"Gravehollow Keep is a player home mostly aimed for necromancer playstyles" Unfinished, over the top, and charmingly noobish. It looks like they had fun. This one gets a cookie for not being a farmhouse in Riverwood ;-)

liwenrou released Fix of statues in the Palace of the Kings ... ods/143969
Another one of those tiny fixes you can't unsee. Thanks, We love these. No plugin.

Zediious released three today ... ameId=1704
Interesting that they released two contradictory mods on the same day... There's a fix for the opening cart scene if you use immersive horses, thanks. But what's interesting are the other two. Forgotten Vale Dragons - No Dragonborn Requirement, and No Dragonborn Until Unbound. Sooo, there are dragons in the game, but you can't collect the souls if you kill them... ? Thanks. Your game your way.

What bothers the old cat is he could seriously see this working into a play through. The dragons have returned to Skyrim, but there is no Dragonborn... Opens possibilities.

RavenKZP released No Loot When Armed - SKSE plugin ... ods/143253
This is not a mechanic or a fix, it's intended for people that play in third person so that the animations they added for looting will play. Obviously in reality you can hold a sword or a torch in one hand and still open a chest. Not for old cat's but thanks for sharing.

let's see... Renthal released medieval goldamuletruby SE ... ods/143967
It's... interesting. The old cat is a little confused, this does not appear to be a replacer for any of the standard amulets in game. No mention of where to get it or crafting recipes... Imlenny will probably like it... Oookay, thanks. Moving right along

AizenV released Exquisite NPC 2 ... ods/143930
"Lore friendly visual overhaul of most of generic NPC such as guards, soldiers, etc." And quite nicely done at that, and worth a look, Unfortunately it was done with Skypatcher.

Anbeegod released Follower Dialogue Expansion - Rayya ... ods/143288
"Meet a desert warrior who punishes her past sins by refusing to be loved. Expands Rayya with 307 immersive and lore-friendly voiced lines. Reacts to many quests, locations."

Alright we all know they do a good job adding to vanilla dialogs using AI voices, but this one also adds a back story to Rayya. The old cat is not sure how he feels about that, but this is the first of their mods the old cat is considering. Rayya was always an interesting character needing more story... Thanks, this one has my eye.

And finally, we'll finish up with something totally unexpected... Sound the trumpets

JK's Raven Rock ... ods/141070
"An enhanced Raven Rock overhaul"

LOL, a man of few words. Classic Javier. Totally over the top, and don't expect it to play friendly with any other raven rock mods you 'may have considered in the past' It's JK. The first thing that you'll notice is the complete rebuilding/expansion of the bulwark.

JK's Raven Rock Patch Collection by Czasior ... ods/143840
Looking at what needed patching out of the box... Yeah. Classic JK LOL

All the old cat will say is it looks great like all of JKs stuff, but this one is pushing it even for JK. The bulwark would have taken the entire population of Ravenrock multiple decades to build, all to protect 6 houses an inn and a mine? Then again it 'was' and imperial city, and the Romans did like to build big, but they would send thousands of people not a couple of dozen Definitely worth a look, but the old cat will pass

And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the floors are swept and mopped, and the coffee is hot. Have a seat and the wenches will serve you. We-B-Open!

Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

by Avrie » Sat Mar 08, 2025 12:39 pm

Gooooooood morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Loredas the 8th of First Seed and wage slaves rejoice the weekend has arrived. It's a crisp predawn here on warm sands. Yesterday's storms have past, and the blessed moons have set. It is therefore time once again for Ah'vrie to tend the inn for our most honored quests. Excuse please while the ash pits are emptied and the fires rebuilt... There, much better no? Ah'vrie always likes to start the weekend off with happy fires, and a happy fire needs to breathe. Now to put fresh water to the boil while the old cat checks the garden and scrubs the kettles...

Our brew of the day is Miami espresso, and the biscuits will be Strawberry rhubarb thumb prints (The ovens are preheating) Checking the hot sheets we have 41 new mods in the usual eclectic mix of jiggles, dangles, patches and pointy sticks. Let's see what catches an old cat's eye over a fresh cuppa this fine morning.

Zoruxin released Convert Gold To Perk Points as a first mod. Welcome
"Adds a simple lesser power that converts gold to a perk point." thanks

Oakenshielb released two first mods. Careful, this one is thirsty, but Welcome ... ameId=1704
Both are patches for Tamrielic Culture

kaylo also released two today ... ameId=1704
Spell research tweaks, and conditional candlelight. Thanks, the candlelight toggle is an interesting idea if you use a duration boosting mod. Almost cookie worthy

kuroishitam released Dangerous Dwemer Dungeon - New Trap Addition ... ods/143923
"This mod adds new traps..." Laser beam eyes with optional lighting effects... really?

Socalista released Bal Meryan - Order of the Ashen Veil ... ods/143901
"Assist the Order of the Ashen Veil, a sisterhood of Morrowind's Tribunal Temple, in reclaiming their fortress-monastery of Bal Meryan..."

Well, you all know how the old cat feels about castles, but this one almost feels like it's part of a larger DLC and Ah'vrie has to admit that it's quite well done. One can hope the quests do it justice. This does paint some zealots of Stendar in a bad light. Definitely worth a look and a cookie. Needs testing, but the blending of Solitude and Raven Rock kit pieces was handled very nicely. The old cat is impressed.

Dominicgraham1994 released Dark Brotherhood Night Mother Retexture Reupload ... ods/143890
No mention what happened to the original. I nice recolor. Should have been upscaled as well. Worth a look, but there are better choices. Thanks

Ave's Brass Ring Replacer for Beyond Skyrim - Bruma ... ods/143835
"14th part of this ongoing story of making Beyond Skyrim's Jewelry unique and nicer.... This time the Brass Ring." Classic Ave, even the scratches look good ;-) Have a cookie

And that brings us to our mod of the day. This one has the old cat's eye. Beat the drums

HDT-SMP Vanilla Armors by furexarot ... ods/142450
"Adds realistic cloth physics to most of the base game and DLC armors. Supports vanilla bodies as well as CBBE 3BA and HIMBO."

Finally Skinned mesh physics comes to vanilla armor... This deserves testing, and It looks well done. The scope is limited to vanilla armors, and was recommended to use alongside "Modernize" by Newmiller-johnMcfield which covers most vanilla clothing.

The old cat may want to take a long look at his clothing mods before launching the long game. It's been a very long time since he considered a 'vanilla' an option... Tracking Thanks

And that will do for today. The new casks of ale were delivered on time and this one's new batch of mead is ready. We're serving slaughter fish steak and eggs with crisp diced potatoes for the early meal, and Ale braised sabercat for the late meal. as always there's a hearty stew simmering for those that need to ward the chill...

The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept and mopped. Have a seat by the fires and warm your bones. We-B-Open!

Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

by Avrie » Fri Mar 07, 2025 1:03 pm

Gooooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Fredas the 7th of First Seed and divines be praised, the weekend is nigh. Just a reminder, the blessed moons will be full next week. It's time once again to hone those silver weapons. Anyway, it's once again time for this one to tend the inn. Excuse please while the fires are stoked, and fresh water is put to the flame...

Our brew of the day is classic Ristretto, and the biscuits are Tate's Chocolate Chip. Checking the hot sheets we have 39 new with enough jiggles to create Nirnquakes. Let's see what catches the eye that doesn't have an H cup...

milmklouf released silver sword sheath as a first mod. Welcome ... ods/143814
"i looked up "silver sword sheath" on the nexus and didnt find anything so i just made it myself" This is the soul of modding. Thanks, have a cookie

ly55e3 released Enemy Multiplier as a third mod after a year's vacation ... ods/143748
"This mod can multiply the number of enemies in the Skyrim"

A bit of an over simplification, but basically that's it. Set the multiplier to 3, and a dungeon with 10 baddies, becomes a dungeon with 30 baddies. Your game your way... Not the old cat's way though LOL. Thanks

CourierSixOG released two today ... ameId=1704
Alchemy potion guide, and The complete alchemy encyclopedia. Between the two they add 11 books on Alchemy to the game...

Okay, the old cat has totally embraced Alchemy, so you know this is going to be checked out in game. Downloaded to read in game. Thanks

ItzIvy released Sunhelm Patch for CC Survival Food ... ods/143751
"A patch that makes Sunhelm fully compatible with Creation Club Survival Mode by adjusting food keywords to work seamlessly"

Bold statement, this needs testing, but it could be a very important patch for a lot of people. Old cat's included. Downloaded for testing. (Next restart obviously)

AutisticAussie released River Pond Farm ... ods/143805
"Another farm in the Whiterun valley. Designed to go with other mods." This is AA's fourth farm if memory serves. This one is bigger, makes landscape edits, and some of the elements are still a bit noobish like lines of pine trees acting as a fence, and fences across a river you added a boat to... If they had fun making it, that's worth a cookie.

And we'll finish up with a mod for perusal of the proclaimed emperor of the multiverse

EJ's barrel-replace-medieval style by JET654 ... ods/143756
"I have made two different wooden barrels. One is open, and the other has a concave-convex surface. They closely resemble the wooden barrels from the medieval period. The surface is very rough, giving an impression as if it's not free of dust. I really like the realistic style, so I'd like to share these works with you all. I hope you will like them."

The old cat has to admit... These give old and worn, a warm and fuzzy. There are a couple of visual artifacts... The staves are not properly tapered yada yada, but the look is cohesive. These may be intentionally ugly, but they're very well done. Have a cookie

And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept. Have a seat by the fires and warm your bones. We-B-Open!

Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

by Avrie » Thu Mar 06, 2025 12:52 pm

Goooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. it is Turdas the 6th of First Seed and a quiet predawn here on warm sands. The blessed moons wax through the first quarter tonight, it will be time to hone those silver weapons again soon, but for now, the moons have set and it is time for this one to tend the inn. Excuse please while the fires are stoked, and fresh water is put to the flame...

Our brew of the day is Arpeggio, and the biscuits are oatmeal raisin. Checking the hot sheets we have 52 new mods with plenty of jiggles and pointy sticks as always. let's see what catches an old cat's eye over a fresh cuppa or two...

Avium13 released two first SSE mods today. Welcome ... ameId=1704
Both are edits to the vanilla difficulty and barter settings. While both mod pages list the actual setting changes, there's no explanation as to what these changes were intended to accomplish. (And it's much too early for the old cat to figure out) Thanks, Moving right along

sewerrat5150 released their first mod in 6 years. Welcome back ... ods/143727
"Cast a spell to smelt all basic ores to ingots, in the players inventory."
Not unreasonable if you haven't added additional smelters to the vanilla game, but really? At that point you might as well just spawn the ingots LOL. Thanks

Sam2D released four 'performance' tweak mods today ... ameId=1704

It is not lost on this one, that their first mod enabled a slow motion version of a dark souls menu parch, and now they're turning down all the other settings Your game your way. Thanks

KaptainCnucklz released Serana Eye Glow Disabler ... ods/143722
This is another one for the pile. Includes face gen files, Doesn't work with replacers... This would not be the old cat's first choice, but thanks.

And finally we'll end with a nod to JJerem, and a required patch

HAG - Occult Witchmist Grove ... ods/143685
"An exterior overhaul of the Hagraven nest Witchmist Grove. Reimagined with new custom made assets Into an eerie ruin for those filthy Hagravens"

HAG - Occult Witchmist Grove Patch Collection by Citachi0 ... ods/143731
Fixing Navmesh and Landscape Conflicts between some exterior mods and HAG - Occult Witchmist Grove.

This is their second "occult" overhaul. The old cat was never fond of this author's penchant for adding bandit camp style walls everywhere, and the Orphan's rock overhaul added a tree much larger than the Gilderglem and got a 'pass' But this one is interesting.

Ancient warn stone foundations, and a twisted dead tree with the hag's 'tent' built into the roots. and a couple of dead pines... This area is always in a perpetual mist anyway, so the witch hunter vibe is strong. This one's worth a look, and maybe even a cookie.

And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept. Have a seat and the wenches will serve you. We-B-Open!

Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

by Avrie » Wed Mar 05, 2025 12:46 pm

Goooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Middas the 5th of First Seed and a crisp predawn here on warm sands. The blessed moons have long set and it is time for this one to once again tend the inn. Excuse please while the fires are stoked, and fresh water is put to the boil...

Our brew of the day is Inspirazione a Roma, and the biscuits are fudge brownie cookies. Checking the hot sheets we have 33 new from the usual sources. Plenty of jiggle, but let's see what catches the eye that doesn't have a cup size.

FlamingoGolf3 released Standing Stone Abilities as Lesser Powers as a first mod. Welcome
No link needed, edits the 4 stones the author uses to lesser powers with unlimited use.

slamanna released No Elven Or Orcish Daggers For Bandits as a second mod. Welcome back
Also no link needed, This is an attempt to fix a messed up MLU setup. Thanks?

Shivathecreator released Dushnikh Yal Longhouse ... ods/143599
Where to start, it's not a long house, or even in Dushnikh Yal. It's a TARDIS and pretty much screams NOOB! from the rafters, but it looks like they had fun, so thanks

Grimus4 Giant Club High Poly Meshes and Textures ... ods/143570
The old cat's not sure what to make of this one. The textures are questionable and what this one thinks are leather strips binding the stone to the club looks like drizzled chocolate to these eyes. Thanks, but frankly not sure it's an improvement. Keep practicing.

SkyrimThiago released Books of Power - Immersive spell learning ... ods/143499

First, nothing to do with the mod immersive Spell learning, this is a whole new method that has the same goals. The naming was unfortunate, but we all know 'I' word mods LOL

"This mod makes the spell learning more immersive by adding a learning curve to spells. You first cast them by looking at the tome and awkwardly trying to replicate what is written on it, but you keep getting better at casting the spell until you finally learn how to cast the spell, and you can do it at its full glory without the need of using the book"

"Spell tomes will be now on the scrolls tab, they now are just like scrolls, but they do not get consumed but cost mana. After you get to full level using the book to cast the spell makes it 20% stronger." Thanks, not for old cats, Several requirements, and basically adds an extra level of useless tedium and calls it 'immersive'. Thanks?

And let's finish up today with a look at JPSteel2 current work ... ameId=1704

In the last two weeks they released: Quest Journal Overhaul, Tween Menu Overhaul, and todays flavor, Favorites Menu Effects Description.

It appears to the old cat that what we have here are the early sections of a total UI overhaul. I think we're just seeing ti one 'page' at a time, as it evolves. What the old cat finds interesting is how it looks like the different pages came from different overhauls. The old cat will stick with Dear diary dark mode, but tracking the author. They appear to be learning quickly, and frankly the old cat likes the way the menus look without a background, just using the paused render. Keeping an eye on this one for now. Ah'vrie likes where this one is headed, but it needs to simmer a bit more.

And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are... where's that bloody mop. We-B-Open!
