A Worthy Sequel to Dragon Age: Origins

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A Worthy Sequel to Dragon Age: Origins

by smr1957 » Sat Dec 10, 2022 9:06 pm

After hundreds of hours playing the original Dragon Age:Origins, I finally purchased and turned my attention to Dragon Age 2 - and its new character, Hawke. I found it to be a worthy successor to the original, and, in some ways even better - the world and worldspaces felt more open to me (though still restricted to only certain areas) and the graphics were (as to be expected in a newer game) better than in the original. In fact, I was so pleased by the game, that it became another multi-hundred hour game in my library! And when I saw the third DA game - Dragon Age: Inquisition, it was a no brainer to buy it - but that is a topic for another thread!

DA2 is (as is DA:O) one of those games that I find is fun to go back to whenever I need a break from whatever it is I am currently playing - just a quick review to refresh my mind of the controls and mechanics, and then a deep dive into the story! Like an old friend whose company is always welcome - even if you have not seen them in a while.
