Coffee with an old Khajiit

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Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Post by Avrie »

Goooooood morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Middas the 12th of Sun's Dawn and a crisp predawn here on warm sands. The blessed moons are full tonight so stay in if you can, and remember your silver weapons if you must venture out. Anyway, ity is time once again for this one to tend the inn. Excuse please while the fires are stoked, and fresh water is put to the flame...

Our brew of the day is Cape Town lungo, and the biscuits are Tate's ginger zingers. Checking the hot sheets we have 48 new with all the usual jiggles, dangles, patches and goofs. Let's see what catches an old cat's eye over a fresh cuppa. Definitely a fresh cuppa ;-)

greguire 'teased' with The Whalestone Isles as a first mod. Welcome
Early alpha, another empty island, Good luck, no link needed

gand0rf released Septim Crafting as a first mod. Welcome
"We have gold ingots and can make things with them. Why not Septims."
Thanks, another for the pile. No link needed

Chuivert released Fancy Magecore as a first mod. Welcome ... ods/141579
"a complete recoloring of Caernarvon's Magecore outfit and a fix for a few texturing errors in the original version" The old cat likes some of the new color schemes. Original mod required. Worth a look. Thanks

PupFenrir18 released Fenrir's Ultimate Spells SSE
10 day soul trap and paralysis? This one screams NOOB! but thanks

TheBone98 released Vanilla Plus Breezehome ... ods/141558
"A small yet lore-friendly overhaul of Breezehome, designed to stay in line with its original design." A few banners, an oven, nicer beds, yet still looks vanilla. Thanks! The old cat likes a cozy Breezehome as well. Have a cookie

Lets look a t a couple of fixes... We love those

kraag released Deathbells and Nirnroots Don't Glow At Night ... ods/141557
two versions, don't glow at all, and glow slightly. They also recommend silent nirnroot... The old cat is seeing a pattern here LOL. Thanks.

JamesTParker released Dragonborn DLC fixes ... ods/141587
"Fixes the super annoying bug where you followers get stuck in Tel Mithryn. As well as the Fire Wyrm aggression bug."

The old cat just dealt with the NPC stuck issue. It is annoying. This one gets a cookie

RavenKZP released Immersive Weapon Switch - SKSE plugin ... ods/139762
"If PC or NPC have weapon drawn, he/she/it must first sheathe it before drawing new weapon." This is a 'careful what you wish for' mod. Seems very smooth, but will throw off your timing. It also works on NPCs so it balances out. Worth a look

Satafinix released Dwemer Imperium - Machina - ... ods/141577
"Dwemer Ruins machinery & Ambient SFX Rework"
"If you don't want to explore dwemer ruins as if you're in a lost civilization with still working nonstop machinery that requires a bit of dwemer oil don't download this"

Definitely listen to the sample... you may need to turn down your effects volume. Thanks

Skyking Farmhouse Wells ... ods/141568
"Replaces all farmhouse wells and the well in Whiterun along with any mods that place the farmhouse well."

Not to point fingers, but the recent releases all look like low poly stuff forked from Skyking 2020. Is any of this new? Evidently The old cat is not the only one who noticed. PASS

We'll finish up today with a critter update for Grey Cowl 10th anniversary (required)

New animals and new companions with EASY ACCESS in Alik'r Desert by gg77 ... ods/141505
"With this mod you can ride Hammerfell camels and Dromedaries and pass EASILY in the Alik'r Desert where new animals* await you (snakes, hyenas, scorpions, Addax antelope, bats, Hammerfell horses, desert elephant, ibex, bighorn, vulture, Hammerfell fowls, Roadrunner, cats)"

Well the elephants are stupid, someone didn't do their homework, and the hyena's look really weird. The camels and horses look great. Let's just say this is a fantasy desert, and not look tooo close at the scale while riding Antelope. LOL

Worth a look, (and a chuckle) Might need to prune some of the critters though. Thanks

And that will do for today, The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors... Don't drop your food. Have a seat and the wenches will serve you. We-B-Open!

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Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Post by Avrie »

Goooooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Turdas the 13th of Sun's Dawn and a brisk predawn here on warm sands. The blessed moons have set, but it is too soon to let your guards down, so keep those silver weapons close for another night or two. Anyway, it is time once again to tend the inn for our most honored guests. Excuse please, while the fires are stoked, and fresh water is put to the boil...

Our brew of the day is Inspirazione a Napoli, and the biscuits are Tate's chocolate chip. Checking the hot sheets we have 34 new, with a little of this, a little of that. Let's see what catches an old cat's gaze over a fresh cuppa... All the yes to the fresh cuppa!

RandomMorde released Stop scamming Talen-Jei ... ods/141651
"Talen-Jei gives you some worthless potion in exchange for 3 flawless amethysts its a big scam. This mod changes the potion to 540 gold" Your game your way. But not every transaction in the game has to be about profit... Just saying.

Krughava released KGA Cooked Venison PBR ... ods/141625
thanks? That looks disgusting. At least the raw meat texture looked like meat. PASS

TheBone98 released Vanilla Plus Honeyside ... ods/141647
"A small yet lore-friendly overhaul of Honeyside, designed to stay in line with its original design." Like the previous v+ mod; adds a bit of additional clutter and shoe horns in an oven above the stairs. Worth a look.

davidgilbertking released Hearthfire - Craftable Wintersun Shrines ... ods/141661
"Craft the shrine of your god and pray at home" We love choice, and if you're using Wintersun as part of your role playing, this is an important mod. Thanks, have a cookie

JamesTParker released Beastial Nature perk tree ... ods/141599
"This mod adds a perk tree for werewolves. All perks make both your beast and human form stronger. You spend regular perk points to unlock the perks. The only other requirement is your character be a werewolf."

A very unrepentant buff of werewolves using the custom skills framework. The author didn't really like the mod either but published it anyway..? Oookay Moving right along

And finally, not really a mod of the day, but an interesting tool for quick screen capture without interrupting the game (Think Steam F12 key without the overlay)

PrintScreen by williamglea released as a first mod. Welcome ... ods/141259
"A Single Button Screen Capture mod which supports saving files in PNG, BMP, JPG, GIF, And Tiff formats with user specified paths and variable compression for TIF and JPG Files. Paths specified must be obsolete and creatable. Program reports failures and successes. Maintains a count of images saved during a session File names are automatically"

The idea that you can set the file type and compression for a one button screencap can be useful in a lot of situations. This is not for screen archery, just quick capture where you set the type and destination. The old cat wants to point out that a lot of the coding was AI based, and it reads like some of the mod page was AI generated as well (Paths specified must be obsolete?)

Needs testing, but as a first mod... this one gets a cookie.

And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept. Have a seat and the wenches will serve you. We-B-Open!
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Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Post by Avrie »

Gooooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Fredas the 14th of Sun's Dawn, and devices be praised the weekend is nigh. The blessed moons have set and it is once again time for this one to tend the inn for our most honored guests. Excuse please while the fires are stoked and fresh water is put to the flame...

Our brew of the day is pot luck, the old cat needs finish off some previous roasts. Currently the blend is Napoli and Sumatra. Quite a nice blend actually. Our biscuits are Ginger zingers. Checking the hot sheets we have 56 new and several caught the eye. Let's dive in over a fresh cuppa or two.

ItsRainingEarlGreyTea's Jyggalag ReShade for ELFX and Community Shaders as a first mod. ... ods/141753
Well, the reshade isn't bad, but it does point out how awful the color pallet of Jyggalag is. Thanks, and welcome.

dragonorb13 released Zari's Full Disenchanting Mod ... ods/141751
"All this mod does is take the named weapons, armor, and other wearable gear - except staves - and remove the tag that makes them non-disenchantable." This is their second mod, the first fell through the cracks as a ordinator cheat patch. Thanks

VideoGamerUltimate released two 'ignore dispel' mods today ... ameId=1704
For Wintersun and Vampyrium Resurrected. Protects 'certain' blessings from being dispelled. Your game your way. Thanks

Let's peek at a couple of new quest mods

Sulhir released two Plus a homicidal idiot follower ... ameId=1704
For high level characters and CW veterans, but not for old cats.

Slampire thought the end of the cause was boring

Land of Razors - The Deadlands Redone ... ods/141691
(Shhh, it's still boring)

Lets see... markuskarttunen1 released Dimmer Swirly Effects ... ods/141713
"Makes all in-game swirly smoke effects less visible"

The old cat appreciates the less is more approach. Mods that remove the effects completely change the feel of the game. This one gets a cookie.

Renthal released two more today ... ameId=1704

Well, the key replica the old cat get's putting textured opaque red glass in clutter lanterns? Not so much. Oh well, must be the skooma

Zolrak's Whiterun Stairs Retexture ... ods/141706
"A mod that replaces the Whiterun stairs texture, which is used by various objects in the city" Not a bad texture, a bit too bright in the pictures. But much better than Vanilla. Thanks.

Let's see... Leet released Verdant Mixwater Mill ... ods/141378
"Overhauls Mixwater Mill in a lore friendly way, with flora, some bridges, light sources, and more" Not to poke, but one of the 'bridges' is actually a dam across the main channel of the river... Keep working at your craft, and someday... LOL. Thanks

yoshiki's renovation - Drunken Huntsman ... ods/141720
"Renovation of Drunken Huntsman, a hunting store “selling bows and arrows and liquor” in Whiterun." The old cat has mixed feelings on this one. On the one hand, the clutter of hunting trophies feel very overdone and noobish. On the other hand, it is the Drunken Huntsman, they fit. Not for old cat's but thanks.

And we'll finish up with another Vanilla Plus overhaul by TheBone98

Vanilla Plus Vlindrel Hall ... ods/141723
"A small yet lore-friendly overhaul of Vlindrel Hall, designed to stay in line with its original design" Well, it adds an oven, but it's difficult to recognize most of the other changes which is a testament to the author. This one gets a cookie.

And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept. Have a seat and the wenches will serve you. We-B-Open!
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Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Post by Avrie »

Goooooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. it is Loredas the 15th of Sun's Dawn, and wage slaves rejoice the weekend has arrived. The blessed moons have set and it is once again time for this one to tend the inn. Ah'vrie apologizes for being tardy, his pet smoothskin went walkies and dragged this one all over the map. Anyway, excuse please while the ash pits are emptied and the fires are rebuilt... There, much better no? Ah'vrie always likes to begin the weekend with happy fires, and a happy fire needs to breathe. We'll put some fresh water to the flame while this one tends the garden, scrubs the kettles, sweeps the floors...

Our brew of the day is from India, and the biscuits are apricot thumbprint, or will be in a little while. The ovens are still warming up. Checking the hot sheets we have 56 new and a scant few caught this ones eye today. Let's dive in over a fresh cuppa.

Gax2k released Forgable Soul Gems as a first mod. Welcome ... ods/141880
"Allows you to craft empty Soul Gems from two filled Soul Gems of the next lower tier" what? oh, thanks, another for the pile

MrPootisBread released Breaded Birthsigns - Standing Stone Overhaul ... ods/141786
"Lore-friendly overhaul of Skyrim's..." We'll stop them right there. Another for the pile. This one favors thieves. Thanks

Satafinix released two more effect sound replacers ... ameId=1704
Fires and creaky locks. And neither of them sound like dragons. A win! LOL I'm not sure the old cat want's the creaky locks, unless it also breaks stealth if an NPC is close enough. Other wise it would just be an even more annoying mini-game.

And finally, a ray of sunshine in a gloomy predawn

Ave's Brass Topaz Ring Replacer for Beyond Skyrim - Bruma ... ods/139744
"Replaces the Brass Topaz Ring in Beyond Skyrim - Bruma with a new model."

Awww, and in Imperial golden Topaz. The woman doesn't miss a thing. Have a cookie

And that will do fro today. The ale was delivered on time. We're serving Mudcrab scrambles for the early meal, and the old cat will plan the late meal when he returns from the markets a bit later. As always there will be a hearty stew simmering for those that need to ward the cold. Don't forget to tip the wenches, Ah'vrie can not possibly pay them enough. The fires are stoked, the floors are swept and mopped, and We-B-Open!
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Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Post by Avrie »

Goooooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Sundas the 16th of Sun's Dawn and a lively predawn at the inn. A perfect day for sleeping in, catching up on chores, and spending time with the family... Who are we kidding? Turn off the phone, put out the cat, and draw the blinds. Thar-B-dragons to hunt! The blessed moons have set and it is once again time for this one to tend the inn. Excuse please while the fires are stoked, and fresh water is pout to the boil.

Our brew of the day is from India, and the old cat made plenty of apricot thumbprint biscuits yesterday. Enjoy. Checking the hot sheets we have 55 new mods, and some of them don't have a bra size. Who knew? Let's see what catches the eye over a fresh cuppa or two...

DagothUrmst released The Other Orcs - Iron and Wood Orc races for Skyrim ... ods/141972
"a race mod that intends to add the Wood Orcs of Valenwood and the Iron Orcs of the Valley of Scars into Skyrim as playable races." With nothing special, so new races in name only..?

Moving right along

anbeegod released Follower Dialogue Expansion - Aranea Ienith ... ods/141907
"Expands Aranea Ienith, the Priestess of Azura, with 170 immersive, lore-friendly, high quality voiced lines. Quest and location awareness." More AI generated dialog additions. He does a nice job, but the old cat would still prefer voice actors.

TheBone98 released Vanilla Plus Hjerim ... ods/141909
"A small yet lore-friendly overhaul of Hjerim, designed to stay in line with its original design." Another in the series, that makes very modest editions to basic clutter. The stormcloak banners put the old cat off, but the overall look is well done. Thanks

Striker6600 released Seasonal Kabu's Cathedral 3D Nightshade Redone ... ods/141915
"Seasonal variants for Kabu's Cathedral 3D Nightshade Redone. " Personally I think Autumn and spring should be reversed, but it does look nice. Thanks, have a cookie

Clofas released Whispers of the Daedric Princes ... ods/141931
"Adds lore-friendly, eerie whispering to 9 Daedric Shrines with an option to silence sounds after completing each respective quest. Requires Base Object Swapper."

Now this sounds interesting, unfortunately all the voices are noticeably his, even Meridia, Azura, and the other princes that choose to manifest as female. Malag sounds just like Clavicus... Nice concept, needs additional voice actors, or inventive splicing to pull it off.

Worth a look and a listen. Thanks

And finally, we'll give the top slot to Manny. It's been a while

Sa547's Gray Cowl of Nocturnal - Flora Overhaul by MannyGT and sa547 ... ods/141997
"Updated version of sa547's flora overhaul for The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal - 10th anniversary mod."

"The main difference with the old one is the Dead Forest and Doomed Camp does no longer exists because of the new player home I added in the 10th anniversary version. Also I added few new plants."

Nice to see the additions getting fleshed out. The old cat is looking to playing this mod again. This will be added to the long game.

And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept and mopped. Have a seat by the fires and warm your bones. We-B-Open!
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Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Post by Avrie »

Gooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. it is Morndas the 17th of Sun's Dawn and a brisk predawn here on warm sands. The blessed moons have set and it is once again time for this one to tend the inn for our most honored guests. Excuse please while the fires are stoked, and fresh water is put to the flame...

Our brew of the day is Miami espresso, and the biscuits are Tate's chocolate chip. Checking the hot sheets we have 47 new mods from the usual eclectic sources. Let's see what catches the eye of an old cat this day over a fresh cuppa or two.

HalcyonAnd0n released Bathing in Skyrim Renewed - Hunterborn consistency patch ... ods/142070
"Replaces the Troll Fat requirement of ALL soap recipes with Animal Fat from Hunterborn."

It's a first mod, so welcome. And they complained about the update to the existing patch, but this one doesn't ad additional recipes using animal fat, it changes the original recipe 'TO' animal fat. This is more of a conversion than a patch, A proper patch would allow both fats.

Ryokhan released Melt that junk 2 ... ods/139928
"This mod adds the recipes at the smelter for melting miscellaneous items (like, plates or cups or jugs or dibella's statues)"

The old cat sort of likes this idea... Now you really can rob someone blind when doing a scarcity / thief build. There's a net loss as opposed to selling the crap directly, but you're also not paying the overhead of a fence. Okay, this one gets a cookie.

gulogulo released ASO Camouflage ... ods/142030
"A sophisticated camouflage spell. The intensity of the camouflage dependes on several factors such as whether you move, level of light on you or whether it's snowing / raining."

Now this is interesting, you'll want to read the entire page. Similar to the conceal spell, but a little more advanced. The author appears to have returned after several years. Welcome back. Tracking for the next restart.

Lets see... Vanilla Plus Severin Manor by TheBone98 ... ods/142045
"A small yet lore-friendly overhaul of Severin Manor, designed to stay in line with its original design" More of the same. Minor added clutter, hanging lanterns that aren't hanging... It does add a staff enchanter and an oven. Thanks

gutmaw released two Snazzy BOS chests ... ameId=1704
Noble and Snow elf

Taste is subjective, the chests are animated and have default 'visible treasure' when the lid opens. Looks good, the downside of course being the contents do not reflect the visual. It's a trade off, your immersion may vary.

And finally this was inevitable...

Feminine Whispers of The Daedric Princes ... ods/141998
"Changes the Daedric Prince whispers to sound more feminine. Pick & choose which ones match your game."

Note... it changes all of the whispers of the original mod to sound more feminine, there are three patches to revert to the male whispers for Clavicus, Malacath, and Mehrunes. Thanks, now the old cat might consider adding the original mod.

And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept. Have a seat by the fires and warm your bones. We-B-Open!
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Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Post by Avrie »

Goooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. it is Tirdas the 18th of Sun's Dawn and a peaceful if chilly predawn here on warm sands. The blessed moons have seat and it is once again time for this one to tend the inn. Excuse please while the fires are stoked, and fresh water is pout to the flame...

Our brew of the day is still Miami espresso, and the fresh biscuits will have to wait on Ah'vrie visiting the markets a little later. Luckily there are plenty left over from yesterday. Checking the hot sheets we have 41 new from the usual suspects. Let's dive in over a fresh cuppa.

Slugs1923 released Simp For Belle Delphine as a first mod. Welcome
You pay her gold, she says 3 unspecified vanilla lines... Moving right along

TheSlackAttack released Girlboss Bangers in Skyrim as a second mod
"This mod bestows Queen Energy to the bards of She-rim" To early for this LOL PASS

megablackk1d released Simple Resist Magic Custom Skill Tree ... ods/142135
"A simple mod with 4 perks allowing you to get up to 80% magic resistance." Requires the .net framework and custom skills framework so for version 1.5.X only. PASS

TheBone98 released Vanilla Plus Player Homes ... ods/142115
"My vanilla plus homes in a handy AIO" As expected, guess the series is complete. Thanks

gutmaw put out three more today ... ameId=1704
The retching netch, and frostfruit inn interiors and Snazzy Aldmeri Cultured Furniture (BOS) mod. Based on the Thalmor comforts - Aldmeri Cultured Furniture mod. All are worth a look as always. Very snazzy.

And finally... This looks very interesting.

Camp Khajiit Overlay by Camp3rSkooma ... ods/142090
"More cat patterns." "Currently there's a total of 30! Get creative with your Khajiit character with this!" Finally you can have a tabby khajiit. This one gets fresh catnip, I mean a cookie.

And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, yada yada We-B-Open!
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Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Post by Avrie »

Gooooooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Middas the 19th of Sun's Dawn and a brisk predawn here on warm sands. The blessed moons have set, the paths are closed, and it is once again time for this one to tend the inn. Excuse please while the fires are stoked, and fresh water is put to the boil...

Our brew of the day is from India, and the biscuits are Ginger zingers. Checking the hot sheets we have 37 new in the usual eclectic mix of jiggles, dangles, patches and pointy sticks. Let's see what catches the old cat's eye over a fresh cuppa or two.

haru233 released Skyrim SE Reshade Daltonized as a first mod. Welcome
"My first attempt at making a Skyrim Reshade, For Commissions" Well that would explain the absolute lack of a description and two virtually identical pics...

tiris64 released ELFX_fix farmintinnend03.nif as a first mod. Welcome ... ods/142222
"Correct meshe farmintinnend03.nif of the mod Enhanced Lights and FX" Thanks, of course if the farmhouse in question does not have a chimney those vents may not be an accident.

darkprince28 released Ghosts Mechanics and Shaders Restored - Remove Ghost Flicker ... ods/142194
"This mod removes the annoying flicker mechanic from Ghosts Mechanics and Shaders Restored, which is included in the STEP Skyrim guide" An interesting first mod. Welcome.

The old cat has to remind himself that STEP is still a thing. This one hasn't looked at it in almost a decade.

StarRiseShine released More flowers near the standing stones - Fixed ... ods/142203
"ArtbyMari's More Flowers Near the Standing Stones is a beautiful addition to the game, but it had some errors. There used to be a player made patch but it's gone, so I made my own." See a need, fill a need, the soul of modding. Changed deleted references to disabled, updated water records, carried USSEP changes forward... Have a cookie

shar1026 released DrunkenHuntsman has arrows good ... ods/142190
adds arrows from two required mods (Elemental arrows, and Ranger arrows) to the huntsman's merchant chest. optional support for colorful magic, and CC - arcane archer pack. Thanks.

Funny the old cat is a die hard archer, and has never needed/used elemental arrows, but it might be time to give it a shot. There is a reason Fuma set the requirements to craft at Alchemy 25 and the Arcane blacksmith perk. Getting them early at the huntsman for the very early game is a nice touch, the old cat just hopes they are expensive.

Socalista released two tattoo mods today ... ameId=1704
A very nice assortment. Colorful, and not overdone. Worth a look and a cookie

And finally Hypertrichosis - Werebears - by Satafinix ... ods/142206
"A full Vicious Werebear SFX Rework"

Thee sound field is too large, sounds as big as a dragon, though to be fair, most of Satafinix beast sound effects sound like his dragons Worth a listen

And that will do for today, The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are... Bloody Nords need to learn to dance with each other not their drinks. Now where did Ah'vrie put that mop? We-B-Open!
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Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Post by Avrie »

Goooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Turdas the 20th of Sun's Dawn and a quiet predawn here on warm sands. The blessed moons have set and it is once again time for this one to tend the inn. Excuse please while the fires are stoked, and fresh water is put to the flame...

Our brew of the day is Istanbul espresso, and the biscuits are Tate's lemon cookies. Checking the hot sheet we have 49 new mods, and some don't have a cup size if you can believe it. Let's see what catches the eye of an old cat over a fresh cuppa or two.

nikashubaiton released The Wizard's Oculory as a first SSE mod. Welcome ... ods/142260
"A secret getaway for Wizards free of the opulence and craziness that often comes along with a modded playerhome. Get everything you need under one roof with a few bonuses and some cool magic junk to look at!" LOL Dwemer eye candy. They did several player home locations for FO4 a few years ago. Worth a look. Thanks

SiSaSyco released WispMother Transparency Ghost Effect ... ods/142304
"Adds a transparency ghost effect to the wisp mothers and the pale lady." Basically adds the default ghost shader but reduces the alpha channel so it's not quite as transparent. Thanks, the old cat uses Kajuan's Wispmother, but we might test this.

dylbill released QOL Item Tags for new and quest items ... ods/142328
"skse plugin that adds tags to names of quest items or newly acquired items so they are easier to see in your inventory."

The universe is a funny place... The old cat was thinking yesterday how useful it would be to know which items were 'just' added instead of searching a large inventory for crap you don't recognize. This adds an (n) for new and a (q) for quest. The old cat is tracking for now, but want's to test this. Thanks, have a cookie, now stop reading minds

infernalryan released Seasonal Grass Cache File Renamer ... ods/142343
"This is a Windows .bat file which renames grass cache files generated by No Grass In Objects (NGIO) for use with seasons." Thanks, that could save a little time. The author also has a nexus guides to making seasonal and normal grass cache files. have a cookie

Lets see... davidgilbertking released a patch for Bug catching net to use Renthal's model ... ods/142261
edits a few features as well. Thanks

Snazzy Orc Chests - Base Object Swapper by Gutmaw ... ods/142275
"Using Base Object Swapper, randomly distributes 6 different custom made Orc Chests to all vanilla counterparts, as well as any other mod-added vanilla Orc Chests"

The old cat's still on the fence with these. Ah'vrie is using one of their wardrobe replacers, and while the animations look good, the old cat is not fond of being teased with a "closet full of clothes" when there's nothing in the closet. Your game your way. Thanks

And finally we'll finish up with a 'tiny' pseudo quest mod.

Before the End - Quest Mod ... ods/142238
"Speak with a prisoner awaiting execution and learn all about his life's biggest regrets"

An interesting interlude, and adding mods like this to trip over might add a lot to the game. Voice acted by talkingNsuch, it's more of a story than a quest. Worth a listen.

And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept. Have a seat and the wenches will serve you. We-B-Open!
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Joined: Thu Nov 03, 2022 11:37 pm

Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Post by Avrie »

Goooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Fredas the 21st of Sun's Dawn, and this old cat is finally beginning to notice the day getting longer. A sure sign the divines have not forsaken us. Spring is coming. Anyway, the blessed moons have set, and it is time for this one to tend the inn for our most honored guests. Excuse please while the fires are stoked, and fresh water is put to the flame.

Our brew of the day is still Istanbul espresso. and the biscuits can wait a little while. This one needs to visit the markets again for the weekend. We'll bake fresh later. Checking the hot sheets we have 53 new mods from the usual eclectic sources. Let's see what catches an old cat's eye over a fresh cuppa ore three

HateshWarkio released Ring of Invisibility (NEW) as a first mod. Welcome
"Adds a ring that makes the wearer invisible and muffled." Released as a fix for another ring of invisibility already on the pile... Thanks

HalfACupkake ported Tower Asada by Honorary Alfanzo as a first mod. Welcome ... ods/142443
A small player home in a refurbished tower from 2015. Visit the original mod for better pictures. Thanks.

shivz13 released Middle Mouse Daul Hands (AutoHotKey v2) as a first mod. Welcome
"Changes the function of the middle mouse button to be both the left and right mouse button, hence giving the middle mouse button the function of using both left and right hands simultaneously in Skyrim." Some assembly required from outside sites, includes AHK scripts, Files flagged as suspicious, and frankly the old cat can't recommend this.

AutisticAussie released Secret Tree Houses ... ods/142429
"Adds 2 tree houses and a camp to Skyrim. 2 in the Rift, 2 in Falkreath and one on Lake Ilinalta."

Okay, the old cat loves mods like these. Tiny places hidden in weird locations with a great view. I wouldn't call them 'houses', more like hunters tree stands. Worth a look. The old cat can't really fit these into an RP scenario, but would be fun to just 'stumble on' Thanks.

Exalderan released NPC Names And Titles Restored ... ods/142421
"This mod restores the intended names and titles for over 20 NPCs in Skyrim without editing any NPC records, ensuring full compatibility with all NPC overhauls and other mods that modify NPCs."

If you read the list, you'll quickly see why the devs cut the names. LOL. Your game your way. Thanks

Remnants - WeelBones' Birna and Ranmir Overhaul ... ods/140383
"Bring your cup to cheer and a pouch full of septims! Birna And Ranmir are here and ready to rumble in this Lore-Friendly NPC Appearance Overhaul that brings their looks to another level, Be careful when going to that cave to recover Birna's lost things you can end like Ranmir gone to oblivion."

This one likes doing individual replacers. All of them seem to favor elongated faces and thick noses, but worth a look. Thanks.

We'll finish up with a collaborative effort to overhaul a follower mod.

Anna NPCs Re-Imagined by GLAM, DirtNap, and Froztee ... ods/138304
"Visual replacer for Anna NPCs main cast."

"My good friends GLAMbazoonga, LordDirtnap, and I collaborated on a visual overhaul for the ten main characters in this awesome mod.
Anna NPCs is one of our favorite follower mods. The care and work that has gone into these amazing followers is incredible.
The love and care Anduniel put into them is very apparent, as is their excellent banter and humor during your travels."

The old cat has to admit these were well done, and show a lot of care went into keeping the original 'flavor' of the individual NPCs. Definitely worth a look, and a couple of cookies. Keep in mind these are all custom AI followers that all interact with each other. The old cat would strongly caution using follower frameworks with this... NFF would be recommended and give all of these characters tokens.

And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and this one needs a fresh cuppa... We-B-Open!
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