Coffee with an old Khajiit

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Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Post by Avrie »

Gooooooood morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Fredas the 14th of First Seed, and a blustery predawn here on arm sands. The blessed moons are full, and if you enter the inn smelling of wet dag, you're going to taste the old cat's mace not his mead. Anyway, the moons have set and it is once again time for this one to tend the fires and put fresh water to the flame...

Our brew of the day is Arpeggio, and the biscuits are still chocolate chunk. We'll bake fresh when this old cat returns from the markets a little later. Checking the hot sheets we have an eclectic mix of 48 new mods, and believe it or not, some don't have a cup size. Let's see what catches an old cat's gaze over a fresh cuppa or two.

ROSVER released Naked Comments Overhaul as a first mod. Welcome ... ods/144656
"add keyword and conditions for revealing clothes, so it can be seen as naked" Ooookay. There is some assembly required. This sets the conditions, but you have to add the keywords with xEdit. Thanks?

ENORXA released Soul Tomato and Flawed Varla Stones are Black Soul Gems as there second mod, but their first slipped though the cracks. Their first allows you to choose the amount of light used in Racemenu. So Welcome, and welcome back. ... ameId=1704
The old cat actually has no problem making flawed Varla Stones 'Black'. It's easy enough to head cannon that, that's what the flaw is. And it allows you to play nice with Azura. Thanks

gera1264 released Vanilla Water Reimagined ... ods/144583
It's upscaled not re-imagined. This might be useful on weaker systems, so no poking though. Thanks, have a cookie.

Shadow1474 released Frostflow Abyss Fake Light Remover for ELFX ... ods/144632
"A simple Base Object Swapper file that removes ELFX's fake lighting surrounding the glowing mushrooms in Frostflow Abyss." The old cat visited Frostflow twice recently and might just use this. It was much too bright. The question unanswered is; Does this remove the added fake lights from all the mushrooms, or just those? They're too bight everywhere, even Bleakfalls.

That's pretty much it for today.

PSBoss released Standing Stone the Lady (NSFW) ... ods/144447
Again with the stupid stars? and adding an outfit to a naked statue just makes it even cheezier... Moving right along.

The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept. Have a seat by the fires and warm your bones. We-B-Open!

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Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Post by Avrie »

Gooooooood morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Loredas the 15th of First Seed and wage slaves rejoice the weekend has arrived. It's a quiet predawn here on warm sands. The blessed moons are gibbous tonight, but keep those silver weapons handy for another day or two at least. It is time once again for Ah'vrie to tend the inn for our most honored guests. Excuse please while the ash pits are emptied and the fires rebuilt. This can get a bit dusty so you may wish to cover your tankards... There, much better no? Ah'vrie always likes to start the weekend off with happy fires, and a happy fire needs to breathe. Now to put fresh water to the flames while this one composts the ash, tends the garden, and scrubs the kettles. The life of an innkeeper is glamorous yes? Well, maybe not for everyone.

Our brew of the day is from India, and we'll bake fresh biscuits when Ah'vrie returns from the markets. Checking the hot sheets we have 45 new mods from the usual eclectic sources. Let's see what catches the eye of an old cat over a fresh cuppa...

ModsInCommunity released Skyrim INI Boost - Better FPS as a first mod. Welcome
No link, If you need a newbie to overwrite your INI files you can search for it yourself. LOL Thanks

knightradiant2 released Crystalline Soul Gems ... ods/144743
"Multilayer Parallax and Refracting meshes filled with stars to give your soul gems shine, depth, and glow. ENB and non-ENB versions available." Wow that's a lot of refraction, but not bad, if a bit too bright, and the surface facets should be a bit smoother. Worth a look

Liseralla patched Praedy's Soul gems without ENB Light ... ods/144734
Because the universe demands balance ;-)

Lets see... Renthal is getting strange again.

medieval spring amulet SE ... ods/144726
"Vanilla Silver Amulet Replacement..." Thanks Ren only it's jeweled and not silver? Maybe lay off the skooma. Low res and not pretty, but it's Ren...

PLSET released SpellBreaker Rework ... ods/144558
The latest in their series of slightly OP vanilla artifact buffs. Thanks, the effects look good.

Den987 released MANLIER SPRIGGANS AND FLAME ATRONACH ... ods/144702
No dangly bits, so SFW. Now we need a 'variation' spid mod that randomly swaps these in so we can have both Males and females. Thanks

And finally we'll call this the mod of the day... Yet another fry your mobo grass mod

Rotund Grass by rotundrobert ... ods/144720
"A reasonably performant grass combo with short grass and floral fields that blend in well with the landscape, and some patches of wild shrubbery to keep things interesting." Make sure to check the requirements and intended load order. Some assembly required.

Worth a look and a cookie. Liquid nitrogen cooling tower not included ;-)

And that will do for today. The new ale casks were delivered on time, and there's a fresh batch of mead ready. We're serving mudcrab scrambles for the early meal, and we'll choose the late meal after this one returns from the market. As always there will be a kettle of stew simmering for those needing to ward the chill.

The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept and mopped. Have a seat by the fires and warm your bones. We-B-open!
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Joined: Thu Nov 03, 2022 11:37 pm

Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Post by Avrie »

Goooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Morndas the 17th of First Seed and wage slaves lament the weekend is over. Hide if you can or work if you must, It's Morndas. The blessed moons are waning and we should be safe from the goddess' crazy puppies for a while again. Anyway, it's time to stoke the fires and put fresh water to the flame...

Our brew of the day is from India, and the biscuits are Ginger zingers. Checking the hot sheets we have 45 new mods from the usual eclectic sources. Let's see what catches an old cat's eye this day over a fresh cuppa.

Leet released Helgen Cabin - No Loading Screen Starter Home ... ods/144944
"A new player home just outside the Helgen cave. With lots of features, and lots of love." This one obviously finally got tired of adding flowers to vanilla locations ;-) Now when Ralof says, we should split up. You can ignore him completely and walk into your house. Why not.

Truthsnark released two more 'fix floating bee hive' mods today ... ameId=1704

For Traverse the Ulvenwald, and Aspens Ablaze. Both of which a certain old cat is now using. I did run into a floater near Ivarstead... tracking for now. Can't fix what's already baked.

ancienthorn released two Vamp centrist mods today ... ameId=1704
More feminine Vampire lords, and no friendly fire from Dawnbreaker. Serana thanks you, and the new torso does look better, but still not quite right. Worth a look... Thanks

This is when you know immersion for the sake of immersion has gotten too serious LOL

Fibbi - Designer Eyebags - Racemenu Overlays-Makeup-Warpaints ... ods/144926
"Give your dragonborn the eyebags of a true hero! The only immersion-roleplaying mod you'll ever need!" Love the humor. You too can look like you haven't slept since Helgen Ooookay

Tyrthemis released Gradual Food and Drinks CC Fishing Add-on ... ods/144338
"For users of Gradual Food and Drinks, but that also have the CC Fishing content and want consistency for the effects of the food included in CC fishing" Thanks

nicola89b released Windhelm Objects SMIMed ... ods/144910
"Mesh improvements for some ugly Windhelm objects" Rounded off a few ugly sharp corners. Nothing to do with SMIM though. It's not even required. The title is unfortunate

Lets see... Stabscaliber released The White Hall... ... ods/144904
"A complete interior overhaul of the Dawnstar Jarl's Longhouse." This is their third, all similar in that they add a dining table and some reasonable clutter to the longhouses. Thanks, this one quite a bit of clutter. Looks almost like an inn. Worth a look.

Pieter82 released Unique Farmhouse Architecture - Dawnstar (Base Object Swapper) ... ods/144730
The old cat usually doesn't favor a lot of the 'unique architecture' mods, but this one makes sense and has style. Basically it's simply a roof texture swap. and this roof looks like it was designed to handle snow load... Parallax and normal versions, with patches for most snow mods, and FYX 3d boards. Pieter was serious with this...

This one gets a cookie. Flagged for testing in the next restart. Downloaded to endorse. Thanks

Varangian94 released Heljarchen ... ods/144942
"Restores the cut village of Heljarchen around the Nightgate Inn"

Very similar to Arthmoor's village in CRF, this one appears to have made fewer landscape edits, but it would need to be tested. Nicely done if you're not using CRF. Thanks

And finally, not exactly a mod of the day, but interesting.

Haunter of Skyggenborg by Hronnoss ... ods/144921
"Inspired by games like Amnesia, this mod will see the player venturing into the heart of an old isolated castle, while simultaneously trying to uncover it's dark mysteries."

Oh look, a hidden pass to a castle... Just poking. They pulled off creating a really spooky look. Nothing wrong with new places to explore. At least it's not another empty island somewhere. If someone tests this let us know. It's not the old cat's style.

And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept. Have a seat by the fires and warm your bones. We-B-Open!
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