Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Loredas the 22nd of Sun's Dawn, and wage slaves rejoice, the weekend has arrived. The blessed moons are waning through the final crescents and will be new next week, but the days are getting longer, and Spring will soon be here. Excuse please while the ash pits are emptied and the fires rebuilt. Ah'vrie likes to begin the weekend with happy fires. This one has fond memories of his mother tending the hearth. It brings a smile. Anyway, you may want to cover your tankards, this can get a tad dusty, and this one knows not from free refills... There, much better no? Fires are only happy when they can breathe. Now to compost the ash, see what's ripe in the garden, scrub the kettles, and put fresh water to the flame while the floors are swept and mopped. The life of an innkeeper is very glamorous yes? Maybe not for everyone.
Our brew of the day is Stockholm Lungo, and the biscuits are Tate's Chocolate chip. Checking the hot sheets we have 40 new mods. Lots of jiggles dangles, patches as always. Let's see what catches an old cat's eye over a fresh cuppa...
FrDylan released Better weather and lighting as a first mod. welcome
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecial ... ods/142504
"A mod that changes some weather conditions, as well as the overall visual design"
Wow, Okay, They play completely desaturated? The old cat can't speak to the weather changes, but this definitely has 'a look'. Thanks
gabuu1 released two fist mods today. Welcome twice
https://next.nexusmods.com/profile/gabu ... ameId=1704
The Frozen North: Brings back the visual cue when it gets cold, and the movement speed debuff when it's 'Cold' or 'Freezing'. (Frostfall? that was never a vanilla effect) Thanks
Their second makes the hedgewitch armor disenchantable. Fair enough, thanks
TheGalantOne released Find Books at the Library... as a first mod. Welcome
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecial ... ods/142046
"The College of Winterhold librarian can help you find books. Ask him about a topic that interests you, and he'll give you a directory with a list of books on that topic. It's really that simple."
The old cat seriously was going to make this the mod of the day... This is a first mod? It's brilliant in it's simplicity and it's execution. Instant download, 3 cookies, Ah'vrie is tracking the author. This is the type of mod that has me looking every morning.
ledzepiv released Roggi Knot-Beard Tweaks - SkyPatcher
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecial ... ods/142497
"Gives Roggi some Block, Light Armor and One-handed perks, increases his level cap to 35 and changes his class so he's actually knowledgeable about shield techniques."
Ah'vrie totally agrees with the changes, and the thinking. Damn shame this one screwed up a perfectly reasonable mod by requiring skypatcher. These are simple edits to a vanilla character profile, skypatcher was never required. No cookie, PASS
And we'll finish up with our lovely Gnewna's pick for mod of the day

Common Clothing Retexture SE by xavbio
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecial ... ods/142188
"This mod retextures most clothing found in Skyrim. Covers vanilla, DLCs and CC clothing"
Our Gnewna has a good eye... Dare I say the old cat has finally found something worthy of replacing Gamwitch? This is a wonderful choice to knock 10 years off the vanilla clothes. Color saturation, fabric details... everything is spot on.
It's funny, these aren't fancy, just vanilla, but when they're done right you know it immediately. 2 cookies and an instant download.
Jewels among the swine. Who knew?
And that will do for today. The new casks of ale were delivered last night, there's a fresh batch of mead as well. The old cat added a hint of Jazbay with the juniper berries. This one hopes it adds a hint of sweet to balance the tartness.
We're serving brazed medallions of venison, marinated in a tart snowberry glaze over diced roast potatoes and onions served with an egg on top for the early meal, and dry aged dragon steak grilled to perfection with a tart Jazbay reduction, and served with twice baked garlic potatoes and carrots sauteed in herb butter fresh from the garden. As always there will be a hearty stew simmering all day, perfect for warding the chill.
The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept and mopped. Have a seat by the fires and warm your bones. We-B-Open!