A small collection of possible emotions

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A small collection of possible emotions

by Selene310187 » Fri Mar 17, 2023 11:49 pm

When you search for words to describe how you feel, this collection gives you some impulses:

Positive emotions:
stimulated, giddy, balanced, frolicsome, impressed, spurred, freed, satisfied, excited, ambitious, comfortable, animated, amused, inebriated, comforted, touched, elated, inspired, emotional, enchanted, grateful, keen, energetic, vigorous, dedicated, enthusiastic, relieved, determined, relaxed, delighted, joyful, refreshed, fulfilled, moved, exhilarated, enlightened, reassured, encouraged, thrilled, amazed, expectantly, fascinated, subtle, free, to rejoice about something, peaceful, glad, cheerful, mesmerized, secure, happy, beatific, benevolent, buoyant, awakened, cordial, entranced, overjoyed, hopeful, inspired, interested, decided, powerful, lively, vivid, gentle, tender, casual, funny, pleasurably, motivated, vivacious, brave, candid, optimistic, respectfully, calm, lush, spirited, confident, blissful, proud, resourceful, boisterous, surprised, effervescent, exuberant, overwhelmed, reckless, lighthearted, imperturbable, stunned, jolly, amorous, playful, faithful, startled, spellbound, enraptured, full of anticipation, awake, warmhearted, curious, pleasant, caressing, pleased, affectionate, approachable, trustful.

Negative emotions:
arrogant, jaded, aggressive, alarmed, disgusted, anxious, trembling with fear, powerless, annoying, suspicious, upset, worn out, frightened, pressed, gloomy, biased, anguished, concerned, burdened, offended, ashamed, worried, shocked, affected, saddened, perturbed, bitter, blocked, grumpy, depressive, depressed, aloof, dull, confused, jealous, lonely, filled with disgust, sensitive, indignant, discouraged, enraged, appalled, disappointed, fatigued, disillusioned, agitated, slain, exhausted, terrified, hostile, frustrated, fearful, spiteful, inhibited, livid, bored, agonized, irritated, disturbed, indifferent, hateful, helpless, vexed, pathetic, cold, edgy, empty, covetous, listless, discontented, distrustful, tired, sullen, dispirited, envious, nervous, disheartened, unconscious, panicked, pedantic, embarrassing, dumbfounded, pessimistic, clueless, restless, angry, reserved, drowsy, tired out, outraged, heavy-hearted, lacking in energy (or spiritless), skeptic, sorrowful, stressed, confrontational, impassive, foolish, sluggish, sad, weary, overwhelmed, overloaded, awkward, disinterested, impatient, displeased, uncomfortable, unhappy, vague (or obscure), unapproachable, unsettled (or unseasy), indecisive, insecure, at a pinch (or "in a pinch" or "pressurized"), uneasy, dissatisfied, afraid, exasperated, embittered (or resentful), embarrassed, vulnerable, hurt, lost, mad (insane, crazy), sleepy (bleary, overslept), withdrawn, scared, uptight, disgruntled, distraught (distracted, dazed, haggard), unsure (uncertain, insecure), bewildered (baffled), despondent (rueful, timid), desperate (frantic, forlorn), reproachful, tearful (weepy, whiny), reluctant, furious (mad, angry, rabid), fidgety (wriggly, antsy), contrite, demoralized (harassed, worn down), torn (disrupted), shaky (wobbly), hesitant (tentative, to hold back), irately (wrathfully, furious), cynical (jaundiced).

Neutral emotions:
ridiculous (silly, goofy, daft), ambivalent, troubled (churning), decided (settled), caring (nurturing, attentive, provident), relaxed (in an easy manner), tense (eager, keen, in suspense), sophisticated (cerebral, intellectual), melancholic ("I'm blue.", "to have the blues"), thoughtful (reflective, pensive, pondering, ruminant), curious (nosy, prying, snoopy, questioning), convinced (confident, genuine, positive), sensual (ecstatic, lustful), doubting (diffident, quizzical)

The collection is my translation* of the Gefühlsliste (list of emotions), written by Guido Boyke, which is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 DE.

* I skipped some words where I didn't find a suitable English expression. In the middle of translating the negative emotions, I got the idea to put words with a similar meaning inside brackets.

I got a copy of the list probably in my mindfulness group many years ago. The original source was published to describe character traits, temperaments and moods in the improvisational theatre. You could use it for writing stories as well.
