Coffee with an old Khajiit

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Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Post by Avrie »

Gooooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well, It is Tirdas the 27th of Second Seed, and we survived Morndas, so it's already a good day. The blessed moons have set and it is once again time for this one to tend the inn for our most honored guests. Excuse please while the fires are tended and fresh water is brought to a boil...

Out brew of the day is Capetown Lungo, and the biscuits will have to wait on the markets. Ah'vrie will bake fresh a little later. Checking the hot sheets we have 51 new with all the usual suspects. Let's see what catches the eye of an old cat over a fresh cuppa.

We'll start with a shout out to Darnelx for 'Unique Enemies and Items Reimplemented' ... ameId=1704
Not the old cat's cuppa, but the author is an LOTD player that wants to fill the museum, but not sacrifice the characters morals and stay true to the back story. They are currently 'moving' unique items to where they can be obtained without joining every faction.

dogdogteo released Fully Disable Cloak Visual and Sound Effects ... ods/127741
"Fully disables the visual and sound of magic cloaks for people who are for some reason bothered by them. (ESL)" Thanks we'll put it on the pile with the others.

FirstAstor released Skyrim Remastered Grass ... ods/127737
"A simple grass mod to make a cozy experience and enhance the consistency of the environment" Some assembly required, and you'll be adding other grass mods as well. Could use some polish, but it does simplify the look of Folkvangr. Worth a look.

imnotfamous released Veydosebrom Regions - Lite ... ods/127730
Not exactly a mod, as much as a trimmed version to the lowest resolution for a much smaller download. Potatoes need love too ;-) Thanks

StarAbyssXy released Housecarl - Female housecarl Visual overhaul ... ods/127774
Yet another all female housecarl mod... Not overly glam. Thanks

DementedLulu uip dated and re-released The Black Sacrament ... ods/127767
"This is a revisit to my first ever replacer remaking the npc's with all my new skills and what I have learnt since I began." An interesting look. Cicero is certainly unique LOL. Worth a look for sure.

And finally we come to our mod of the day, but this one comes with a warning... Not for weak rigs.

Crowded Streets by Jonx0r ... ods/127723
"Crowded Streets dynamically generates background NPCs in cities, towns and inns to make them feel more populated."

"These NPCs are meant to be as cheap on performance as possible. They have no custom dialogue or complicated schedules, they just exist to add more life to a city."

This brings to Skyrim a similar system to what is in use in Starfield. It basically adds 'bodies' walking around the cities. Density is controllable in the MCM, and this is done without making any cell edits so it will work with any town/city overhauls. This method is far superior to the 'populated' mods in that no cell edits are made.

This one gets a cookie, but again, there will probably be a performance hit depending on your settings. There's no free lunch when it comes to NPC density.

And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the coffee is fresh. Have a seat by the fires and warm your bones. We-B-Open!

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Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Post by Avrie »

Goooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. it is Middas the 28th of Second Seed, and another sticky predawn here on warm sands. The blessed moons are waning through the final crescents and will be new next Middas. For now the moons have set, the paths are colsed, and it is once again time for this one to tend the inn for our most honored guests. Excuse please while the fires are stoked, and fresh water is put to the flame...

Our brew of the day is classic Ristretto, and the biscuits are chocolate chip. Checking the hot sheets we have 40 new, with plenty of jiggles, dangles, patches, and pointy sticks. Let's see if anything catches the eye of an old coat over a fresh cuppa or two.

InvisibleHummingbird released Super Simple Bathing - no dirt FX PLUS ... ods/127810
"A few changes to the Super Simple Bathing mod, with some incorporated bits by Super Simple Bathing "Extra Clean" Patch, but with my own tweaks."

We welcome them to the PC master race ;-) They came from the console modding to PCs. New to the nexus, but not new to modding. The old cat missed their first nexus release from a few days ago. Wind Path Home - Revamped.

dogdogteo released Magic Effects Remover ... ods/127811
"Fully disables certain magic, alchemy, and enchantment effects. Compatible with spell mods that use the same vanilla effects. (ESL)" Thanks

The old cat is thinking this one doesn't like effects at all. First mage armor and now everything... Your game your way. Enjoy

Furiant released Solitude Penthouse ... ods/127854
"A compact home in Solitude suitable for a small family"

This is only their third mod, and it does show a bit. IE: There is no 'running' water in Solitude, but there's a canal in front of the 'penthouse' you can add a fishery to... Oookay. Not poking, we wish them well and it looks like they had fun. Worth a look. Thanks

Shekhinaga released Soul Cairn Actual Merchant ... ods/127834
"Turns Morven Stroud (Soul cairn merchant) into a proper merchant who accepts soul husks as currency. Powered by Currency Swapper." Mostly spell books and potions, but if it makes you happy. Thanks

TheBlenderAnimator released TB's 8K Parallax Ratway ... ods/127842
"A simple refresh of the Ratway in Riftern with up to 8K textures in the vanilla style! With support for parallax and complex parallax (choose using the FOMOD)."

The textures look good, and the tessellation subtle. Definitely worth a look and a cookie. The old cat's only complaint is people taking mod pictures with DOF still tuned on. LOL

And finally... The old cat is unsure of this one... Could be useful, but even Nexus finds the file suspicious, and the coding is above this one's pay grade. Pinch of salt...

Convert Bodyslide To Racemenu by MayonnaiseFarmer ... ods/127862
"A simple tool that can convert Bodyslide .XML files into a format that Racemenu can load as character body presets" Needs testing, but could streamline the creation of standalone followers and such. Source code is available on Github.

And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are... Where's that damned mop? We-B-Open!
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Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Post by Avrie »

Goooooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Turdas the 29th of Second Seed and a quiet predawn here on warm sands. The blessed moons have set and it is once again time for this one to tend the inn for our most honored guests. Excuse please while the fires are stoked, and fresh water is brought to a boil.

Our brew of the day is Istanbul espresso, and the biscuits are oatmeal raisin. Checking the hot sheets we have 38 new with jiggles, patches and accessories leading the way. Let's see what catches the eye over a fresh cuppa or two...

quicknick428 released Automatic Healing as a first mod. Welcome ... ods/127859
"Automatic Healing is an enchantment for players who like to be healed, but don't want to stop what they're doing to cast a healing spell."

Interesting... It's their first mod so the old cat won't poke at how this affects general game balance. Basically it's a ring that functions like a follower that has healing spells. On the upside, it's good for sword and board players who shun magic use. Is it an OP cheat... Not really, but it does take the sting out of early melee combat. Have a cookie

Lets jump to the real estate market...

Kingofallleons released Soni's Retreat - Dwemer Player Home as a first mod. Welcome ... ods/127912
"Soni's Retreat is a medium sized Dwemer player home located just outside of Markarth. The home is locked and can only be opened through 6 Centurion Dynamo Cores. Good hunting."

This may be a first mod, but it deserves a serious look. Nicely cluttered, nicely designed, great location just outside Markarth, and you have to earn your way in... It is a first mod, so the old cat is unsure if it has all the proper keywords for being family friendly, but as a first mod, color the old cat impressed. Have a cookie

Tsungzu7777 ported Fahliil Alok EV for SSE as a first mod Welcome ... ods/127885
"SSE/AE update for the great snow elf house mod Fahliil Alok. All credits go to Nahkin."
Thanks, Having a Snow elf research base / player home in the forgotten vale could be interesting from an RP standpoint. Nice first mod. This one's for akostic5 ;-)

mjbabyface released Pull - Push - Repulse ... ods/127905
"3 Spells. Won't affect anything vanilla or conflict with other mod records. Uses new records for everything. Carefully balanced. No Requirements."

The old cat usually shies away from new spells because lets face it most are over the top and totally OP... These are a powerful, but Ah'vrie likes the mechanic, and the finer control offered by the pull/push spell. The repulse 'lesser' power is a great tool when you're being swarmed. These are later game spells as you purchase them from the black market merchant. (Okay, so I got a Mortal combat vibe and heard 'Come over here' watching the vid )

Let's see... Imnot A Whiterun Field Grass Parallax ... ods/127909
"A photorealistic field grass texture for Whiterun, can be use with or without parallax."

Proof you can have too much free time kidding, it's just a parallax friendly grass texture for Whiterun. The old cat will pass because of the base texture choice being from the Rift... too many leaves for a place like Whiterun. Thanks, but not for old cats

WhosArk1 released Jorrvaskr Stairs Fix ... ods/127890
"Jorrvaskr basement mesh has no SKY_HAV_MAT_STAIRS_WOOD material on the stairs therefore the game engine thinks it is just a floor, this causes stuttering steps as you walk up the stairs" Thanks, the old cat never noticed...

tcbflash released Show Some Decency (Remove Your Helmet) ... ods/127923
"Show some decency by removing your helmet when conversing with others. You'll get slightly better prices, and also have slightly better persuasion skills. (Speech +7 when helmet is off)" Similar to the mechanic included with Trade and Barter and several other economy mods. Just as in real life, a little courtesy goes a long way. Thanks, 1 cookie

And we'll finish up with something a little different...

nimwraith released Final Farewell - Quest Mod ... ods/127894
"Final Farewell revolves around a ghost who remains on this plane due to his and a loved one's violent murder. As you speak with the ghost more, you'll learn about his past and the journey he's embarked on to seek vengeance."

"The mod has an incredibly talented voice actor, D. D. Rumin! He did a great job conveying the emotions the Ghost is experiencing and really brought his story to life!"

This has everything the old cat loves in a unique mod. an emotional story line, great voice acting, and multiple locations where the story plays out. This one gets 2 cookies, and the old cat is tracking for my next build. Well done.

And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept. Have a seat and the wenches will serve you. We-B-Open!
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Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Post by Avrie »

Gooooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Fredas the 30th of Second Seed and thank the divines the weekend is nigh. The blessed moons have set and it is once again time for Ah'vrie to tend the inn for our most honored guests. Excuse please while the fires are stoked and fresh water is brought to the boil...

Our brew of the day is from Indonesia, and the biscuits are Tate's lemon cookies. Checking the hot sheets we have 43 new mods with all the usual jiggly bits. Let's see what catches the eye of an old cat over a fresh cuppa or two.

First a poke at a mod released about 10 minutes ago... Well, a word of caution anyway.

everflame released Ultra Enemy - Good Death. No link for this one... The mod turns the old orc from the random world encounter into another Ebony knight. Unfortunately that's a very low level encounter spawn. Ah'vrie can't speak for anyone else, but that's not a fight you'd want to trigger at level 9 The author likes making god weapons... Duh!

never2881998 released Easy Lockpicking - Game Settings Override conversion ... ods/127975
What it says on the wrapper. This is their first mod. Welcome, and thanks.

rylandm20 released Simple Race Overhaul ... ods/127985
"A simple, modern overhaul of the starting Races." And the pile gets slightly deeper, lets see; Argonian Alchemy, Breton Alteration, Dark elf destruction, high elf enchanting, Khajiit sneak, Nord two handed...

Sky91 released Training Dummies SE - BOS ... ods/127929
"Replaces all Static or Activator type base-game training dummies with functional, scripted dummies via BOS." Nice, this version makes no cell edits and works in a well modded game. Now we're talking. Thanks, this one gets a cookie

AndrealphusVIII released Dirty Water Carries Diseases ... ods/127938
"This mod makes swimming in dirty water more dangerous, as it has a change to inflict a disease."

The old cat was going to comment on what defines 'dirty water' but Andrealphus limited it to the Riften canals and cistern with a 50% chance of getting sick... Of course the well in the market is above the cistern... just saying. Maybe that's why Grelka's always cranky, all the bathroom breaks Thanks

LeucisticDinosaur released Nocturnal Predators - Spawn Tweaks ... ods/123484
"Adds configurable chances for wilderness animal spawns, including time of day and weather-dependent predator chances. Optionally also adds additional variety to wilderness predator lists. ESPFE."

Intended to work with True Hunter which reduces the number of leveled animal spawns, so expect more bunnies in the daytime, and more wolves at night, Thanks. The old cat will stick with Skytest. You don't want to know what it's like to run into a hunting pack of red wolves at night. It's a good fight ;-)

And finally our mod of the day. Sound the trumpets and summon the dancers!

Xila's Monstrrous Frost Dragon ... ods/127947
"Terrifying retexture of the Frost Dragon; in high resolution, with glowmapping, throat effect and more." She does amazing work. This one hopes this is the first of a series, because the look is amazing. The only downside is she forgot to leave a gap in the shoulder spikes to accommodate a rider. Beautiful retex though. 2 cookies

And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept. Have a seat and the wenches will serve you. We-B-Open!
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Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Post by Avrie »

Goooooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Loredas the 31st of Second Seed, and wage slaves rejoice, the weekend has arrived. The blessed moons are but a sliver as Hearthfires begins, and will be new on Tirdas. Some of the older hunters have already begun the celebrations, but that's to be expected. It is very hard for some to admit they are not as fleet of foot as they once were. And it is even harder for some to realize that their hard earned skills are their true value. Or how vital it is to the survival of the village that they pass those skills on the cubs. Ah'vrie considers himself lucky yes he does. The inn at least gives him purpose.

Anyway, the blessed moons have set and it is once again time for this one to get to work. Excuse please while the ash pits are emptied and the fires rebuilt. You'll want to cover your tankards for a bit as this gets a tad dusty, and Khajiit know not from free refills... There, much better no? Now to compost the ash, tend the garden, scrub the kettles and plan today's menu. Such is the life of an innkeeper, and for this one it is more fulfilling than drowning in drink and reliving past glories. It's a simple life, but an honest one, and Ah'vrie is grateful.

Our brew of the day is Stockholm Lungo, and the biscuits are ginger Zinger. Checking the hot sheets we have 45 new mods from the usual suspects. Let's see what catches the eye of an old cat over a fresh cuppa or two...

Firewolf12937 released Dart Bow - Non-Lethal Archery as a first mod. Welcome ... ods/128059
"PlayStation has this nifty mod called USE | Dartbow, which adds a non-damaging crossbow for poisons. Unfortunately, it ONLY exists on PlayStation, so I took it upon myself to bring this idea to PC."

Oh, the old cat likes this one... A lore friendly dart gun. A decade of modding this game and Ah'vrie can still be surprised by a new mod. What we're missing is a recipe to turn sleeping tree sap, into several sleeping potions. This could really facilitate a pacifist playthrough, among others. This one gets two cookies. Great first mod. Thanks, tracking

Naeluk58 released Vanilla Complex Parallax Material Architecture as a first mod. Welcome ... ods/127972
"Adds parallax effect to around 600 vanilla architecture textures like brick walls, rock floors etc.. See images section for on/off comparison."

The old cat get's a little leery of of something as comprehensive as a parallax vanilla texture overhaul as a first mod, but the tessellation is subtle, and devoid of the normal stretching apparent in so many other 'first' attempts. This is actually well done and worth a look. The old cat would recommend this for adding parallax to a vanilla game, and Ah'vrie is a picky old cat. Thanks, this one gets a cookie too.

VanKorno's Lockpicking Tweaks ... ods/128009
"In general, lockpicks are less likely to break, but you don't get any experience for breaking a lockpick." Simple, clean, and well balanced. This one gets a cookie as well.

Shekhinaga released Perk Adjuster ... ods/127999
"Perk Adjuster is (an SKSE) framework for changing the description of perks, and even adding them on perk trees based on config files." "The other part of the framework is more of a "proof of concept" mod that allows you to place new perks on existing trees."

The old cat is not skilled with scripted config files, but as this is a framework, and will only be used if another mod requires it, that should not matter. As to the value of editing perk descriptions through a text file... ? Thanks

Let's see... Ultimate College of Winterhold - Redesigned by ArcanumWarlock ... ods/128042

As far as the old cat can tell, this changes some of the visuals, and adds a ton of new clutter. All of the requirements for "Ultimate" are still necessary... Your game your way, but honestly the old cat prefers the original look. Obviously a lot of effort went into this, and we hope they had fun yes we do.

mjbabyface released Remove Galaxy and Star Constellations ... ods/128053
"I'm somebody that does not like the constellations or the vanilla galaxy background in Skyrim, mainly the constellations though. If you don't either, and haven't found a suitable replacement. You might like this"

This is the definition of your game your way. three versions... No constellations, No galaxies, or no to both. In truth the old cat has never been fond of the constellations either. Too blue and fuzzy. We love choice, and Ah'vrie might just remove them this time. This one also gets a cookie... No worries Ah'vrie will bake more ;-) tracking

And finally... The old cat needs to correct an oversight

Clofas released The Sounds of Towns and Cities, but let's link the portfolio ... ameId=1704

Since Clofas released natural waterfalls they've been a regular on Wizkids discord, and has focused almost exclusively on broad visuals and soundscapes. Watching the Wizkid's video preview of the upcoming Morthal swamp overhaul I'd wondered which sound mods he was using when we found out is was more original work by Clofas.

While these are being released in small slices, the quality is quite high. I did find footsteps too loud... crap like that, but they of course are all adjustable in game settings. There is quite a lot to choose from, and the old cat wanted to correct an oversight. All of their mods are worth a look and a listen. We love choice.

And that will do for today. The ale was delivered on time, and the new batch of mead is ready, so this one hopes you brought your thirst. We're serving medallions of marinated venison, on a bed of diced roast potatoes and caramelized onions, and served with a poached egg on top for the early meal. Wyvern and chips for mid day, and ale braised Sabercat with twice baked garlic potatoes and carrots sauteed in herb butter for the late meal. As always we'll have a hearty stew or two simmering by the fires all day for those that need to chase away the chill.

The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept and mopped. Have a seat and the wenches will be happy to serve you. We-B-Open!
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Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Post by Avrie »

Goooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Sundas the 1st of Hearthfires and a quiet predawn here on warm sands. The blessed moons have set and it is once again time for this one to tend the inn. Excuse please while the fires are stoked, and fresh water is brought to a boil...

Our brew of the day is Indonesia, and the biscuits are chocolate chip. Checking the hot sheets we have 47 new with lots of jiggles and pointy sticks as always. Let's see what catches the eye of an old cat over a fresh cuppa or two this day...

Striker6600 released seasonal willows as their second mod. ... ods/128110
Patches flora additions - willows to work with seasons of Skyrim. Thanks

shazdeh2 released Skills Of The Wild Trainers ... ods/128127
"Chefs can teach you cooking, stable masters teach you horse riding, hunters teach you how to hunt." Sometimes the most immersive mods slip though the cracks. This is a very simple, well thought out, and instantly immersive mod. Well done. Have a cookie and thanks

tcbflash released Convenient Horses Can Die ... ods/128095
"Removes "Protected" status from your horse, so it's no longer invincible vs enemies." Oh goody a patch for the lame version to replicate an MCM setting in the 'real' version.

Just another reason not to use the early lame port, but thanks

YeahButIronically released Underwater Blackreach ... ods/128143
"Adds new places to explore in the rivers, lakes, and waterfalls of Blackreach."

The added dwemer clutter the old cat can see, the plants... This is a cave, the odd blind fish maybe, but plants? Your game your way. Thanks

AlchemicaMateria released three today ... ameId=1704
A framework for dynamically changing spell properties like charge time on the fly. The other two are examples of the framework in use.

The old cat likes the concept of the skill based charge time example. "Novice mages cast slowly and cast faster as they improve their skill." Implemented with a little restraint at the start of a new game, this would be a very immersive addition for a pure mage play through. The author's other example is adding the unused vanilla dual cast charge time multiplier back into the game in two flavors; 1.5 seconds, and 1.33 seconds.

Again both well thought out , reasonable, and immersive... These get a cookie as well.

PraedythXVI released Praedy's Apocrypha - SE ... ods/127944
"Remodels and retextures the majority of Apocrypha while also adding new assets based on The Elder Scrolls Online" Oh goody more ESO crap LOL

Not an old cat's taste, but worth a look. Thanks

And finally Mountains of the Northlands by Spifferino ... ods/127919
"Retextures Skyrims mountains to be inspired by icelandic mountain ranges. Available in 1k all the way up to 8k. Parallax support offered out of the box."

These look ancient and worn, and the author did a very nice job of matching the vanilla game pallet. The supplied pictures were shot with vanilla lighting, which I will not fault the author for. I expect the addition of the height maps and a proper ENB would add considerable depth to the mountains. For use with vanilla and ERM out of the box. Not patch for Majestic yet. Worth a look and a cookie. We love choice.

And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, yada yada. Enjoy what remains of the weekend. We-B-open!
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Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Post by Avrie »

Goooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Morndas the 2nd of Hearthfires and a quiet predawn here on warm sands. The blessed moons are all but invisible and the festival of the new moons has begun... Well the hunters have started drinking already anyway. The actual festival is tomorrow. Anyway it's time once again for this one to tend the inn for our most honored guests. Excuse please while the fires are stoked, and fresh water is brought to a boil...

Our brew of the day is Stockholm lungo, and the biscuits are lemon cookies. Checking the hot sheets we have 50 new. Let's see what catches the eye of an old cat over a fresh cuppa.

MoneyTerrier returns after 3 years with Crowded Civil War. Welcome back ... ods/128198
"Crowded Civil War populates the battles of the Civil War to make them feel bigger." It won't help... their still buggy and lame but thanks

Sostratus released Riften Missing Wells ... ods/128222
"Adds two wells to Riften roughly corresponding with the locations of the Ragged Flagon and the Cistern." Probably not entirely accurate, but nicely placed. Have a cookie

(Their second attempt to to make sense of the spacial relationships in the game. Their first mod was the realization that it take more than 6 steps to get from the dragon's reach dungeon to the guard barracks... Good luck, and thanks)

momuchi339 released Prequel -What happened before Helgen- ... ods/128138
Adds a new alternate start, but color the old cat confused... It adds some kind of internal dialog? There's no explanation of what a 'recollection' is or does. This needs testing just to figure it out. Thanks?

Pieter82 released Higher Poly Vanilla Windcaller Tomb and Horn ... ods/128184
"Higher poly meshes for the tomb and horn of Jurgen Windcaller. No plugin / ESP." Thanks, does look a little better.

Ah'vrie thins we will finish up today with something a little different. It's fashion time

masimeiro released Styles of Skyrim - Alchemist Outfit Variations ... ods/128147
"A fresh look for Skyrim's alchemists! Featuring four different colors and two different styles. Requires CC-Necromantic Grimoire/AE Upgrade" There's something to be said for simple. Clean, lore friendly, and nicely detailed. Needs BS files

Hornclonic released Mage Clothing Expansion ... ods/128173
"This mod adds new lore friendly mage robes to the game." Again, simple and detailed. It's nice to have choices. The vanilla robes all have the same cut, even the mod added 'opulent' robes. The old cat is not thrilled with all of them, but choice is always preferred. Have a cookie.

And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept. Have a seat by the fires and warm your bones. We-B-Open!
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Joined: Thu Nov 03, 2022 11:37 pm

Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Post by Avrie »

Goooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Tirdas the third of Hearthfires and a quiet predawn here on warm sands. The blessed moons are new tonight, the hunters have been drinking since Fredas, and this one does not envy them the hangover's they will earn by Middas. It is time once again for this one to tend the inn for our most honored guests. Excuse please while the fires are stoked, and fresh water is brought to a boil...

Our brew of the day is from Indonesia, and the biscuits will have to wait on the old cat visiting the markets a little later. It was a long weekend for some. Checking the hot sheets we have 47 new, and a bakers dozen caught the eye. Let's dive right in.

Sostratus is still trying to scale the underground to the surface maps.

Scaled Solitude Catacombs ... ods/128288
"Inspired by AndrealphusVIII's Solitude Catacombs Tweak, this mod adjusts the entrance doors to Solitude Catacombs so that their locations better fit both the door in the Solitude Hall of the Dead and the door in the surface graveyard."

it's good to have a hobby, thanks (It took a few minutes for Ah'vrie to realize these are the hall of the dead catacombs, Not Potema's... Okay, more coffee is obviously needed lol)

Puneumadqb released Storage Rooms Provided by the Inn ... ods/128287
"Added storage rooms to inns in Whiterun, Windhelm, Riften, Markarth, Solitude, and Raven Rock for player use. Items stored in each storage room can also be sent to other storage rooms or chests."

Not the first, and this is certainly not a cloud storage system. The idea is sound, but a chest under the counter you rent a key for would have been less evasive. This is a bit over the top, and in all honesty, Having to travel to an inn, and pay 100 to ship the items to another inn... plus all the cell edits to add basement 'cells'. A lot of patching to add to a modded game. Not for old cat's but thanks

let's see... shazdeh2 released two today ... ameId=1704
Bogus Treasure Maps: the goose chase is on.
Feeding Perk Notifications: Tweaked for vampire lord / werewolf.

AlexGH91 released More Underwater Treasures - AIO ... ods/128247
Thanks, The old cat expected this one.

Dreifels released Arielle's Wine Tavern to the Roaring Waterfall ... ods/128300
"A wine tavern has opened north of Riverwood, next to a raging waterfall. It is not only spectacular because of its beautiful outdoor terrace with a great view of the thundering waterfall."

This takes a bit of explaining... it's a personal port of Ariell's wine tavern from Oldrim. She has been inactive for a while, and unresponsive, so Dreifels ported/released the mod and also translated it to English. Thanks, why not? Just don't get the old cat started on the concepts of Scour in bridge design LOL. This could only exist in a fantasy game. Worth a look. Nice location for a pub.

Striker6600 released Seasonal Snow Gums ... ods/128267
Still converting 'Flora additions' to Seasons of Skyrim. mind the requirements. Thanks

TateTaylorOH released Skyrim Silver - Currency Swapper for Windhelm ... ods/127897
"Adds a new fully functional currency for vendors in Windhelm to use" I don't want to poke Tate, but the concept of giving each city it's own currency without establishing an interhold banking system to convert them is just... PASS!

GOLDENKINDER released Replacer silver tableware ... ods/128238
"The mod replaces vanilla silverware with dishes from the Witcher 3 game" The old cat is usually not fond or this type of replacer, but these are far superior to vanilla. Thanks.

Praedy's Fort Dawnguard Complex Material by leostevano ... ods/128250
"A complex material support for Praedy's Fort Dawnguard." The old cat is not thrilled with that overhaul, Height maps didn't change that, but it's not the old cat's game, so thanks.

Zzyxzz released Soul Resurrection - Injury and Alternative Death System ... ods/128265
"Soul Resurrection is an alternative death system. Saving you the trouble of losing progress and avoiding corrupted saves. However, death has a cost—you’ll suffer injuries that weaken you, encouraging you to adapt and overcome. Enjoy your Skyrim journey without reloading saves!"

This is a skypatcher based mod, and it is a hard requirement. It does have some interesting twists to the metric, Mind the requirements with this one, you need to eliminate the kill cams as well... Honestly this needs testing. The old cat questions long term stability in a well modded game. In other words, this one doesn't trust skypatcher. Your game your way

AndrealphusVIII released Housecarls Pre-Thaneship ... ods/128275
"This mod gives housecarls a life before they actually become your housecarl." Makes no direct edits to NPC so it should work with appearance changers... Hopefully, it also works with the all female housecarl replacers as well. Thanks.

And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept. Have a seat and the wenches will serve you. We-B-Open!
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Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Post by Avrie »

Goooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. it is Middas the 4th of Hearthfires, and a quiet predawn at the inn. The blessed moons were new last night, and Ah'vrie loves how the stars all seem larger and brighter when the goddess rests. Anyway, it is time once again for this one to tend the inn for our most honored guests. Excuse please while the fires are stoked, and fresh water is brought to a boil.

Our brew of the day is Inspirazione a Venezia, and the biscuits are Oatmeal cranberry. Checking the hot sheets we have 57 new. An eclectic mix with plenty of jiggles, dangles, and pointy sticks. Let's see what catches the eye over a fresh cuppa...

Guymcme released Froki's Note as a first mod. Welcome ... ods/128307
"This mod adds a little note in Eldergleam Sanctuary that mentions Froki, allowing an in-character reason to visit his shack." A little flavor... This one gets it. Have a cookie

HalfbitShirlock released The Windhelm Well ... ods/128370
"An ice cold source of potable water for the ony city in Skyrim that was originally missing one." A fitting design, and nicely done, but the location is already crowded. The open area behind Candlehearth hall would have been the old cat's choice. Thanks.

EsPred released Female Vampire Lord Mesh Reshape ... ods/128362
"A couple of tweaks to make the female vampire lord better looking and a little bit creepier." A nice effort, not thrilled with the wings, but overall an interesting look. Thanks

Lucaoys released Durnehviir Redone ... ods/128325
"A remake of Durnheviir: Larger, more undead, with new models and textures, a unique breath, better stats, and more useful as an ally." This one is known for their over sized 'combat dragons' Have another. The old cat thinks this one needs to learn the difference between undead and skeletal. Your game your way. Thanks

Zediious released Korvinthian - A Small Dungeon in Eastmarch ... ods/128331
"Adds a small dungeon to the east of Mistwatch" An interesting location for a barrow. Filled with undead and boss draugr... Why not? Thanks

iamthegreetest1 released K-Pop UBE Bodyslide Preset (NSFW) ... ods/128332
Hips are a little narrow, but slim and well proportioned. The old cat just likes seeing the odd 'non thicc' preset without gravity defying H cups. This is actually quite close to vanilla. Thanks

We have a couple of under the hood mods to break out.

MaskedRPGFan released PageFile Manager ... ods/128254
"Mod Organizer 2 plugin that will automatically set pagefile for the disk with MO2 Instance." You'll want to read through the mod page. The old cat is not sure if this is for people that don't understand it's use. But it will simplify the steps and ask the proper permission questions before making any changes. It does help if MO2 has a pagefile on the same drive as it's instance, especially in a multi drive system, but so much depends on your setup. There is no "correct" settings. In this case the old cat is sure the plugin works as explained, but the user... Make sure you know why you're doing this. Thanks

jackieroy released xEdit Script - Convert All Form 43 to 44 ... ods/128343
"Converts all Form 43 plugins to Form 44 for your OCD pleasure" Useless and potentially dangerous. Hard to tell without dissecting the code, and it just isn't worth it. PASS

And finally without further ado... a few icicles for Dawnstar and Winterhold and a patch

Edmond's Snowy Improvments - Adds Icicles and Fixes Snowy Nordic Ruins ... ods/128348

"Two main files come with this mod. The first simply adds icicles to buildings in Dawnstar and Winterhold and only requires Skyrim. The second file fixes Snowy Nordic Ruins and LODs so that they are not covered in moss and instead are just stone if they are in a snowy area but was designed specifically for Rudy's Nordic Ruin Retexture mod."

And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are... don't drop your food. Bloody Nords. We-B-Open!
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Joined: Thu Nov 03, 2022 11:37 pm

Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Post by Avrie »

Goooooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Fredas the 6th of Heathfires, and thank the divines, the weekend is nigh. It's a peaceful predawn here on warm sands. The blessed moons are waxing through the first crescents and the hunts have been good. Hopefully the goddess enjoyed her rest, but for old cats it's time to get to work. Excuse please while the fires are stoked, and fresh water is brought to a boil...

Our brew of the day is Inspirazione a Napoli, and the biscuits are Ginger zingers. Checking the hot sheets we have 41 new mods with all the usual suspects. Let's see what catches an old cat's eye over a fresh cuppa or two.

Onyxterrorpablo released Immersed Worlds as a first mod. Welcome ... ods/128485
"The goal is to create a more lived in Skyrim world" We'll stop right there. It's another add a ton of clutter mod, and frankly the visible edits to the meadery in the pictures... Your game your way... It's an ambitious WIP project. We wish them luck learning.

EldritchN0mad released The Drez'kth'ar Horror as a first mod. Welcome ... ods/128464
"A very Lovecraftian experience. Adds multiple new worldspaces, in succession, for the player to explore. Along with a main quest and multiple side-quests." An oppressive and dark horror / exploration mod that is also an ambitious WIP... Thanks we'll look again when it's finished.

Spifferino released 7000 Steps of Sanctum ... ods/128478
"A handful of minor changes to the 7000-step pilgrimage" Read that as removes all of the predators on the path except the one main troll, and that one got buffed. The mod also makes the vegetation more scarce at altitude, and adds a map marker to the troll encounter. Your game your way. So much for the warning about wolves on the path. Pass

solhombre released Cooking Pots in Inns (Winking Skeever and ESL) ... ods/128474
An edited stand alone version of the original mod that adds two additional cooking pots. The original author was to fix the mod in 2019, but never returned to it. Thanks, but permissions do come into question.

Speaking of food...

imnotfamous released Eating Sounds ... ods/128470
"Replace the sound of humans eating with more subtle eating sounds." Interestingly, this is a very noticeable improvement you probably didn't know you wanted. LOL, The old cat loves these tiny fixes. Why would bread sound potato crisps to begin with? This one gets a very crunchy, but noticeably silent cookie. Thanks

Rosehla ported / edited Skyrim Bookstores SSE ... ods/128492
"Converted to SSE and fixed interior navmesh, a few patches for the mods I use, little alterations and fixes. Adds bookstore to Whiterun, Windhelm, Solitude, Riften, and Markarth. Provided as-is." Rosehla took a break from adding quaint shacks to add quaint bookstores. Because we all know how intellectual Nord warriors tend to be LOL Thanks.

And finally, another take on the Standing stones. This time by Jelidity

Standing Stones - Greater Power Replacement and Tweaks ... ods/128459
"An overhaul for Standing stones with less focus on usable abilities and more focus on passive abilities that you can acquire and then forget about."

"My main aim here was to make something simple, that aimed to both convert usable spells granted by Skyrim's standing stones (which I never use) into passive abilities and spread effects out to make it feel less like there was a clear stone to pick."

An interesting take, this simplifies stones, and converts the buffs to passive effects, but it does it in a way that still has a vanilla feel. This will seem counter intuitive to anyone that knows the old cat, but he's flagging this for testing in his next build. Have a cookie

And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept. Have a seat by the fires and warm your bones. We-B-Open!
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