Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Loredas the 21st of Evening Star, and wage slaves rejoice the weekend has arrived. Winter has officially arrived according to the shaman, and Saturnalia is just a few days away. This is a magical time of year, but for a certain old cat it is time once again to tend the inn for our most honored guests. Excuse please while the ash pits are emptied and the fires rebuilt. You may wish to cover your tankards, this can get a tad dusty.
Our Brew of the day is Miami espresso, and the biscuits are Oatmeal cranberry. Checking the hot sheets we have 61 new mods of the usual eclectic mix. Let's see what catches the eye of an old cat over a fresh cuppa or two...
LALALADummdidum released a second mod. Cheat weapons, console spawn only, and gave the incorrect item IDs LOL. We were all noobs once. No link needed

Fiorinz released Whiterun after the Jarl's works
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecial ... ods/136831
"Whiterun has been completely restored, from the outer walls to the reconstruction of the burned houses. The barrier around the Gildergreen has been removed. New tools have been provided for the Skyforge." Ah'vrie will assume this is after the CW quest line as there are no burnt and destroyed homes to fix before hand. Thanks. Not for old cats
CyberRumor released More Torches
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecial ... ods/136875
"Replace permanent wall torches with usable torch sconces using Base Object Swapper"
It's the little things that matter. Ah'vrie likes this mod. As a mostly stealth character player, it's not the torches pre say, it's the ability to snuff them out. The permanent sconces can't be. This is actually a big advantage if you walk with the shadows. Thanks, Have a cookie.
Nethalythic released Joov's Community's Dungeon Crawler
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecial ... ods/136779
"This Skyrim mod is 25 custom mini-dungeons designed by Joov's community, created by me and then put together into a dungeon crawling experience"
Ah'vrie knows it's only there second mod, but this is as lame as the first. Hard pass
mallemok released AI Overhaul SPID Patch
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecial ... ods/136826
"My way to get rid of a shipload of patches for the great mod AI Overhaul. Grace to the power of SPID." This one just made life easier for many many people. This one gets a cookie. Thanks
DEEJMASTER333 released Skyrim Misc Cut Content Restoration
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecial ... ods/133287
"A plethora of misc. cut content, most of which has not covered by other mods." except cutting room floor of which this is not compatible, this was released as an add on to Skyrim Cut Content Restoration. Thanks (The old cat will stick with CRF)
IWantATardis released Bear Pelts and Claws Redone
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecial ... ods/136816
"A remodel and retexture of the 3 bear pelts and the bear claw ingredient." The claws look great, the old cat is not thrilled with the fur textures of the pelts so much. Thanks
Sir Amiel's Ring by Ave
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecial ... ods/136679
"Add the legendary Ring: 'Sir Amiel’s Ring' from TES:IV Oblivion to Skyrim." Beautiful work and always cookie worthy.
shazdeh2 released Sir Amiel's Blessing
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecial ... ods/136842
"Gives the Sir Amiel's Ring by Ave a unique effect."
"A beautiful ring deserves a unique effect! This mod makes it so that when you wear the ring and get a divine blessing at shrines, the effects stack, so you can get the blessing from multiple divines. However, you can only do so if you have not committed any murder or stolen anything." Is anyone worthy? That would make for an interesting game.
We'll finish up with a short quest mod
Redeeming Fultheim - A Blades Quest Addon by MadAborModding
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecial ... ods/136788
"Adds a short, fully voiced quest to convince Fultheim to rejoin the Blades. Features two possible endings." You'll want to read the mod page. This isn't cut content as much as missed opportunities. Voiced with Elevenlabs. Worth a look, needs to be seen in game.
And that will do for today. The new ale casks were delivered last night, and we have a fresh batch of mead ready so drink up. We're serving mudcrab scrambles as the early meal, and Ale braised Sabre cat for the late meal. As always we'll have a hearty stew simmering for those that need to ward the chill.
The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept and mopped. Have a seat by the fires and warm your bones. We-B-Open!