Entering the cyberverse: adventures in Cyberpunk 2077

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Entering the cyberverse: adventures in Cyberpunk 2077

Post by Selene310187 »

First-time player here. It's like opening a bottle of well-aged wine. Most of the bugs have been fixed and there are now many extras that have been added over the years. First impression of the game: I love that the game allows you to solve things in different ways, right from the start. I spontaneously decided to do a Corpo run.

Here's my V

She gives me shivers in the mirror scene

V wants to meet a friend at a bar to ask him for help with a risky job.

Her boss has put his flying car at her disposal.

The Photo Mode is great!

Since I don't want to play through the whole night, I saved the game just before the bar and quit. Because I want to watch a movie now :sn-37:.

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Re: Entering the cyberverse: adventures in Cyberpunk 2077

Post by Avrie »

Nice, I'll be following your take on this. I picked it up but I'm still letting it age. I haven't played it or bought the DLC yet. Enjoy.
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Re: Entering the cyberverse: adventures in Cyberpunk 2077

Post by Selene310187 »

Avrie wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 12:08 pmEnjoy.
I definitely will. I've been in the game for three hours now and so far I haven't been bored. I hope it keeps me hooked longer than ArcaniA.


At the bar

major story spoiler
The risky job has cost V her career at her company. Only her friend Jackie remains.

(and the chunk of money she got for the job)

V: "I cannot wear these clothes any longer."

V: "Better."

V: "I'll show these pen-pushers!"

But first of all, V needs more money and therefore accepts all kinds of jobs.

She was able to save a badly battered woman at the last minute. The ambulance arrived on the scene in good time.

V's car, which Jackie has borrowed for the evening because of a date. Jackie has promised to drop her off at home beforehand.

They were stopped in the middle of the route because an area was cordoned off. But thanks to Jackie's charm, they let them through.

V's appartment
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Re: Entering the cyberverse: adventures in Cyberpunk 2077

Post by Selene310187 »

At the moment, I'm roaming the Watson district in Night City doing some side quests. I'm still in the prologue of the story. I want to learn more about the place and its people before I dive deeper into the story. Unfortunately, I unintentionally did spoiler myself regarding the fate of Jackie (I wanted to know when V meets Johnny Silverhand). That's the other reason why I put the main quest a bit aside. I will continue it as soon as I want to explore the other districts of Night City. Watson is pretty big so there's enough to explore.

Nice glasses

Enjoying life

V: "That looks gorgeous! I want this immediately!"

The bike belonged to a member of a gang. She rode it to the destination of a mission. After she returned from the mission it was no longer there. I've found out that vehicles that don't belong to you can vanish. Luckily, there's the possibility to obtain the bike as a reward of the The Highwayman side quest in act 1.

New outfit

A couple

Industrial complex

V: "Maybe there is something interesting to discover there."

Don't mind the damage on the car. I'm still learning to drive and I slowly get better :sn-11:. The car vanished as well by the way.
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Re: Entering the cyberverse: adventures in Cyberpunk 2077

Post by Selene310187 »

Handpan player

This monk got implants against his will

V's mission was to rescue his brother from a gang so that he doesn't experience the same fate. You can approach the gang members by sheer force or by using your stealth skills without killing anyone. The brother will respond accordingly to your choice. I took me several attempts to conquer the gang members without killing. I sneaked behind them, packed them and then knocked them out. But the difficult was part getting behind them. I read some guides and one suggested to jump on the containers outside the hall and use the gap to enter the hall from above and sneaking onto the crates inside to get behind the opponents. There's also a locked door that lets you enter the hall from behind - my skill to unlock doors was not high enough. However, I won't get used to this style of playing because I prefer a combination of sheer force and hacking the enemies.

View of Night City from V's apartment

Nice statue

Cool car

No, this time I left the car untouched :sn-37:

I couldn't let Jackie stay at the noodle bar any longer. Otherwise he would be as round as a ball :sn-4:. We drove to the Ripperdoc who is able to install cybernetic implants.

V: "Hey, where are you going? Aren't you coming to the Ripperdoc?"
Jackie: "Did you already forget that I have a date right next door?"

V had caught a computer virus during a mission. And while she's at the Ripperdoctor, he can also insert new implants.

On the way to the Ripperdoc, V came across this cat, who actually let himself be stroked.

At the Ripperdoc

After the procedure was over, V paid Jackie a visit. He let himself be pampered by Misty.

Jackie told V that Dexter, the boss of their current mission, would be waiting for her in his car
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Re: Entering the cyberverse: adventures in Cyberpunk 2077

Post by Selene310187 »

This post contains major spoilers of the story.

Big boss Dexter

He took V for a spin and explained his plan to her.

After V had completed the first part of the plan, she met up with Jackie.

V and Jackie wanted to get a special robot from the Maelstroms.

On their way out they were attacked by soldiers of the Militech megacorporation. V and Jackie were able to overpower the soldiers with ease. With the robot in their luggage, they made their way to Dexter.

Not only Dexter was there, but also the Netrunner T-Bug, who had helped them out of trouble several times before.

Together they they went through the last steps of the planned big heist at the Konpeki Plaza Hotel. Their target was an experimental biochip.

At the Konpeki Plaza
V: "Are you ready?"
Jackie: "I've never been as ready as I am now. Let's rock."

Everything went well at first. But after the two witnessed a murder, everything that could go wrong, went wrong.

They managed to escape with the chip, however they had to pay a high price.

T-Bug died when she opened the locked door on their escape. Jackie died on the way to the refuge, another hotel.

With empty eyes and covered in blood, she looked in the mirror of the hotel room.

She smashed it out of anger.

When she came back from the bathroom, Dexter presented her with a nasty surprise. Without warning, he snuffed out her light. At least that's what he thought.

A bodyguard she came across during the heist reluctantly helped her out. He drove her to the Ripperdoc. But the journey was not without incident.

Viktor, the Ripperdoc, was able to patch her up.

Unfortunately, he still had very bad news for her. The biochip she had to connect to, or more precisely, what's on it, is in the process of erasing her consciousness piece by piece. It's the digitized soul of Johnny Silverhand.
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Re: Entering the cyberverse: adventures in Cyberpunk 2077

Post by Selene310187 »

V put up a brave face, pretended as if nothing had happened by buying some new clothes

Monks practicing their religion

A renegade AI driven cab demolished V's car. So she had to walk.

V: "What are you doing here?!"

Johnny: "I'll just hang around here."

A ride on the metro

One of the renegade cabs

V's task was to capture all 7 cabs that were scattered all over Night City. Since her car was still under repair and she didn't want to continue walking, she acquired an abandoned car that she used temporarily.

Later, she got a new car as reward for a mission (Life's Work gig)
V: "This is really mine now?"

Jackie's motorcycle also joined her fleet.
You only receive the bike when you send Jackie's body to his family. Just talk to his mother after the Ofrenda ("Heroes" mission).

Takemura, the (now former) bodyguard who saved V's life

He wanted to take revenge on his former employer and unearth the truth about the murder that V and Jackie had witnessed during the heist.

After Takemura left, Johnny showed up to add his two cents again.
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Re: Entering the cyberverse: adventures in Cyberpunk 2077

Post by Selene310187 »

An idyllic park where you can find peace and quiet

There was a monk who showed V this peaceful braindance

On a street corner, V found another braindance that had a disturbing effect on her.

V thought that this woman had a creepy smile

V: "Now I'm really hungry."

Some slums

Gymnastic exercise

Ever since V got the "roommate" in her brain, she has seen these strange murals all over the city.

Judy, who had recently lost a loved one

V supports her as best she can
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Re: Entering the cyberverse: adventures in Cyberpunk 2077

Post by Selene310187 »

Just cruisin'

V: "I wonder what's in the suitcase."

V: "The jacket has a good cut, but not my color unfortunately."

Inside a chapel

Big flamingos

Reading hands with Placide

A mall that never opened

Going to the movies

I have lowered the graphics settings on my desktop computer to save electricity. I will save even more electricity when I start to play games on the Steam Deck which I will probably buy at the end of this month or at beginning of the next month. The reason I'm saving electricity is that I've switched the electricity provider in March and I don't want any nasty surprises when I receive the next annual statement. I recently had to make an additional payment to my old electricity provider (final bill) because my electricity consumption has increased quite a bit compared to the previous year. I'm still below the average electricity consumption of a single household, but I just don't want to exceed a certain limit on principle.
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Re: Entering the cyberverse: adventures in Cyberpunk 2077

Post by Selene310187 »

In the Net (aka Cyberspace)

The now former boxing champion (V kicked his butt)

V and Judy: "Nobody messes with us!"

V just fools around

A motorcycle that is connected with a sad fate (quest: The Highwayman*)

V drove this motorcycle only for a short time because Jackie's bike is easier to maneuver.
* The quest is very hard to solve without a guide because the game doesn't give you much information on how to find the people involved. As I didn't want to spend ages looking for them, I searched the Internet for a walkthrough.

V is mostly on her motorcycle in Night City. It is very maneuverable and she can easily park it somewhere without it blocking the whole path. Parking spaces are few and far between in Night City.

An abandoned drive-in theater

V: "Whose property is this?"

"... It's not my cup of tea."

Briefing for the next big thing (quest: Talkin' 'bout a Revolution)
(at Judy's apartment)

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