Coffee with an old Khajiit

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Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Post by Avrie »

Gooooooood morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Fredas the 14th of First Seed, and a blustery predawn here on arm sands. The blessed moons are full, and if you enter the inn smelling of wet dag, you're going to taste the old cat's mace not his mead. Anyway, the moons have set and it is once again time for this one to tend the fires and put fresh water to the flame...

Our brew of the day is Arpeggio, and the biscuits are still chocolate chunk. We'll bake fresh when this old cat returns from the markets a little later. Checking the hot sheets we have an eclectic mix of 48 new mods, and believe it or not, some don't have a cup size. Let's see what catches an old cat's gaze over a fresh cuppa or two.

ROSVER released Naked Comments Overhaul as a first mod. Welcome ... ods/144656
"add keyword and conditions for revealing clothes, so it can be seen as naked" Ooookay. There is some assembly required. This sets the conditions, but you have to add the keywords with xEdit. Thanks?

ENORXA released Soul Tomato and Flawed Varla Stones are Black Soul Gems as there second mod, but their first slipped though the cracks. Their first allows you to choose the amount of light used in Racemenu. So Welcome, and welcome back. ... ameId=1704
The old cat actually has no problem making flawed Varla Stones 'Black'. It's easy enough to head cannon that, that's what the flaw is. And it allows you to play nice with Azura. Thanks

gera1264 released Vanilla Water Reimagined ... ods/144583
It's upscaled not re-imagined. This might be useful on weaker systems, so no poking though. Thanks, have a cookie.

Shadow1474 released Frostflow Abyss Fake Light Remover for ELFX ... ods/144632
"A simple Base Object Swapper file that removes ELFX's fake lighting surrounding the glowing mushrooms in Frostflow Abyss." The old cat visited Frostflow twice recently and might just use this. It was much too bright. The question unanswered is; Does this remove the added fake lights from all the mushrooms, or just those? They're too bight everywhere, even Bleakfalls.

That's pretty much it for today.

PSBoss released Standing Stone the Lady (NSFW) ... ods/144447
Again with the stupid stars? and adding an outfit to a naked statue just makes it even cheezier... Moving right along.

The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept. Have a seat by the fires and warm your bones. We-B-Open!

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