- listen to music (e.g. streaming, radio, CDs, vinyl, mp3s, …)
- listen to an audio drama
- read books and magazines
- go for a stroll
- observe nature (e.g. in parks and forests or in your immediate vicinity)
- cooking, baking or grilling
- eat in a restaurant
- sunbath
- dance
- bicycle
- swimming
- visit a museum and an exhibition
- watch a movie (at home or in the cinema)
- watch a series
- play card games and board games with friends and family
- do handicrafts
- play an instrument
- call a good friend
- bring joy to somebody
- engage in sports (boosting your happiness hormones)
- have a picknick
- go shopping
- visit a cafe
- attend a theater performance
- participate in workshops and courses
- attend lectures
- repair objects (and combine it with visiting a repair cafe)
- tidy up your room (your mind will calm down when there is less chaos around you
- visit a zoo
- have a good sleep
- attend events (e.g. in your city or a neighboring city)
- draw and paint something
- take a bath or shower
- mediate
- practice yoga, qi gong, tai chi or something similar
- do mindfulness exercises
- keep a gratitude journal
What activities do you do to feel better? Let the others know and write your suggestions down in the thread