Coffee with an old Khajiit

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Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Post by Avrie »

Gooooood Day Tamriel

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Sundas the 7th of Sun's Height and a quiet morning here on warm sands. This one apologizes for being tardy. My pet smoothskin started a new modded adventure in space. Tiny in comparison to modded Skyrim, but you have to start somewhere. It did keep the old cat up way past his nap time.

Brew of the day is Inspirazione a Napoli, and the biscuits can wait on breakfast LOL. Checking the hot sheets we have 60 new mods, and of course a few fell through the cracks with Ah'vrie getting up 4 hours late, but let's dive in over a fresh cuppa.

MeBob6565 released Riften Bee and Barb Redesigned Overhaul ... ods/123602
This one likes adding floors to existing inns... everyone needs a hobby. Thanks

Unorthodox378 released Dragonborn Re-Cut - Restored ... ods/123518
Thanks... Still waiting on the all in one

GeraldMods released Inner Sanctum - Snow Elf Ruins Overhaul ... ods/122088
"A complete overhaul of Inner Sanctum with lots of unique clutter, items, and a bunch of secrets!" They did a nice job keeping the vanilla feel while adding to the story a little with additional clutter. A ghost... interesting. Thanks, have a cookie for subtle. Nicely done

TheLovelyServine spammed us with 8 this morning. Mostly weapons, exploding potions... ... ameId=1704
Thanks, there's a three dungeon pack with no info, and a patch. moving right along

Enodoc released Dungeon Quests are not Miscellaneous ... ods/123559
"Changes most miscellaneous Dungeon Quests to full Side Quests with journal entries."

The old cat sort of likes this one. Not the first, but it looks well done. Have a cookie

Bectile released Quiet Mammoth Babies - No Camera Shake - OAR DAR versions ... ods/123582
"Removes the camera shake effect from the walking animations of mammoth calves. Covers babies from multiple mods, OAR and DAR versions. No plugin." Okay, this one is on the short list for the old cat. That was one aspect of Skytest he didn't like no he didn't.
Tracking for the old cats next build. Have a cookie

And we'll finish up with another actual mod of the day. Sound the trumpets, and summon the dancers. The old cat found a reason to get out of bed this morning!

ASGO - Andrealphus Soul Gem Overhaul ... ods/123348
"This mod completely overhauls how soul gems and Soul Traps work."

There's a lot to read on the page, and the explanation for the changes are well thought out and well documented. Seriously worth a read. 2 cookies and this will definitely be in the old cat's next build. One of the best.

And that will do for today. The fires are stoked yada yada. We-B-Open!

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Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Post by Avrie »

Gooooood morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Morndas the 8th of Sun's Height and wage slaves lament, the weekend is over. hide if you can or work if you must it's Morndas again. The blessed moons begin their journey again and we hope the goddess enjoyed her long weekend. Anyway, it is time once again for this one to tend the inn. excuse please while the fires are stoked, and fresh water is put to the boil.

Out brew of the day is classic Ristretto, and the biscuits are chocolate chip. Checking the hot sheets we have 50 new with all the usual suspects. Let's see what catches the eye over a fresh cuppa... maybe two

UserDZSSS440 released Custom Lite XPMSE as a first mod. Welcome ... ods/123633
"this is a custom XPMSE but Lite comes with fit weapons animation support and skeleton for female's character's no MCM please read description fully"

Color an old cat skeptical. This user found weapon draw animations 'clunky' with IED and simple dual sheath, and edited XPMSSE to get them to play nice... Needs serious testing

Kruziikrel13 released Dynamic Campsites - Blackreach Addon as a second mod. ... ods/123707
"Using Keyword Item Distributor adds a Campsite option to Blackreach" Thanks

JPSteel2 released The Dragonborn's Bestiary ... ods/123521
"Adds a new custom menu to the game. Collect information about the creatures you encounter, learn their strengths and weaknesses, and keep track of your feats with kill, summon and transformation counters. SKSE plugin."

The old cat likes the concept. Covers 122 vanilla and CC creatures and variants, and a ton of patches to cover mod added creatures. Requires KID, SPID, and SFSE. Tracking for now.

Suinier released Evolving Locations - Lucky Shack ... ods/123700
"New dynamic changes for Lucky Lorenz's shack in Eastmarch. At the start of the game, Lorenz will be alive, but the location will evolve as you play."

The old cat loves the concept of locations that evolve over time as you play, and would like to see more of these. This one gets a cookie. Poor Lucky

IWAT Nordic Ruins by IWantATardis ... ods/123725
"Makes alterations to various items in the nordic ruins."

Rather vague no? This mod seems to take the carved wall detail normal map from Nordic ruins and spreads it to book cases, doors, plinths, and sarcophagi. A bit much for old cats, and doesn't always blend well. Thanks, Worth a look, but pass.

And finally our mod of the day, and yes we have one again, on a Morndas... go figure

SkyrimThiago released Object Manipulation Overhaul ... ods/123664
"This mod makes it easier to move objects like items, and allows you to move objects you were previously not able to." That's a bloody understatement. Watch the video. This mod has all the precision and flexibility of Jaxon's positioner without the hassle of using up every available key rebind. This does with the mouse what jaxon's did with everykey to the right of enter. This is a game changer, and seriously worth a look. 3 cookies

And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept. Have a seat and the wenches will serve you. We-B-Open!
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Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Post by Avrie »

Goooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Tirdas the 9th of Sun's height and another quiet predawn here on warm sands. The blessed moons have set and it is once again time for this one to tend the inn for our most honored guests. Excuse please while the fires are stoked and fresh water is put to the boil.

Our brew of the day is Inspirazione a Venezia, and the biscuits are Tate's Blondies. Checking the hot sheets we have 55 new with all the usual jiggles, dangles, patches and pointy sticks. let's see what catches the eye of an old cat over a fresh cuppa... maybe two.

HerAmbientCross released Cure Disease Restoration Spell ... ods/123781
"cast a novice-level restoration spell to cure your ailments" Thanks, we'll put it on the pile with all the rest. Ever heard of Google?

ImperialAgent1992 is still buffing baddies. Today's flavor is Spriggan ... ods/123787
"I remove the level cap now these creatures will level up with the player all the way to level 100"

Unorthodox378 released Anniversary Edition Re-Cut - Restored ... ods/123675
"Cut content including locations, NPCs and items newly restored and added from the Creation Club / Anniversary Edition."

Okay now this is getting silly... How can CC mods have cut content

And finally, Kulharin released Whiterun Watchtower Consistency Fix ... ods/123752
"The top half of the Whiterun Watchtower will no longer use the icy mesh object and will now appropriately match the bottom half"

The old cat does not remember this issue in a decade of playing. he suspects mod issues yes he does. Thanks?

And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept . Have a seat by the fires and warm your bones. We-B-Open!
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Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Post by Avrie »

Gooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well, It is Turdas the 11th of Sun's Height, and another sultry predawn here on warm sands. The blessed moons have set and it is once again time for this one to tend the inn for our most honored guests. Excuse please while the fires are stoked, and fresh water is put to the boil...

Our brew of the day is Capetown Lungo, and the biscuits are Tate's Lemon cookies. Checking the hot sheets we have 35 new with all the usual suspects. let's see what catches the eye over a fresh cuppa or two.

sandant25 released NPC Clothes Changer and Maintainer SSE_Fix ... ods/123963
This edits the original mod to allow you to use it on enemies as well as friends and allies. The old cat thinks that was probably a design choice and not a bug, but your game your way. The original mod is required. Thanks

Daves Medieval-like NAT Reshade ... ods/123910
"Reshade to give your NAT III ENB a more rusty look" Frankly the old cat sees the preset pushing the dynamic range, making things a little too bright and then adding HDR and sharpness. Nothing about this feels medieval, but it's worth a look

Lets see... Terrific Talking Stone - FuzzBeed's Giant Camps ... ods/123943
"An overhaul of the Talking Stone Giant Camp in Hjaalmarch" Read that as another excuse to strewn first era stone ruins around like clutter. Not for old cats but thanks

ItsAlways710 released Green Water Cubemap Fix GSO ... ods/123921
"Bugfix for when water defaults to green cave cubemap after exiting interior location that has water in it. NO ESP. Game Settings Override."

Ah'vrie hasn't seen that bug since oldrim, but resetting the default to blank to preserve your modded settings seems like a simple 'ounce of prevention' Thanks.

And finally not exactly a mod of the day, more a plea to a lazy modder LOL

Chained by Time Quest by TheLovelyServine ... ods/123934
"There is an ancient amulet said to make you a wandering shade in a slowed down world. The amulet is thought to be forgotten, until now."

"I will update the description sometime, I was in a rush when I wrote it. The description was carried over from the release."

Maybe we'll some how remember to get around to reading it sometime. :sn-25:

And that will do for today, the fires are stoked, yada yada, We-B-Open!
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Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Post by Avrie »

Gooooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Fredas the 12th of Sun's Height and Thank the divines the weekend is nigh. It's another sticky predawn here on warm sands, but the blessed moons have set, the paths are closed, and it is once again time for this one to tend the inn for our most honored guests. Excuse please while the fires are stoked, and fresh water is put to the boil.

Our brew of the day is Stockholm Lungo, and the biscuits are chocolate chip. Checking the hot sheets we have 56 new mods today. Mostly patches with plenty of jiggles, dangles, accessories and pointy sticks. In truth not a whole lot catches the eye, let's see what a few of the new modders are offering over a fresh cuppa...

Daelvir released The Steps of Dovah as a first mod. Welcome ... ods/123991
"Meet Raywor Emisent, a mysterious merchant who just arrived in Tamriel, and let him lead you to a destined encounter." Quite ambitious for a first mod. It takes place in Riverwood (Of course) and there's already a post that the Daedric merchant doesn't fire the quest, and there's a hole in the floor in the sleeping Giant... The description is vague as well. Keep working at your craft and some day... Pass

TheBarinator released Hidden Riverwood Caverns as a first mod. Welcome ... ods/123975
"In the wake of a mysterious landslide, a hidden dungeon, the "Hidden Caverns" has been unearthed in the world of Skyrim."

What is it with Noobs and Riverwood? LOL This one mashes together elements from the dark brotherhood, and Potema's catacombs with a mish mash of other set pieces including the Ideal Masters. Lots of draugr... It looks like they had fun. Only one post, complaining of missing elements and 13 unresolved errors...

Maybe these were a little too ambitions for first time modders... How about a nice shack?

GideonxxGrimm released Conjure Arrows as as second mod. Welcome back ... ods/124033
"Spells to Conjure Arrows into your inventory" "Add them through console commands or through an item spawner mod. As of right now, I don't really have the ambition to place them in the world"

This one is not only a noob, but a lazy noob LOL. Keep working on your craft and someday you'll be saying "do you want fries with that?"

And finally the high point of the day...

FuzzBeed's Interiors - Ysolda Has Wares ... ods/123976
"In this mod, I attempt to make the home of our enigmatic trader more fitting for someone who deals in... exotic goods."

The old cat might have given this one a free pass. The premise makes sense at least, and then you look at the pics... No less than three mammoth tusks on shelves
Does this one even play the bloody game?

Well this was a disappointing morning for the old cat. They can't all be gems.

The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept. Have a seat by the fires and warm your bones. We-B-Open!
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Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Post by Avrie »

Goooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Loredas the 13th of Sun's Height and a pleasant morning here on warm sands. The blessed moons are long set and it is once again time for this one to tend the inn for our most honored guests. Excuse please while the ash pits are emptied and the fires rebuilt. You'll want to cover your tankards as this gets a bit dusty... There, Much better no? Ah'vrie always likes to start the weekend with happy fires.

Our brew of the day is Miami espresso, paired with ginger zinger biscuits. Checking the hot sheets we have 61 new mods today with plenty of jiggles, dangles, patches and goofs, but not much substance unfortunately. Let's see what does catch the eye over a fresh cuppa...

CheezeOfAstora released Quest Tags as a first mod. Welcome ... ods/124170
"This mod adds mini prefixes to quests that allow to identify" Not fond of the chosen abbreviations. This really isn't the old cat's cuppa, but thanks.

En1maGG released two first mods today. Welcome ... ameId=1704
High Hrothgar Statues, and Whiterun Skyforge

The old cat actually liked the two 'watchers' in the front. The others seemed forced like there wasn't really a good spot for them... A classic less is more situation. The Skyforge mod has some elements the old cat likes as well, but the added Ysgramor's statue, and the walls and ivy... It's a bit much. Your game your way. Thanks

Let's see... there's LOTD v6 roomarray fix by Zincwing ... ods/124093
"This allows the Hall of the Forgotten and the Creation Club patches to work at the same time." Ah'vrie doesn't normally cover patches, but this is a good one. Have a cookie

meon1k NPCs - Minor Uniques ... ods/123645
"This mod overhauls some vanilla NPCs that has unique names but uses bandit templates (e.g. Fjola, Rigel Strong-Arm) and turn them into actual unique ones." And nicely done at that. Seriously worth a look, and a cookie. It's worth taking a look at some of their previous releases as well. This one has a nice eye for sculpting. Not supermodels, but not toads either ;-)

And finally Fixed Meshes for Rugnarok by Gutmaw ... ods/123987
"Fixed UVs on vanilla meshes that work better with Rugnarok by Gamwich"

The old cat has been using Rugnarok since release, and never noticed the flaws. Now the old cat won't be able to un-see them. LOL Instant download and another cookie

And that will do for today. The ale is fresh, and mead is ready, and the stew is simmering. Have a seat by the fires and warm your bones. We-B-Open!
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Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Post by Avrie »

Gooooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Sundas the 14th of Sun's height, and another sultry morning here on warm sands. The blessed moons have set and it's once again time for this one to tend the inn. Excuse please while the fires are stoked and fresh water is put to the boil...

Our brew of the day is Inspirazione a Napoli, and the biscuits will be Sweet Loren's Oatmeal cranberry in a few minutes... ovens are still warming up. Checking the hot sheets we have 55 new with all the usual jiggles, dangles, accessories, patches and goofs. Let's see what catches the eye today over a fresh cuppa.

inscenique released Glass Making and Recycling ... ods/124214
"Finally, Dovahkiin can produce glass (the construction material). This can be done by collecting and melting empty wine and ale bottles or by combining the correct raw materials (sand, bonemeal, salt)" Bonemeal? Your game your way. There were some issues, and some unspecified clutter swaps as well. Needs testing, but the old cat will stick with ARS Metallica

tcbflash released Male and Female Traits ... ods/124254
"A mod to bring subtle consequence to choosing to play a male or female. Males are slightly stronger, and females are slightly faster and better sneak. Enjoy." The main file is ~3% difference, but there are other optional multipliers

Plasma7007 released Valuable Fine Clothing ... ods/124259
"Fine Clothing as well as an assortment of other upper class clothes are now have a realistic gold value" Substitute the word outrageous for realistic... :steamfacepalm: Your game your way. If you want to pay 1500 gold for vanilla outfits knock yourself out... No really a bump on the head might help. :steammocking:

Let's see HFs - Doll by Halffaces ... Still ugly and now 43 meg :steamfacepalm: No link

Let's get to the good stuff already, yes?

TheBlenderAnimator released TB's Better Solitude Roads ... ods/124279
"A simple re-fresh of the solitude city roads in UHD with a vanilla style." The old cat likes option 1. It's fitting and looks hand placed. This one's worth a serious look, and a cookie.

And finally Evolving Locations - Riverside Shack by Suinier ... ods/124268
"New dynamic changes for the Riverside shack in Eastmarch. At the start of the game, a new resident will be alive, but the location will evolve as you play."

This is their second 'evolving locations' mod. I hope they keep it up. These will be in the old cat's next build, along with a select group of the 'takeover' mod series. have a cookie

And that will do for today, The sun is up, the biscuits are cooling on the rack, the fires are stoked, and the old cat has a fresh cuppa in hand. A perfect morning We-B-Open! :steamhappy:
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Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Post by Avrie »

Goooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Morndas the 15th of Sun's Height and wage slaves lament, the weekend is over. Hide if you can, or work if you must, it's Morndas again. The blessed moons will be gibbous on Loredas and full on Sundas so it's time to think about honing those silver weapons again. For now, excuse please while the fires are stoked and fresh water is put to the boil...

Our brew of the day is Miami espresso, and the biscuits are Tate's Chocolate chip. Checking the hot sheets we have 59 new with all the usual suspects. Let's see what catches the eye of an old cat over a fresh cuppa or two...

ToMySaQ released three first mods today ... ameId=1704
An interesting grouping. Make backpacks and capes invisible, and a CBBE conversion of some sexy armor... The old cat is sensing a pattern here ;-)

fricticekrag released Unstuck Me (Spell) ... ods/124367
A 'spell' that will teleport you to Riverwood if you get "stuck" in a dungeon... Their GPS doesn't work underground I guess? LOL Thanks

Terrifying Tumble Arch Pass - FuzzBeed's Giant Camps ... ods/124346
"Overhauls The Tumble Arch Pass Giant Camp in the Pale" More of the same. Adds first era stone work to a giant's camp that has no context for existing... If it makes you happy. Pass

FafnirEtherion released Unique Aretino Family Heirloom Replacer ... ods/124313
"Replaces the Arretino Heirloom with a nice plate." Because hand painted porcelain is so valuable in Skyrim Whatever makes you happy. Pass

nesslowland released two with a theme today ... ameId=1704

Dark Dungeons - Base Object Swapper:
Uses BOS to disable most light sources in Nordic Ruins and Draugr crypt dungeons.

Automatic Simple Wearable Lanterns:
With conditions that limit when they emit light. Also includes an SPID file for NPCs.

Sooo, Black out dungeons even where bandits are present, then give yourself a light source that turns itself on? A glow in the dark bullseye on your far head would be better. Must be fun when you run into a flammable gas pocket... The blackout mod has promise, but it would have to be edited to leave the torches lit where the bandits currently occupy for this old cat to consider it. Thanks

And finally two by Gutmaw today ... ameId=1704

Fixed Meshes for Capital Whiterun Expansion by Surjamte,
Orcish Lanterns for Orc Strongholds - Largashbur.

The old cat doesn't quite 'get' the Orcish lanterns. A lantern made from the Whiterun trellis mesh, and a rusted cube map. Nothing about this says Orc to this old cat. Your game your way.

And that will do for today. It's unfortunately a cookie free Morndas. The fires are stoked, the floors are swept, and the old cat needs more coffee. We-B-Open!
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Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Post by Avrie »

Goooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Tirdas the 16th of Sun's Height, and another sticky predawn here on warm sand. The blessed moons have set and it is time once again for this one to tend the inn. excuse please while the fires are stoked, and fresh water is put to the boil...

Our brew of the day is Inspirazione a Napoli, and the biscuits are Sweet Loren's sugar cookies. Checking the hot sheets we have 47 new mods with lots of jiggles, patches and pointy sticks, but not much substance today. Let's see what catches the eye...

OneBeanInTheCrowd released two first mods today. Welcome ... ameId=1704
A circlet of warmth, and a brew of warmth... This one must have discovered survival mode ;-)

The last two are base QOL combat mods

ThirdEye3301 released Encounter Zone Informer ... ods/124456
"SKSE plugin that displays a warning notification when entering encounter zones whose minimum level is higher than the player's current level"

This could be useful for a player new to dungeon crawls, and even those that never venture far from their barrels. Just a heads up you're in for trouble.

And finally tonycubed2 released Friend or Foe ... ods/124455
"Players uses a chosen hotkey to toggle a red aura on enemy npcs to aid in sorting them from friendlies"

Well it would certainly make group battles at dust easier to deal with like the CW or Flaskaar. Full disclosure the old cat hates group battles. It was always easier to just kill them all. The CW was awful with vanilla armor... Actually it's just awful LOL

And that will do for today, the fires are stoked yada, yada, We-B-Open!
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Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Post by Avrie »

Gooooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Middas the 17th of Sun's Height and a quiet predawn at the inn.The blessed moons have set, the paths are closed, and it is once again time for this one to tend the inn for our most honored guests. Excuse please while the fires are stoked, and fresh water is put to the boil...

Our brew of the day is from Napoli again, and the biscuits are Tate's chocolate chip. Checking the hot sheets we have 49 new mods from the usual suspects. Let's see what catches the eye over a fresh cuppa or two.

LadyEleanor ported Alfheim Knights by jgreybear as a first mod. Welcome
Unfortunatly the files are flagged suspicious. Nice looking armor

YeahButIronically released Winterhold Smithy Ruins as a first mod. Welcome ... ods/124443
"This mod adds all the smithing crafting stations--a smelter, workbench, tanning rack, anvil, and grindstone--to the northernmost abandoned building in Winterhold, along with assorted clutter to make it look more like a former smithy."

Nice first mod, have a cookie. Obviously not compatible with most Winterhold overhauls

Mazze45 released Winterhold 8k Wall Textures as a first mod. Welcome ... ods/124538
"3 newly created Winterhold 8k Wall Textures. This means: Color, Normal and High Texture are in 8k." It's a start. A few dozen more and you have an overhaul ;-)

The textures do have an interesting look, almost like medieval concrete. Thanks

rhonjhonson released Player Comment Dialogue by Additional Player Voice Overhauls ... ods/124494
"Player Comment show like npc by Additional Player Voice."

The old cat is a little leery of this one. You'll want to read the entire mod page. This is a port of a first mod by nanahane from 2011. It appears to add silent voice files to the PC so that you can read 'your' comments sub titles. Use with caution, not for this old cat.

SkjoldBjorns Remastered Vanilla Lantern ... ods/123668
"This is simply a completely from ground up rebuilt vanilla Lantern with higher poly count and higher detailed textures. Available with and without glass panes, choose your texture size 4k(default) or optional packages of 2k and 1k textures."

The mesh looks well done, and they redid the candle mesh from scratch as well. The strobing animation in the preview file looks a little weird, but not bad for a third mod. Keeping an eye on this one. Thanks

Well finish up this morning with Evolving locations - Cliffside Retreat by Suinier ... ods/124524
"New dynamic changes for the Cliffside Retreat in the Reach. At the start of the game, a new resident will be alive, but the location will evolve as you play."

And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept. Have a seat and the wenches will serve you. We-B-Open! :steamhappy:
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