Coffee with an old Khajiit

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Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Post by Avrie »

Goooooood Morning Tamriel mriel riel iel el l...

Looks like a very quiet night at the inn. It is Sundas the 20th of Sun's Dusk, and Ah'vrie is greeting an empty room. oh well, Ah'vrie still has an inn to tend, and this just makes it easier to clean... There, that was quick. Brew of the day is India, and the ovens are warming. Ah'vrie is going to bake his favorite thumb print biscuits, but with Dalmatia Fig Orange spread instead of apricots today.

Checking the hot sheets we have 35 new with all the usual suspects. Let's see what catches the eyes of an old cat over a fresh cuppa...

Silree released Timber - A subtle visual enhancer (Reshade) as a first mod. Welcome ... mods/79071
Well, the old cat truly appreciates subtle, but this is a little too subtle. Thanks but pass

Jampi0n released Bulk Enchanting Redone ... mods/79060
"Allows you to repeat enchantments without having to select the item, enchantment and soul again." Allows for more efficient grinding, SKSE plugin based. Thanks

MariusF released Widget Addon patch for SunHelm ... mods/79048
"Adds SunHelm support to "Widget Addon - Keep It Clean - Bathing In Skyrim - Dirt and Blood"" The old cat doesn't usually bother with patches, but this one caught the eye. Downloaded for testing. Thanks, have a cookie

Pieter82 released Spiky Grass Mesh Improvements ... mods/79082
"Improves the mesh if the Spiky Grass plants. Mesh only replacer. No plugin / ESP. " Another one of those tiny fixes that are impossible to unsee LOL. Thanks have a cookie

dionysist released Cathedral Landscapes - No Floating Ash Leaves ... mods/79055
"Removes floating ash leaves." ... ? The old cat has to question the method used here. Using a blank mesh for the ash leaves would not change the underlying plants and grasses as shone in the pictures. Sometimes the wrong things catch the eye... Pass

Dovahnique's Diverse Decaying Fungal Pods ... mods/79068
"Higher poly Swamp Fungal Pods, glow-mapped, optional ENB lights, 8 different variations distributed with a 12.5% chance using powerofthree's Base Object Swapper."

Well, the old cat understands the concept of artistic license, but making the plants leaves look like bad paisley, and making them glow... :steamfacepalm: This could have been a 2 cookie mod if you could select the color(s) and it didn't have the paisley leaves. Hard pass

And finally, skyrimplayer999 ported Ravens Warpaint SE ... mods/79077
"Ravens Warpaint for RaceMenu. Combined and ported to SE. 121 additional 2K warpaint overlays. ESP-FE Light." Some of the better LE war paints combined into a single download. What's not to like. Worth a look, and thanks

And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettels scrubbed, and the floors are swept. Have a seat by the fires and warm your bones. We-B-Open! :steamhappy:

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Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Post by Avrie »

Goooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Morndas the 21st of Sun's Dusk and wage slaves lament the weekend is over. The blessed moons have set ad it is once again time for Ah'vrie to tend the inn for our most honored guests. Excuse please while the fires are tended and fresh water is put to the boil...

Brew of the day is Cape Town Lungo, and the biscuits are Verona. Checking the hot sheets we have 41 new mods with the usual assortment of jiggles, dangles, patches, and goofs. Let's see what catches the eyes of the old cat this day over a fresh cuppa.

Kiddgimmick released KG's Fences as a first mod. Welcome ... mods/79126
"A new fences model similar to SMIM with a few adjustments" Very similar to SMIM, Pinning the rails is a nice touch, but the tops of the posts... could be better. Thanks

TigerV2 released Simply more flesh spell as a first non translation mod. Welcom ... mods/79108
"Mod add 4 new spells similiar to oakflesh" A little to OP for this old cat, but thanks

Gervantfromrybia released Ships On The Horizon ... mods/79034
"This mod adds ships that can be seen in the Sea of Ghosts near Solitude, Raven Rock and Tel Mithryn." A nice concept but questionable model... Looks more like a Spanish galleon than a viking long ship. If the model was replaced with one of the large vanilla boats it would be cookie worthy. The old cat will pass

cleme3387 released Medieval Farmhouses ... mods/79118
"A complete overhaul for farmhouses with new textures" Well, the old cat has to admit, the new roof lines and the new thatch textures are some of the best the old cat has seen recently. The UV mapping on the thatch could be tweaked a bit to give the grasses a little more depth, and even that is picking at nits. 2 cookies for sweating the details.

Janissaries released High Poly Solstheim Mushroom Trees ... mods/79111
"The High Poly Meshes For Solstheim Mushroom Trees" Vanilla but rounder... Why not? Have a cookie

xavbio released The Wheels of Lull Retexture SE ... mods/79112
"This mod retextures the environment for The Wheels of Lull, by Trainwiz"

The improved textures and UV mapping is almost immediately apparent. If you have WOL in your load order you are definitely going to want this retex... not perfect, but beautifully done. Solid 2 cookie work.

Idrinth's Tweaks - Book Collector ... mods/79092
"Gives you small permanent benefits for collecting and reading book series."

The old cat currently uses Reading improves speech, so he obviously agrees with the concept. This mod takes the concept further by giving book series specific buffs based on the title IE: Accords Of Madness (Alteration), Dwemer Architecture (Smithing), Mythic Dawn (Conjuration)... You get the idea. Some of the buff choices are questionable (Argonian Maid (Stamina Regen)) but overall well done and worth a look. Speed asked whet the buffs would be, the author specified which attributes get buffed, but not by how much. Tracking this for now.

Speed... Let us know if you would

And finally... Cloaks - Replacer and Patches by Sekhmet ... mods/79106
"Improves Naming, Stats, Enchantments, Distribution, Balance and Compatibility for Cloaks of Skyrim." This makes a lot of under the hood changes to Cloaks, Most of which the old cat likes. You'll want to read the mod page. WACCF, Survival and Sunhelm, and Thaumaturgy are compatible out of the box. I'm not 100% sure this fits within Nikinoodles original permissions. I guess we'll find out. Have a cookie on account

And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept. Have a seat and the wenches will serve you. We-B-Open! :steamhappy:
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Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Post by Avrie »

Gooooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Tirdas the 22nd of Sun's Dusk and Brrr, it's another brisk predawn here on warm sands. The blessed moons wane through the final crescents tonight and the will be gibbous tomorrow and the festival of the new moons begins. Anyway, excuse please as the fires are stoked, and fresh water is put to the boil. Our brew of the day is from Indonesia, and the biscuits are Bordeaux.

Checking the hot sheets we have 40 new with all the usual jiggles, dangles, patches and goofs. Let's see what catches the eyes of an old cat over a fresh cuppa...

Meatbag101 the googly challenged released Dogs Into Huskies SSE as a first SSE mod
Welcome, we'll throw it on the pile with all the others, no link needed.

krakoziam213 released Black Magic (WIP) as a first mod. Welcome ... mods/79188
"adds 6 spells, all of which can be found in the Volkihar Courtyard castle, inside a small strongbox next to a tomb. There is also a secret ring." We'll see how this develops, might be interesting fro a necro build.

Rangeout Less Random Encounters (Wilderness Events) ... mods/55248
Edit's the story manager to drop the chance of wilderness encounters to 10%.

This is a new modder so let's say it needs testing, but if it limits the number of times you run into the same Alikr, prisoner transports... Etc. over and over it get's my vote. While they added spice to traveling in game, after a few dozen playthroughs they do get old.

TigerV2 released Falmer drops Crimson Nirnroot ... mods/79169
"Mod that add 10% chance to drop Crimson Nirnroot from falmer." ... ? The old cat will take a hard pass on this one. If it was limited to the Falmer in Blackreach maybe.

thedanofdans released Better lockpicking visibility ... mods/79218
"Makes position of the lockpick clearer and improves visibility in dark conditions" a very tiny mod, but why not. Thanks

Kiddgimmick released 4 "second" mods today ... user+files
Round cabbages, simple guard helmets, Unique Bee & Bard special drinks, Sure why not... However The old cat has a pet peeve against green plants in dungeons.

Let's see... another settings loader from MaskedRPGFan, there are also several patches worth a look but that's about it for today.

The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed and the floors are swept. Have a seat by the fires and warm your bones. We-B-Open! :steamhappy:
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Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Post by Avrie »

Gooooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. it is Middas the 23rd of Sun's Dusk and a chilly predawn here on warm sands. The Blessed moons are gibbous and this is the first night of the new moons so drunk hunters and tall tails are the order of the day in the old cat's village. May the goddess enjoy her well deserved rest. Excuse please while the fires are tended and fresh water is put to the boil...

Brew of the day is Amaha awe Uganda, and the biscuits are Graham Crackers but we'll be baking fresh for the holiday . Checking the hot sheets we have 34 new with all the usual suspects. Let's see what catches the eyes of an old cat this day over a fresh cuppa.

AirostheTiger released three first mods. Welcome ... user+files
Small tweaks to face masks, blind folds, and bandannas (mostly weights and LL integration)

DarthBlender released Dainty Sload No Paint ... mods/79236
"Alters the ship's mesh so the paint is not visible." Another of those things you just can't unsee LOL. The old cat never realized that ugly staining was a layer added to the mesh. Thanks, that looks much better. Includes a parallax friendly version. Downloaded to endorse.

chucacu released Legendary Alpha Shields 2 ... mods/79264
Nicely done and unique, though the old cat is not sure shields that includes the Greek pantheon of gods and monsters is fitting for Skyrim, but why not.

Pieter82 released Smaller Garlic - A Garlic Mod Variation ... mods/79228
I know Pieter does these for VR, but they look much better in the regular game as well. Keep it up, and have another cookie. Thanks

RemmyKun released ElSopa HD - Strider And Netches SE - FIX ... mods/79216
"Fix for the awesome netches retexture by ElSopa. No .esp :)" Thanks, I guess everyone was too embarassed to tell Elsopa his crack was showing :steammocking:

Kiddgimmick released KG's Small Imperial Tent ... mods/79266
"New textures and tweaked vanilla mesh for the small imperial tents" A little too clean for the old cat's taste but the textures and stitching details look great if a little too uniform.

RokHel released Icy Glaciers 8K ... mods/79067
"A new ice texture mod that focuses on quality. Covers caves, glaciers and icicles."

Ah'vrie hates to say this because it's obvious that a lot of thought and effort went into this mod, but there's no depth to the ice, and the surface textures look more like wind worn stone that just happens to be white. Having personally hiked the glaciers in Patagonia the old cat says these just don't look right, Plus they're 8K, and lack refractions... This is a hard pass for Ah'vrie, but your game your way, and certainly worth a look. Sorry RokHel

Let's see... coldsun1187 released another "pantheon" ... user+files
The Stepford wives of Skyrim, or was this another attack of the clones spinoff?

Shaysjhyar released AW Flower Girls Facegen Replacer (No ESP) ... mods/79253
Actually this was quite nicely done. Make sure to load it low and allow overwrites. Have a cookie and thanks

Okay we have two today that both could take the top slot... Sound the trumpets!

ZeturinnShonenArway released Landscape Mountains Fix (A Majestic fix) ... mods/79233
"I fixed 612 rocks in skyrim affected by mountains,This should fix a large part of the rocky seams you're seeing." Okay, color the old cat impressed and he can't wait to see these in game. If you use Majestic this is an instant download. 3 cookies

io121 released Realistic Primitive Horse Breeds - Anniversary Edition 1.6 ... mods/79243
"Realistic HD 2k textures for Vanilla horse body. No blocky re-sized vanilla textures or normal maps. Lore friendly horse breeds which suit the Skyrim Shaggy pony look but waaaay nicer. ALL horse breeds will now have individual eye colours and manes, also adds unique Frost and Shadowmere textures." This is another instant download for the old cat. He removed Primitive horse breeds from his LO because of the duplicated manes. Time to welcome back an old friend. 3 cookies and our thanks

And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed and the floors are swept. Have a seat by the fires and warm your bones. We-B-open! :Steamhappy:
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Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Post by Avrie »

Gooooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Turdas the 24th of Sun's Dusk and a quiet predawn here on warm sands. The blessed moons are new, and in the darkness the stars seem so very close. Anyway, the blessed moons have set, and it is once again time for Ah'vrie to tend the inn for our most honored guests. Excuse please while Ah'vrie stokes the fires and puts fresh water to the boil...

Brew of the day is Maluka mu Zimbabwe and the biscuits will be fresh Toll House in about 11 minutes. Love them still hot and gooey. Checking the hot sheets we have 39 new with lots of jiggles, dangles, and accesories as usual. Let's see if anything catches the eye that doesn't have a cup size.

Daedricsword relesed Experience Stones as a first mod. welcome
"Changes Warrior stone to stop all skills from leveling, Mage stone is 10X faster, Thief stone is 100X faster and lover stone is 1000X faster" How original... no link :steamfacepalm:

AirostheTiger released Cloaks of Lace for Lady SSE - Tweaked ... mods/79291
"I made a handful of minor tweaks to Cloaks of Lace for Lady SSE by aronchack and FireOogle" This is a modified esp. Check the mod page for the tweaks. There is an ESL version available as an option but requires a new game as form IDs have been changed.

cerebraltraveller released Magic Salt Mining - Frost Fire Void harvesting overhaul ... mods/78742
"This mod lets you mine fire, frost and void salts ore from a very few selected locations." There are only three locations where elemental salts can be mined, and the ores can be powdered into salts at any grain mill. Uses CC's textures, and includes ENB particle light effects. The old cat sort of likes this one. Not overdone, you have to search for the locations, limited supply, and respawns like any ore vein... Why not? We'll give it a cookie

Hanaisse released Powdery Bone Meal ... mods/79305
"An animated mesh and texture replacer for standard ingredient Bone Meal" New bowl mesh and textures including dust motes plus an occassional burst of dust in the centre...
Ah'vrie questions the need for ground bone to be animated, but why not. Thanks

thenasty edited/re-released Wooden Megapints Retextured by Stormy ... mods/79295
"Full physically based retexture of Stormy's Wooden Megapints with unique cubemaps for each metal material" The old cat will admit it; He liked the wooden megepints mod, but this retex makes the metal bases and rims look like metal. Have a cookie

TheShiningAbsol released Boots of the Crusader - Woodland Grace Restored ... mods/79316
"Restores the unique Woodland Grace effect that the Boots of the Crusader had back in Oblivion." Interesting... Voice of the sky in boot form. Well, a little cheaty, but canon. Have a cookie.

NicholeMods released NM's Character Overhaul ... mods/79293
"This is simply my version of the various races I use in my game. I've edited multiple aspects. Argonians are scaly and females have nipples while males do not. Neither have belly buttons since they are hatched via eggs. Khajiit have eight nipples. It's lore friendly. You simply need to google it." Your game your way, but if Argonians are hatched and have no belly buttons why did you give the females nipples?

And finally we have two from Xtudo ... user+files
PUDDLES - My HD version SE, and Better Shrouded Armour - My Fixes SE

The HD puddles come in vanilla and SIP versions and remove the blocky pixilations from the reflections. The shrouded armor is noticeably upscaled. Thanks have a cookie

And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept. Have a seat by the fires and warm your bones. We-B-Open! :Steamhappy:
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Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Post by Avrie »

Goooooooood morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Fredas the 25th of Sun's Dusk and thank the divines the weekend is nigh. Tonight the blessed moons wax gibbous as the festival of the new moons comes to a close. But for now, the blessed moons have set and it is once again time foe Ah'vrie to tend the inn for our most honored guests. Excuse please while the fires are stoked, and fresh water is put to the boil...

Brew of the day is Stockholm Lungo, and the biscuits are Gingermen. Checking the hot sheets we have 33 new with all the usual suspects. Let's see what catches the eyes of an old cat this day over a fresh cuppa. (And Ah'vrie seriously needs a fresh cuppa :steambored:)

Hentof released Clarus - Coherent landscape textures ... mods/79387
"Reducing textures tiling issue for the sake of a better look." The old cat will reserve judgment on this one. This appears to be a case where reducing the detail and the resolution of some vanilla grass tiles makes them look better. Available in 1K and 2K. Worth a look, but Ah'vrie wishes more information as to the actual changes and compatibility with existing grass mods was at least mentioned. If you're using vanilla grass this might be worth a look.

FrankBlack released Better Butterflies ... mods/79332
"This mod is a mesh and texture replacer for Skyrim's sad, sausage butterflies." Based on zzJay's Improved butterflies with some additional detailing. Does not cover the moths, just the 2 vanilla butterflies. (The old cat with stick with 83Willows - 101Bugs (SE Port) as he loves the variety)

EpicCrab released unnamed thane weapon mod ... mods/79370
"A simple mod to make thane weapons not leveled and in that early-mid-game niche of "pretty good right now, but not an artifact I'm going to use for the rest of the game""

Ah'vrie is not really sure what this accomplishes other than to make the weapons worth more for disenchanting... Needs assets from Civil War Champions. Not for old cats.

Shekhinaga released No More Silver In Castle Volkihar ... mods/79339
"Removes all silver paraphernalia from castle Volkihar using Base Object Swapper and AnimObjectSwapper. Vampires and thralls will no longer use trays filled with dangerous silver or silver cups when emoting, either."

The author is obviously fixated on silver being damaging to Vampires... Even though historical canon says it's only dangerous to Werewolves. Still, your game your way

DarthBlender released Whiterun Fence Base Seam Fix ... mods/79337
"Tweaks on the UV map of the mesh so the seam is not visible." Another of those tiny fixes you can't un-see LOL Compatible with all texture replacers, load low if you have mods that also touch those meshes. Available with or without Parallax. Thanks, have a cookie.

Modifiednmof released Fall forest ferns for Seasons of Skyrim ... mods/79395
"New meshes and textures 2k/4k for the ferns that are found in greater abundance in the rift area" Interesting that the polygon count is actually lower than vanilla. Nice seasonal variation. The pics are a little over saturated but it looks more ENB than intentional. Nice

For out mod of the day... Something a little unexpected

Beehive Replacer - Mihail's Shards of Immersion (SE-AE version) ... mods/79344
"Replacer for the vanilla low-quality Beehive, providing a new, more detailed model, textures in 4k and normal maps in 2k resolution, making this object compatible with the current graphical status of a modded Skyrim."

Beehive Replacer - Optimized textures SE by Xtudo ... mods/79367
"My optimized and fixed textures for this lovely mod. Three options available:"

What can an old cat say... The vanilla behives are arguably really lame, but we're all used to them by now. Mihail makes some really nice models, but to the old cat this doesn't even remotely look like a bee hive. It looks like a cross between a paper wasp nest, and a mud swallow nest... In fact with that gaping front entrance The old cat is leaning strongly to "this looks like a bird nest not a bee hive" But to each their own. Very well done and worth a look, just not for old cats.

And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed and the floors are swept. Have a seat and the wenches will serve you. We-B-Open! :steamhappy:
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Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Post by Avrie »

Goooooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Loredas the 26th of Sun's Dusk and wage slaves rejoice the weekend has arrived. :steambored: Excuse please, Ah'vrie's smoothskin was out wandering the wastelands till late, but tardy or not it's time for this old cat to tend the inn. Now to empty the ash pits and rebuild the fires. You might want to cover your tankards, this get's a tad messy... There, Much better no? Ah'vrie does like to start his weekend with happy fires. Now to compost the ash, scrub the kettles, see what's ready to harvest in the garden...

Brew of the day is Esperanza de Columbia... Coffeegasm! The old cat does love his single origin roasts yes he does. We'll describe this one as Folgers on steroids. Yum! Our biscuit of the day is Bordeaux (until the old cat get's to the markets later anyway ;-)

Checking the hot sheets we have 34 new with plenty of bimbos, himbos, accessories and pointy sticks. Let's see what catches the eyes of an old cat over a fresh cuppa.

RubberSpaghetti released Markarth Road Finished as a first mod. Welcome ... mods/79422
"This mod fills in gaps in the road leading up to Markarth, giving it a more finished appearance." Exactly what it says on the wrapper, and nicely done to boot. This one gets a cookie.

tiBas075 ported Nightingale Shiv SE by dr3vvn45ty as a firist mod. welcome ... mods/79180
Adds a "matching" dagger to the nightengale set. interestingly enough this was dr3vvn45ty's first and only mod for oldrim. Why not. You get a cookie as well.

SussusAmogusMods released Every Town a Temple... ... mods/79427
"The one basic element that even small settlements are built around is a place of worship, yet in Skyrim, four hold capitals don't even have that much. This mod adds temples to Falkreath, Dawnstar, and Morthal, and a shrine to Winterhold."

Ah'vrie likes the concept, but not with cookie cutter copies of what looks like the Thalmor embassy... *Shudders* If the models better matched the surroundings maybe, but pass

RainstormWander released Abandoned Prison Campsite ... mods/79421
"Adds a little campsite just up the hill from the Abandoned Prison." Wow, someone did a starter mod just for BA. A fire, a tent, a tanning rack, and a barrel with a few goodies. We'll give this one the BA seal of approval :steamthumbsup:

akimbodeluxe released two today ... user+files
A ground up retex of a wet & cold hood to match a Pfuscher cape retex. Why not? And a misnamed "Covered carriage" retex that has nothing to do with vanilla. The retex is not bad but the color... Way too orange for Skyrim. It would look much better desaturated.

ImperialAgent1992 released two today as well ... user+files
potted plants in riverwood, and more goats and chickens for farms. Why not.

markuskarttunen1 released another Subdivide and Smooth - Falmer Drip ... mods/79413
"Out of all the useless mods I have this one takes the cake. I noticed falmer drips (the things dangling from ceilings in falmer inhabited areas) were a bit low poly and cube-y, and the animated version of the drip wasn't moving all that smooth so I applied a blender modifier on them and called it a mod." Not compatible with Particle Lights for ENB - Falmer Drips unless the nif gets patched but they do look a little better.

and finally Ionil released Kabu's Fire Salts ... mods/79455
"New mesh and texture for Fire Salts. Includes subtle ember animation and soft ENB glow." (Shhh, the old cat likes this one a little better than Hanaisse's :steammocking:)

And that will do for today. The new casks of ale were delivered on time, and there's a fresh batch of mead ready so drink up. We're serving mudcrab scrambles for the early meal, and dry aged dragon steaks marinated in brandy grilled to a turn and served with twice baked garlic potatoes and young carrots sauteed in an herbal butter for the late meal. As always there's also a hearty stew to take the chill from your bones as well.

The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept and mopped. Have a seat by the fires and warm your bones. We-B-open! :steamhappy:
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Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Post by Avrie »

:steambored: AhhhYah! Gooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Sundas the 27th of Sun's Dusk and another chilly predawn here on warm sands. The blessed moons have set. The paths are closed, and it is once again time for Ah'vrie to tend his inn for our most honored guests. But Ah'vrie needs his coffee yes he... :steambored: AhhhYah! does. Excuse please while the fires are stoked, and fresh water is put to the boil.

Brew of the day is Capetown Lungo, and the biscuits will be Toll house in a little while as the ovens are preheating. Checking the hot sheets over a fresh cuppa we have 37 new with quite a bit of jiggle today. Let's see if anything catches the eye that doesn't have a cup size...

Let's see... Epolbadare released Gray Cowl of Nocturnal Statue position fix ... mods/79510
if you're using mandragorasprouts shrine. Thanks.

ChrisKley released Child Race for Followers ... mods/79476
"This guide explains how to create a child race that can be used for creating child followers"

Ah'vrie questions "why" and walks away muttering not again... Moving right along

Doodlezoid released Auto Parallax ... mods/79473
"SKSE plugin which automatically enables parallax and disables parallax on meshes which have missing height textures or conflict with single-pass shaders."

This could be a major benefit for anyone converting to parallax textures as it auto corrects for missing data. The old cat is tracking this one for now... but is thinking ahead to the next build, he has yet to embrace parallax texturing. He has always believed the render engine has enough stress in this old game without adding tessellation data to every bloody mesh, but it would seem the tech is improving... interesting

agentw released Nordic Northern Roads - Retexture - 2K - 4K (WIP) ... mods/79468
"Retexture of Northern Roads by JPSteel2. Currently only covered landscape. Available in 2K and 4K" These are really nice photo-realistic road and path textures that blend much better than the original mod added textures. Very nicely edited. Have a cookie

Speaking of Nordic...

Nordic Ruins Rubble Pile - Mesh Improvement by Pieter82 ... mods/79508
"High poly wooden poles for the various Nordic Ruins Rubble Piles. Mesh replacement only. No plugin / ESP." You have to love these tiny plugin free fixes. We're all going to end up with thousand mod builds at this rate LOL

dpillari released HD Sleeping Tree Sap Replacer ... mods/79482
"new meshes and textures for sleeping tree sap to make it more visually unique. in 4k, 2k, and 1k texture formats, as well as the option for enb or non enb lighting."

You know, in over a decade playing this game the old cat has never "seen" a bottle of sleeping tree sap. He always just gave them to Ysolda. (Well and a certain Khajiit if you have AA installed) Nice bottle and the color is just right. Have a cookie

Kiddgimmick released A Potato Plant (replacer) ... mods/79466

While the old cat get's that these are closer to the actual shape of some species of potato, they honestly don't look "real" at all. The stems got pretty close, but the leaves... Swing and a miss on this one for the old cat. Sorry

we'll finish up today with Paraphernalia - End of Life by gavwhittaker ... mods/79119
"Immersive death animations for NPCs and SFX when they die from Fire, Shock and Lightning spells. Highly performant in both VR and SSE using SPID and using on death triggers only." It has a handful of dependencies you should already have installed. If youo're doing a mage play through and want to see the bodies you fry arcing, smoldering... etc. This is nicely done, and I would highly recommend taking a look at the full package of "underdog animations" recommended in the mod. They are based on motion capture and some of them are REALLY! well done. ... mods/51811

And that will do for today. The fires are stoked. the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are swept. Have a seat by the fires and warm your bones. We-B-Open! :steamhappy:
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Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Post by Avrie »

Gooooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Tirdas the 29th of Sun's Dusk and Crisp still predawn here on warm sands. The blessed moons have set, the paths are closed, and it is once again time for Ah'vrie to tend the inn for our most honored guests. Brrr, excuse please while the fires are stoked and fresh water is put to the boil.

Brew of the day is Inspirazione a Napoli, and the biscuits are Chessman because sometimes you just want a nice butter cookie to dunk (and it's that kind of morning) Checking the hot sheets we have 33 new with the usual eclectic mix of mods. Let's see what catches the eye of an old cat over a fresh cuppa...

gremli666 released Gremli's Lake House ... mods/79606
Yet another tiny player home, but it's more of a pond house. The old cat is not that familiar with that particular location. Looks quiet and peaceful. The planters in the basement are a deal breaker for old cats. (It's a pet peeve along with ivy on interior walls)

PaleNoises released Dunmer Banners ... mods/79633
"Banners for each dark elf house and tribe except Sadras. Todd Howard has any info related to house Sadras locked away in Bethesda HQ." Interesting look, and no moth holes. :steamhappy: Have a cookie

XilaMonstrr Northern Roads - Cleaned and Upscaled Textures ... mods/79603
"Textures Cleaned of Compression Artifacts, Upscaled, Optimized for SSE, and offered in 4 Resolution Options." Hmmm, might be time for a fresh look at Northern Roads. Thanks

Xtudo released two today. ... user+files
Patches for Alpha shields, and Campfire - HD Packed Bedroll - Version 2 SE. That HD bedroll mod looks really nice. The old cat might switch back to Campfire next build.

We'll finish up with two interesting mods.

In the Shadow of the Crown - No Stone Unturned Alternative by OregonPete ... mods/79600
"this mod allows you to complete the Stones of Barenziah quest without involving the Thieves Guild."

Okay the old cat loves choices, and this mod allows Ri'saad to appraise the stone and forward the quest without needing to join the TG. The only interesting quirk is when you complete the quest the crown still appears in the TG. (We'll head canon Ri'saad sold it to them ;-) Read the fine print, there is a point where you can't go back to completing the quest with the TG. If you wish to play a "lawful good" character using the D&D terms this mod is for you. We'll give it 2 cookies for providing choice

And For this old cat the choice of mod of the day is a "no brainer"

Horse Naming Plus by TateTaylorOH ... mods/79627
"Adds a new custom horse naming mechanic." Simple, clean, and in a word Immersive!

" Adds a text box to enter a custom horse name into whenever you buy a new horse.

The renaming mechanic covers both vanilla stable horses and horses your Hearthfire stewards purchase for you.

Includes patchless Wild Horse integration; the default renaming mechanic has been replaced by the new custom system."

Okay, it's hard not to play favorites when it comes to simple mechanics that should have been vanilla. In this case the only thing that comes to mind is "It's about bloody time!"
3 cookies and a seat by the fire. Instant download.

And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, the floors are swept, and Ah'vrie needs a fresh cuppa. We-B-Open! :steamhappy:
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Re: Coffee with an old Khajiit

Post by Avrie »

Goooooood Morning Tamriel!

Ah'vrie wishes you well. It is Middas the 30th of Sun's Dusk. By the divines tomorrow is already the first of Evening Star? Where has the time gone. Anyway, the blessed moons wax through the first quarter tonight, but for now thay have set and it is once again time for this old cat to tend the inn for our most honored guests. Excuse please while the fires are stocked and fresh water is put to the boil...

Brew of the day is Stockholm Lungo, and the biscuits are Gingermen. Checking the hot sheets we have 28 new with plenty of bounce to the ounce. Let's see what catches the eyes of an old cat this day over a fresh cuppa.

AtomicFennec released Riverwood Cabin as a first mod. Welcome, how original ... mods/79496
Everything you expect, right down to the TARDIS basement. We'll add it to the pile. Thanks

lurker667 released Anniversary Textures Upscaled - Complete Creation Club ... mods/79648
"Kartoffels' upscaled textures are incomplete. HeartAttackMan's textures are too big.
So I made a frankenstein compilation mod combining both!"
"PERMISSIONS: I don't care." ... This one will be gone by the time the coffee gets cold :steamfacepalm:

MorningAfterKill released Riften Minor Retexture ... mods/79668
"I did not cover everything in this, but it does pair well with wizkids riften and ratway. load this after wizkids riften and ratway" No information on what was actually changed. It looks like a couple of trees got added to the market and the temple of Mara. Thanks?

woodyofficial released Signs Of The Times - A Sign Post Overhaul SSE ... mods/79657
"Replaces all the sign posts within the game with custom made meshes and textures." Well they're easier to read... The old cat will stick with Point the way, but thanks.

XilaMonstrr released Better Beast Race Scars 1K-2K ... mods/72458
"High-resolution scars for Khajiit and Argonians, now upscaled and optimized for SSE" Xila is on a mission LOL, Nicely done. Have a cookie

We'll finish up with NPC Regen Nerfed by AndrealphusVIII ... mods/79665
"This mod attempts to make NPCs magicka and stamina regen to be more in line with that of the player." You'll have to read the mod page for specifics, it's similar to NPC mage balance fix by cuddy, but uses different values and addresses combat regen and stamina regen. Requires spid.

And that will do for today. The fires are stoked, the kettles scrubbed, and the floors are...
bloody Nords :steamfacepalm: where's the mop? We-B-Open! :steamhappy:
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