Gooooooood Morning Tamriel!
Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Sundas the 9th of First Seed and a quiet predawn here on warm sands. A perfect morning for sleeping late, catching up on chores, having brunch with the family... Who is this one kidding. Draw the blinds, and lock the doors, Thar B Dragons!. Anyway, excuse please while the fires are stoked, and fresh water is put to the flame.
Our brew of the day is Arpeggio, and the biscuits are Ginger zingers. Checking the hot sheets we have an eclectic mix of 74 new mods. Let's see what catches the old cat's eye
insanityheal99 released GraveHollow Keep as a first mod Welcome ... ods/144053
"Gravehollow Keep is a player home mostly aimed for necromancer playstyles" Unfinished, over the top, and charmingly noobish. It looks like they had fun. This one gets a cookie for not being a farmhouse in Riverwood
liwenrou released Fix of statues in the Palace of the Kings ... ods/143969
Another one of those tiny fixes you can't unsee. Thanks, We love these. No plugin.
Zediious released three today ... ameId=1704
Interesting that they released two contradictory mods on the same day... There's a fix for the opening cart scene if you use immersive horses, thanks. But what's interesting are the other two. Forgotten Vale Dragons - No Dragonborn Requirement, and No Dragonborn Until Unbound. Sooo, there are dragons in the game, but you can't collect the souls if you kill them... ? Thanks. Your game your way.
What bothers the old cat is he could seriously see this working into a play through. The dragons have returned to Skyrim, but there is no Dragonborn... Opens possibilities.
RavenKZP released No Loot When Armed - SKSE plugin ... ods/143253
This is not a mechanic or a fix, it's intended for people that play in third person so that the animations they added for looting will play. Obviously in reality you can hold a sword or a torch in one hand and still open a chest. Not for old cat's but thanks for sharing.
let's see... Renthal released medieval goldamuletruby SE ... ods/143967
It's... interesting. The old cat is a little confused, this does not appear to be a replacer for any of the standard amulets in game. No mention of where to get it or crafting recipes... Imlenny will probably like it... Oookay, thanks. Moving right along
AizenV released Exquisite NPC 2 ... ods/143930
"Lore friendly visual overhaul of most of generic NPC such as guards, soldiers, etc." And quite nicely done at that, and worth a look, Unfortunately it was done with Skypatcher.
Anbeegod released Follower Dialogue Expansion - Rayya ... ods/143288
"Meet a desert warrior who punishes her past sins by refusing to be loved. Expands Rayya with 307 immersive and lore-friendly voiced lines. Reacts to many quests, locations."
Alright we all know they do a good job adding to vanilla dialogs using AI voices, but this one also adds a back story to Rayya. The old cat is not sure how he feels about that, but this is the first of their mods the old cat is considering. Rayya was always an interesting character needing more story... Thanks, this one has my eye.
And finally, we'll finish up with something totally unexpected... Sound the trumpets
JK's Raven Rock ... ods/141070
"An enhanced Raven Rock overhaul"
LOL, a man of few words. Classic Javier. Totally over the top, and don't expect it to play friendly with any other raven rock mods you 'may have considered in the past' It's JK. The first thing that you'll notice is the complete rebuilding/expansion of the bulwark.
JK's Raven Rock Patch Collection by Czasior ... ods/143840
Looking at what needed patching out of the box... Yeah. Classic JK LOL
All the old cat will say is it looks great like all of JKs stuff, but this one is pushing it even for JK. The bulwark would have taken the entire population of Ravenrock multiple decades to build, all to protect 6 houses an inn and a mine? Then again it 'was' and imperial city, and the Romans did like to build big, but they would send thousands of people not a couple of dozen Definitely worth a look, but the old cat will pass
And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the floors are swept and mopped, and the coffee is hot. Have a seat and the wenches will serve you. We-B-Open!