Mental health first aid kit

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Mental health first aid kit

Post by Selene310187 »

What to do when you experience a crisis?

The best advice I can give is entrusting yourself to somebody, be it:
  • crisis line
  • your general practitioner
  • family
  • friends
  • self-help groups
There are also apps which can help in difficult situations like “TalkLife”.

Mental America offers a guide which covers different stages and strategies before (e.g. first warning signs) and during a crisis.

When the low point of the crisis passed, you can take precautions to be better braced for the next crisis. Think about activities that elevate your mood up for example. This could be strolls through a park, drinking hot chocolate, taking a hot bath or shower, drawing, reading, etc. Writing a diary can also be helpful. A list with more activities to improve your mood can be found here. Everything is part of self-care.

If you are unconcerned but know someone who currently experiences a crisis, I've found these resources:
Crisis & Recognition
What To Do In A Crisis
How to help in an emotional crisis
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Re: Mental health first aid kit

Post by Sadie110 »

Thank you for sharing these helpful tips on managing a crisis. It's crucial to have a support system in place and to know where to turn when things get tough. Reaching out to a crisis line, general practitioner, family, or friends can make a significant difference. Apps like "TalkLife" can be a great resource for immediate support as well.

The idea of preparing for future crises by recognizing warning signs and finding activities that elevate your mood is excellent . Self-care practices, such as taking strolls, enjoying a hot drink, or journaling, can help build resilience and provide comfort during difficult times.

For anyone struggling, taking these steps could be life-changing, and it’s important to remember that asking for help is a sign of strength. Thank you for emphasizing that.
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Re: Mental health first aid kit

Post by Selene310187 »

Thank you for your kind words. :sn-2:
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