Does anybody else have ADHD alongside autism?

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Does anybody else have ADHD alongside autism?

by Selene310187 » Wed Nov 02, 2022 12:13 am

The YouTuber Yo Samdy Sam talks about certain studies in her recent video. According to these studies, between 30 and 80 percent of autistic people have ADHD. She didn't mention her sources though. I did a quick search and found this article.

Here's the video in question:
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A video from YouTube usually appears here. Please contact an administrator.
Do you have ADHD alongside autism?

I, for my part, have indeed both and I often don't know if some "features" come from my Autism or ADHD side. Just like Yo Samdy Sam I crave order but I'm unable to maintain it. If I managed to tidy up my flat, it becomes a mess shortly afterwards. So I invite people to have an incentive to tidy up again, again and again - a never-ending cycle.

My greatest special interest is creating mods for the Elder Scrolls and Fallout games. But I also had interests which came and went in the course of time such as playing guitar (gave up as I lacked dexterity) and programming in Java or PHP (started a few attempts but lost interest quickly). Some stuff stuck in my mind so I can customize existing (PHP) code. Every couple of years, I put together some 3D models in Blender on a rather amateurish level. I made the mistake to present them in a thread on Nexus Mods and ask if they are good enough. Somebody said it's neither one thing nor another (or something like that). Being discouraged plus being more sensitive than today, I stopped creating custom models long ago. I thought of resurrecting this hobby but there are a lot other things which I want to do and I have problems with setting priorities. If you are interested, you can see a few pictures of my 3D models here.
